Chapter 1339
The Diming Holy Ancestor felt a little incredible, carving a shadow through the immortal talisman that Shan Lao showed him before.

He deduced that the main avenue that Lin Tian was proficient in was the path of chaos, and his physical body only stayed at the half-step to the holy realm, although it was slightly stronger than other bodies at the same half-step to the holy level.

But it's not too strong.Coupled with Lin Tian's own control of the immortal power, he is also assisted by the black stone immortal armor.

That's why he was able to directly challenge Holy Ancestor Xuanfei, who was halfway to the peak of the Holy Saint, with his physical body.

However, the ground beneath the feet of Holy Ancestor Di Ming suddenly sank.

Lin Tiantian, you have not calculated that Saint Ancestor Xuanfei is a strong man who specializes in the way of heavenly thunder.

Although I usually use the thunderbolt to train myself.

But compared to himself, as an immortal of the mountain and earth path, his natural advantage is that his body is much stiffer than that of Tianlei, an immortal of the chaos path.

And you, Lin Tian, ​​actually dare to punch an immortal who has reached the peak of the Holy Mountain and Earth.

Isn't this hitting the stone with an egg?

What's more, his first punch only used [-]% of his strength.

The feet of Holy Ancestor Di Ming seemed to have taken root, firmly anchoring the earth below.

The fist corresponding to Lin Tian suddenly gained a huge force.

Caught off guard, Lin Tian suddenly experienced the feeling of weightlessness that he had not experienced for a long, long time.

It seemed that the whole world began to spin.

His physical body was completely rejected by the earth beneath his feet, and his belonging was in the sky.

And the earth, which was gathering momentum, impatiently threw its body into the air. Coupled with a huge impact, it suddenly shot itself into the distant and broad sky, and continued forever. of exile.

The scene that Chu Yuan Daozu and Xiao Xiner outside the court saw was Lin Tian and Di Ming Saint Ancestor punching each other.

The sky and the earth change color, and the earth behind them sinks.

In the next moment, the sky and the earth reached the point. Lin Tian seemed to be weightless. He was punched by the Diming Saint Ancestor. In an incredible way, he was lifted up and stood in the air.

Then Holy Ancestor Earth Ming was shocked, and his immortal power burst out.

Lin Tian, ​​who lost control in mid-air, punched into the sky.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky seemed to solidify into a steel plate.

But it was like paper, being smashed through layer by layer by Lin Tian, ​​and crashed into the distant skyline.

Without the slightest stop.

Xiao Xiner's eyes were deep. She believed that Lin Tian would not be defeated so suddenly, but it was impossible not to be worried at all.

Daozu Chu Yuan's eyes were as deep as the sea. He originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers, but he didn't expect Lin Tianhui to lose directly at the beginning of the battle. He didn't expect that Saint Ancestor Xuanfei was already strong enough. Well, this Earthly Saint Ancestor is actually stronger.

The idea of ​​becoming stronger and working hard to become stronger arose in Daozu Chu Yuan's heart. Otherwise, how could he defeat Tianbao Mountain, defeat Heavenly Court, and regain the glory of the most powerful force in the eternal universe belonging to the Immortal Peak.

He looked at the sky in the battlefield, waiting for Lin Tian's counterattack. He would not be so naive as to think that Lin Tian would have no backup plan. The most important thing was that Lin Tian's last black armor and the dynamic dragon had not yet appeared. Come out!

Will Lin Tian be defeated so easily?
The answer is of course no.

In the silent sky, Diming Saint Ancestor lost any trace of Lin Tian in his eyes.

He heightened his vigilance.

Because just now he exploded with [-]% of his strength, with a minimal and brief withdrawal, he retracted his fist, and then compressed and exploded with absolute power.

One punch knocked Lin Tian away.

In addition, he had the advantage of the earth and directly used the power of the earth to exclude Lin Tian from this land.

Therefore, Lin Tian was directly knocked into the sky.According to Saint Ancestor Di Ming's estimate, even Saint Ancestor Xuanfei, who had not yet broken through his state of mind before, had to take such a punch from himself. Not to mention the actual damage caused by this punch, it was just that this punch solidified Overcoming the confining power of the earth.

It was able to make the unprepared Holy Ancestor Xuanfei freeze for a moment and unable to move.

As for Lin Tian, ​​a half-step saintly immortal who came up with all his strength.

There is absolutely no problem if you faint for a breath or two.

Therefore, the Diming Saint Ancestor prepared the next set of luxury for Lin Tian. The Diming Saint Ancestor's card combination punches hit continuously.

But he watched helplessly as Lin Tian flew into the sky, broke through 18 layers of clouds in the sky, and knocked out an [-]th layer of sky.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming was a little stunned. Is his punch really so powerful?
With only [-]% of his strength, how could he push Lin Tian, ​​who was not even weak physically, directly into the eighteenth level of heaven?

Could it be that this Lin Tian is just a strong man but not as strong as he thought?

Saint Ancestor Di Ming was confused, but then, he felt a breath transmission force coming from the air that was enough to threaten him.

His expression changed slightly, and he suddenly thought that no matter how weak Lin Tian was, he was still a half-step saint who had defeated Saint Ancestor Xuanfei.

And judging from the previous immortal talisman carvings, this Lin Tian is also an immortal who has experienced hundreds of battles.

How could he be so helpless by his own punch that he punched himself into the sky without any reaction.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, Lin Tiannai was deliberately hit by his punch so that he could enter the sky to prepare his backhand.

After deducing this, Holy Ancestor Di Ming instantly cleared his mind, and after a second thought, he smiled faintly.

Well, if it ends too early, then I won't be able to have a good fight, and there will be an evenly matched battle.

Although, it is not very glorious to use your realm to overwhelm others.

But so what, my Holy Ancestor of the Ming Dynasty has never been the kind of being who cares about the eyes of other immortals.

As long as I can win, as long as I can achieve my own goals.

Our Ming Saint Ancestor will never be merciful.

Thinking of the Holy Ancestor Di Ming, he suddenly felt a suffocating pressure of immortal power coming from the sky that he had been guarding against.

But to Saint Ancestor Di Ming, this pressure was nothing. What he really cared about was Lin Tian who was hiding behind the pressure.

What kind of counterattack methods have been prepared?

But after a breath, the pressure that continued to surge was lifted from the sky.

There was no trace of Lin Tian at all.

Just when Holy Ancestor Di Ming thought of something and turned around suddenly, an idea rang in his heart!
not good!

A very sharp sword light passed through the space and made a loud sword cry.

The sword intent hidden in the void in heaven and earth.

Baring their fangs.

Thousands of them appeared, and each sword intention was like a dead warrior, under the command of the ultimate black stone sword.

Together they launched an attack on the Diming Holy Ancestor!
Saint Ancestor Di Ming was instantly filled with thousands of sword energy.

After these tens of millions of sword energy, Lin Tian's first killing move arrived.

Hand over the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Sword!

(End of this chapter)

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