Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1364 The Consequences of Unity

Chapter 1364 The consequences of unity

Since the Stone Spirit Puppet had this new face, instead of being in its original state of being emotionless, it seemed to be frightened. It opened its two mouths towards Lin Tian in anger and roared at Lin Tian.

But it was of no use. On the contrary, the roar made Lin Tian speed up even more.

Because Lin Tian noticed that Saint Ancestor Di Ming on the other side had his wrinkled eyes and suddenly moved.

Lin Tian felt that he might have been caused by the roar of this stone spirit puppet.

So Lin Tian can't delay it any longer.

If you continue to delay, wait until Holy Ancestor Di Ming wakes up from his fugue.

He will be attacked from both sides by the Earth Spirit Puppet and the Earth Spirit Saint Ancestor.

That's no joke.

So Lin Tian reached out and grabbed the spear of the stone spirit puppet and pulled it out.

The Stone Spirit Puppet was greatly moved.

Not only did he roar, but he even widened the four eyes on his face.

They all stared at Lin Tian fiercely, and at the same time, they released the hand holding the stone spear without any hesitation to grab Lin Tian's hand that was holding the stone spear.

He wanted to break off Lin Tian's dirty hands, but he dared to touch his favorite companion weapon.

However, just when the stone spirit puppet let go of one of its hands on the stone spear.

Lin Tian suddenly speeded up.He smoothly grasped the spear in the stone spirit puppet's hand completely in his own hand.

At the same time, Lin Tian grabbed his hand without hesitation and immediately started turning the spear.

After all, the opponent's fighting strength is reduced.At this time, Lin Tian hurriedly took advantage of the fact that the Diming Holy Ancestor was still awake.The most important thing is to defeat this stone spirit puppet quickly.

The rotating spear started to rotate in the arms of the stone spirit puppet. In other words, the stone spirit puppet was hit subconsciously to avoid other pain caused by the rotating spear hitting his body.

That is to say, this step of the stone spirit puppet gave in, but it made Lin Tian behind him instantly brighten his eyes.

Sure enough, after having a complete face, he also gained some emotional systems that he had never had before when he had no face, no gender.

Opponents who have no appearance or gender are the most troublesome for Lin Tian. It is not easy to fight or defeat them.

But this character after having a face looks a little twisted, but it is also this twisted character that happens to be Lin Tian's favorite and the easiest to deal with.

So Lin Tian went straight after the stone spirit puppet gave up the stone spear in his hand.

Without saying a word, he kicked out and hit the stone spirit puppet in the chest, sending the stone spirit puppet flying backwards.

The pained stone spirit puppet roared and flew backwards again.

At this time, Lin Tian silently activated the Third Refining Sky Fire, attached it to the spear that had just been snatched from the Stone Spirit Puppet, and aimed at the Stone Spirit Puppet that was still flying upside down.

Just now, he used the Black Stone Sky Snare of Ji Dao, and secretly absorbed the immortal power from Diming Saint Ancestor just now, and transmitted it to Lin Tian to restore his fighting power.

He took out about one-half of his immortal power reserve and poured it all into this stone spear.

The moment the preparations were completed, Saint Ancestor Di Ming's frown deepened.After Diming Saint Ancestor inspected all the spaces in the realm of the Ten Thousand Forbidden Immortals, he did not let go of any corner. There was no place where there were any loopholes that would leak spiritual energy or bring about spiritual energy replenishment. .

This made Saint Ancestor Di Ming very puzzled.

Since there is no problem at all in the realm of Ten Thousand Forbidden Immortals, what exactly is the problem?

Could it be that Lin Tianzang was clumsy and deliberately did not show that he did not have a lot of immortal power. In fact, there were countless immortal powers deposited in his Danhai.

In particular, the local Ming Saint Ancestor suddenly sensed the emergence of a huge amount of pure immortal power.

Just like this, Holy Ancestor Di Ming couldn't help but open his eyes.

The local Ming Saint Ancestor saw that Lin Tian had blessed the three-refined heavenly fire and so much immortal power on a stone spear.

Suddenly, on the stone spear, there was an amount of immortal power that made even the Holy Ancestor of Diming feel a little frightened.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming felt bad, but now he was sure of one thing, that is, Lin Tian definitely hid his clumsiness before.

Otherwise, how could he have so much immortal power storage.

The Holy Ancestor Di Ming is a little bit angry. After all, he has spent so much effort to build his own Immortal Realm. You actually have so much immortal power stored in it, and now you have two bursts of immortal power infusion. state.

How can he still maintain his fighting strength?
Then why are you still pretending to me in this realm of forbidden immortals?

The Holy Ancestor of Diming was furious.

I feel like what I just did was like a self-humiliation.

So the Holy Ancestor Di Ming became angry.

Just when Lin Tian threw the spear in his hand, the Diming Saint Ancestor also took action.

The spear traveled through space at a very fast speed, and was about to hit the stone spirit puppet that had fallen into chaos.

Suddenly, the spear seemed to be slowed down countless times, and almost stopped slowly in the air.

Lin Tian's eyes narrowed and he noticed the stone spirit puppets who had just transferred all their immortal power. At some point, they all stood up again.

One of the smaller stone spirit puppets was clasping his hands and pointing toward the sky. The flying spear was constantly stimulating some changes.

And this change is that when Lin Tian threw the spear with the three-refined sky fire, the entire speed of the space it passed through, that is, the flow of time, was stopped.

That's why the scene where the spear thrown by Lin Tian stopped motionless in mid-air appeared.

Lin Tian gritted his teeth. These stone spirit puppets didn't seem to be strong, but their ability to practice immortal magic was indeed exceptionally strong.

So Lin Tian planned to land directly on the side of those stone spirit puppets, and punch them all to death one by one, so that these stone spirit puppets would suddenly jump out during the sudden battle later. A stone spirit puppet that can influence where you are.

So Lin Tian set off, but Lin Tian was not fighting this battle alone.

There is another most important person, and that is the Diming Saint Ancestor who is still on the land of space, absorbing immortal power, and is also helping himself to absorb immortal power.

Therefore, when the local Ming Saint Ancestor's fist struck, Lin Tian, ​​who had been prepared for it, was able to do so without any effort.

He dodged the punch from Diming Holy Ancestor!
(End of this chapter)

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