Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1421 Occupation and Binding

Chapter 1421 Occupation and Binding

The feeling of pain and division instantly invaded Lin Tian's whole body, and his body also underwent some strange changes.

Xiao Xiner, who was in his arms, noticed the change in Lin Tian at the first moment. She heard her husband Lin Tian communicating with her in her inner world, "Quick! Use the black stone immortal bow to change quickly." The black stone celestial rope of Chengji Dao trapped me!"

Although Xiao Xiner felt reluctant and confused, she did not hesitate at all about Lin Tian's decision.

He quickly left Lin Tian's arms and saw Lin Tian whose hands were shaking unconsciously. No, his whole body was shaking. Lin Tian's expression of pain was in his eyes.

Xiao Xiner, who was holding the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Bow, had a look of anger and sadness in her eyes. She poured immortal power into the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Bow. Under Lin Tian's change of mind, the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Bow instantly reorganized and transformed. Made the ultimate black stone immortal rope.

As Xiao Xiner said "Go!"

The black stone fairy rope shuttled through the chaotic space, tightly wrapped around Lin Tian's body, and tightly bound Lin Tian's trembling hands, which had nowhere to rest.

At the same time, the few immortal powers in Lin Tian's body are also bound, as well as the various veins in Lin Tian's body, to prevent Lin Tian from unconsciously absorbing the immortal sources around him that have not been absorbed by Lin Tian. fairy stone.

In Lin Tian's soul world, the flames of the last three vine tentacles of the burning vine mark finally burned to their roots, which is where the main mark of the vine is.

The main mark of the vine turned a blind eye to the green flame that could directly burn it out, and allowed it to ignite his body inch by inch, burning up a more vigorous green flame.

The strong green flames, after completely burning the main vine imprint, are not over yet. The green flames continue to burn along the last two strongest vine tentacles that are still connected to the main vine imprint.

As for the two white light dragons that were still entangled at the top of the two vine tentacles and were bitten to death by the vine tentacles, their bodies were frozen by the gray light. They were unable to move their bodies and were doomed.

In the chaotic space, Lin Tian was completely blocked by the black stone immortal rope, blocking all his movements and immortal power.

But there was no way to block the action of the gray light deep in his soul that passed through the huge crack torn open by Lin Tian.

Slowly, the first drop of gray appeared in Lin Tian's eyes, as if a drop of the most poisonous poison in the world had been dropped into a huge clear pond.

From the place where the first drop started to drip, it turned into complete ripples in the water, spreading into circles after circles, rushing to the entire pond and all areas.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Just like this, Lin Tian's eyes were filled with gray under the attack of gray light.

Gradually, he turned into Lin Tian with gray eyes.

At this moment, Lin Tian's original trembling and painful struggle all disappeared.

Only a dejected Lin Tian, ​​who seemed to have lost any vitality, stood there quietly, losing consciousness.

"Lin Tian!" Xiao Xiner let out a heartbreaking call at this moment.

But she didn't move her steps, because Xiao Xiner was not a fairy who would be damaged by recklessness.

With Lin Tian's last consciousness remaining, he quickly said to Xiao Xiner in his inner world, "Don't come close! Don't worry! Wait until I come back!"

That's why Xiao Xiner maintained her rationality at this moment and didn't make any moves. She just stayed in her position, silently looking at Lin Tian's body with his head lowered, silently shedding helpless tears.She believed that her husband would be able to get through the difficulty, but before that, what she had to do was not to mess up her position. If she stepped forward directly and got close to Lin Tian's body, no one knew what would happen.

So Xiao Xiner could only watch Lin Tian with his head lowered silently, waiting for his return.

At this time, Lin Tian, ​​who had his head hanging down, suddenly raised his head, his eyes clear with gray.

Facing the ground, Xiao Xiner, who was crying continuously, said, "Xin'er, you are so cruel! Seeing me, your husband has been hurt like this, and you don't come forward to care about me? What the hell is it about me?" Have you failed as a husband, or do you, my wife, not love me, Lin Tian, ​​at all?"

The grinning gray-eyed Lin Tian tilted his head and looked at Xiao Xiner.

But Xiao Xiner didn't speak, she just cried silently and shook her head.

In fact, it's not that Xiao Xiner didn't speak, but that Xiao Xiner was still in Lin Tian and her own inner world at this moment, constantly trying to communicate with Lin Tian and transmitting messages to him.

But unfortunately, there was no sign or sound of any response at all.

Therefore, Xiao Xiner concluded that the "Lin Tian" who smiled at her and questioned her at this time was definitely not Lin Tian himself.

So how could Xiao Xiner pay attention to Lin Tian's words.

Gray-eyed Lin Tian, ​​who was unhappy with himself, sighed secretly.

Silently looking at the black stone immortal rope that restrained him.

He felt an indescribable force. It was not very strong, but the quality and order level were very high.

It was so high that even Xiao Xiner had little remaining immortal power poured into this ultimate black stone immortal rope.

They were able to fully use this black stone immortal rope to bind the gray-eyed Lin Tian tightly.

Therefore, Gray-eyed Lin Tian was excited and happy. He never thought that he would be able to see or get such a magical artifact just after he came to this world.

How could this not make Gray-eyed Lin Tian happy?

However, this happiness did not last for the last two seconds.Gray-eyed Lin Tian felt a very strong sense of rejection coming from Lin Tian himself.

That is the sense of unity between body and soul brought about by Lin Tian's countless years of tempering his body.

At this moment, the body has entered a strange and powerful soul. How can Lin Tian's body enter the original state of unity of spirit and body without causing rejection.

This gray-eyed Lin Tian felt that raw feeling of rejection.

He couldn't help but cursed secretly. If it weren't for the Black Stone Immortal Cord on his body, he would have violently refined all the Immortal Stone Immortal Sources around him, absorbing all the Immortal Power inside to re-temper Lin Tian's. Flesh.

But it was because of the Black Stone Immortal Cord on his body that the gray-eyed Lin Tian fell into a very embarrassing situation.

(End of this chapter)

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