Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 137 Xuanyuan Sword Art Rules Collection!

Chapter 137 Xuanyuan Sword Art Rules Collection!

Gemari, an uninhabited planet.

A spaceship docked on this planet is Tianxin.

At this time, Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner were inheriting the Xuanyuan Sword Art of the Xuanyuan family in the Chinese era.

This is a sword art that cooperates with Xuanyuan Sword. Even in the Huaxia era, it is an incredible swordsmanship, not to mention the Galaxy era a billion years later.

over an uninhabited planet.

Countless rays of light converged, forming the image of a strong man.

With a majestic face, he was wearing animal skin armor and animal skin boots. He was extremely sturdy and held a sword.

This sword is a Xuanyuan sword!
The identity of this person is self-evident, Emperor Xuanyuan, one of the Five Emperors of China!


Emperor Xuanyuan made his move, holding the Xuanyuan Sword and splitting the void, as if the stars were like dust under his sword.

The sword divides the galaxy, and the universe is invincible.

Invincible man, invincible sword.

The endless fighting spirit scorns the galaxy, and the killing intent crushes the rules.

One after another sword light flickered, this was Xuanyuan Sword Art, the killing sword technique.

Xuanyuan Sword Art is a sword art that Emperor Xuanyuan has learned through endless slaughter across the battlefield. Therefore, it contains a lot of killing intent. If his soul is not strong enough, once he cultivates this sword art, it will definitely be affected.

Lin Tian knew this when he inherited this practice, but he resolutely decided to inherit Xuanyuan Sword Art, so he and Xiao Xiner both inherited many practices from the Chinese era.

In particular, both the Turtle Breathing Exercise and the Tao Te Ching are of great help in adjusting one's mood, and even the killing intent is enough to be suppressed, and it will not have any effect on the body.

This swordsmanship is not suitable for other people, but it is suitable for Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian.

When the visions were repeated, the regular ocean of the uninhabited planet also began to vibrate again and again.

Shake once!

It rang three times!

Unknowingly, the ocean of rules had already vibrated nine times, and at this time the vision had not dissipated.


Countless regular words flew out of the ocean of rules and gathered over the uninhabited planet, forming the appearance of a book.


A ray of purple light instantly shuttled from the depths of the endless universe and entered the book.

In an instant, the book released endless golden light, illuminating the uninhabited planet into daylight.

After more than ten seconds, the endless golden light dissipated, revealing a golden treasure book.

There are four big characters written on the golden book - Xuanyuan Sword Art!

And these four characters are Chinese characters, representing the supreme practice of the Chinese era!
call out!
Xuanyuan Sword Art Rules Collection turned into a ray of light and traveled to the Tianxin number, and fell into Xiao Xiner's hands.

Feeling that there was a foreign object in her hand, Xiao Xiner consciously returned to her body, ended the inheritance, and looked at the collection of rules in her hand.

"Lin Tian, ​​a book suddenly appeared in my hand! It says Xuanyuan Sword Jue, what's going on?" Xiao Xiner didn't know about the rules book, so she didn't know where this Xuanyuan Sword Jue book came from. .

"Xin'er, if you go to see the monitoring of the spacecraft, you may know how this book came from."

Lin Tian quickly reminded him.

"Yes, I'll take a look!"

Xiao Xiner operated for a while and called up the internal monitoring of the spacecraft.

In the picture, a golden light shuttled from the outside world and landed in her hands.

"This is a book from the outside world. Could it be related to our inheritance of Xuanyuan Sword Art?"

Xiao Xiner was surprised.

"It should have something to do with our inheritance of Xuanyuan Sword Art, otherwise the four characters of Xuanyuan Sword Art would not be engraved on this book, and the power in this Xuanyuan Sword Art is very powerful, it should be the power of rules. Xin'er, Use your soul to go deep into this book, and if something is wrong, withdraw immediately."

Lin Tian said.

Xiao Xin'er nodded lightly, closed her eyes, and her soul power began to extend into the Xuanyuan Sword Art Collection.

Time passed by, Xiao Xiner's face was very calm.

Seeing this, Lin Tian knew that Xiao Xiner had nothing to do.

About ten minutes later, Xiao Xiner's soul consciousness came out of the Xuanyuan Sword Art Collection, her face was full of joy.

"Lin Tian, ​​this is a collection of rules. Judging from the news from the collection of rules, this is the cosmic treasure created by the formation of the supreme practice. Any supreme practice will be accompanied by a collection of rules. This collection of rules can make Anyone can comprehend, and everyone can inherit the supreme exercise from it, but the effect is definitely not as good as that of the first inheritance of the supreme exercise. The most important thing is that the collection of rules is a space of its own, and Xuanyuan sword is practiced in this space. The speed of progress will be unbelievable, even if it is wrong, it can be corrected immediately, it is the best thing to assist in cultivating Xuanyuan Sword Art.”

Xiao Xiner explained excitedly.

"Supreme Cultivation Technique, what is this?"

This was the first time Lin Tian had heard of this level of practice.

"It's a cultivation technique above the god-level cultivation technique, and it is called the supreme cultivation technique." Xiao Xin'er said.

"Xin'er, this Xuanyuan Sword Art Collection must not be leaked. In this era, ordinary god-level exercises are exciting, and ninth-order god-level exercises are all legendary, so you can imagine how much the supreme exercises are. Precious, in this era, it’s hard to say whether human beings have the supreme practice, if people know that you have the supreme practice rules, even those high-level gods can’t help but take action, ignoring the federal laws of human beings.” Lin Tian cautiously remind.

"I understand that this collection of Xuanyuan Sword Art rules can be collected in the soul space, and of course in the guardian spirit space. I will store it in the guardian spirit space. You can practice it at ordinary times, and I will occasionally enter the guardian spirit space to learn the Xuanyuan sword art. , this will be safer!" Xiao Xin'er thought for a while and said.

"The guardian spirit space is indeed very safe. Others can't spy on the situation here. Even if there is a powerful person who can peep into the guardian spirit space, I can mobilize the power of the guardian spirit space to expel it."

Lin Tian agreed with Xiao Xiner's approach.

call out!
With a thought, Xuanyuan Sword Art Collection entered the guardian spirit space.

This is the only treasure that can be brought into the guardian spirit space at present.

"I don't know if it can be brought into the Huaxia era?"

Lin Tian suddenly had this idea in his heart.

So, he tried it and found that he couldn't bring it into the vortex at all.

Try and fail!

After inheriting the Xuanyuan Sword Jue, the Tianxin returned to Earth and flew slowly in space. Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner used this time to enter the Xuanyuan Sword Jue rules book to understand the Xuanyuan Sword Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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