Chapter 1337

The local Ming Saint Ancestor descended to the outer space and appeared in front of the heavenly immortal boat.

Holy Ancestor Diming changed his previous procrastination style and released his pressure very directly.

Anyway, today is the day of the decisive battle, and I have nothing to be afraid of.

With the pressure of thunder, it instantly invaded the heavenly fairy boat.

Before they could completely land on the Heavenly Court Immortal Boat, some weak Heavenly Court disciples could no longer hold on and almost knelt down on one knee.

Xiao Xiner held Lin Tian's hand tighter.

Lin Tian stepped forward without changing his expression and stood in front of Xiao Xiner, blocking the almost substantial torrent of pressure from Di Ming Saint Ancestor.

When he reached out and raised his hand, it was as if the entire land had been lifted up. The heavenly disciples suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies disappeared, and they all regained their ability to move.

But it was not over yet. After Lin Tian held up the world, he pushed it forward again. The torrent of the sky turned into thousands of colorful air currents and rushed towards the Diming Holy Ancestor.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming laughed and shouted, "Well done!"

As the words fell, Holy Ancestor Di Ming suddenly puffed up his cheeks, and a muffled sound came from the body of Holy Ancestor Di Ming.

Following this muffled groan, the body of Saint Ancestor Di Ming suddenly grew larger, but it wasn't like a bubble that would burst with a single poke.

But it actually becomes 100% bigger.

The bulging cheeks held back a mouthful of immortal energy that could rival Gang Feng.

He spit it out and turned into a unified airflow that collided with Lin Tian's airflow.

The color of the heaven and earth changes, the pressure is constant, and the immortal power is chaotic.

The Heavenly Court disciples on the Heavenly Court Immortal Boat and the eternal universe immortals who entered Tianbao Mountain from the rear entrance to watch the battle all felt a splitting headache, as if they were in the center of a big storm and would be torn apart at any time.

Lin Tian noticed this.

He gently squeezed Xiao Xiner's hand.

Xiao Xiner was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood, and silently gave Lin Tian a firm look.

Lin Tian nodded at her, the two looked at each other, smiled, and let go of each other's hands.

With a certain belief, Lin Tian flew out of the heavenly fairy boat like a cannonball and crashed straight into the Diming Holy Ancestor.

Because Saint Ancestor Di Ming had grown bigger, he threw out a single fist.

Although this punch carries the power of destroying the world, the speed of the punch is indeed very slow.

Therefore, it was very easy to be avoided by Lin Tian.

Lin Tian merged his palms and hit the chest of Holy Ancestor Di Ming with one palm move.

Although this slap did not bring any substantial harm to Holy Ancestor Di Ming.

But the Place Name Saint Ancestor felt that the ground beneath his feet seemed to be changing and moving.

The scene in his eyes is gradually blurring.

Wait until everything calms down.

Only then did Di Ming Saint Ancestor realize that he had been pushed into an unfamiliar space by Lin Tian's palm.

The richness of the fairy energy in this space has reached the standard of the Cave Heaven Paradise, and.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming silently communicated with the land beneath his feet and started to operate his own Tongtian Mountain, and his whole body was suddenly shaken.

The land in this space has a perfect 100% fit with my own Tongtian Mountain.

That is to say, if you take out Tongtian Mountain and stand in this space of heaven and earth, your immortal power and combat power can be continuously restored with the help of this space, reaching a point where there is no consumption.

He will be directly invincible.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming almost laughed out loud, he knew where this place was.

I also know why Lin Tian missed the opportunity to give himself a hard blow, but just moved himself to this world.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming raised his head high and looked at Lin Tian, ​​thinking in his heart, this is the place where Mr. Shan said the final decisive battle between Holy Ancestor Xuanfei and Lin Tian was broken by the two and restored by Lin Tian. Heaven and earth space.

And the reason why Lin Tian pushed himself into this space was not to prevent the aftermath of the battle between the two sides from affecting the heavenly immortal boat and those immortals in the eternal universe?
It was also to let go and fight with him, and Lin Tian also had the home field advantage. After all, the cohesion of this heaven and earth space was definitely inseparable from Lin Tian.

Therefore, if Lin Tian can exert a combat power of 12 points in this space, the Diming Saint Ancestor will not be too surprised.

Because the Diming Saint Ancestor is here, he can also exert 12 points of combat power just by relying on the land of this space.So he felt that the outcome of this battle was clear and there was no suspense anymore.

Lin Tian, ​​​​Lin Tian, ​​you little fox, even if you calculated everything perfectly and missed nothing, you still didn’t calculate that your Lord Di Ming could directly use the thick soil in this space to absorb a steady stream of immortal power!

Although his vigilance against Lin Tian has not dropped, after all, this is a half-step holy being who can defeat the Holy Ancestor Xuanfei.

Who knows what the back-up plan is, and in order to obtain the Tianyuan Earth that Saint Ancestor Di Ming has been waiting for and looking for for countless thousands of years.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming will not slack off at all.

I just feel like I'm not in a hurry now. Wouldn't it be nice to have a few words with Lin Tian before the official war starts?

You have to give Lin Tian some hope.

Don't be too aggressive. If Lin Tian is defeated by him, he will directly explode his Tian Yuan Tu in a rage.

That would directly destroy his path to the holy realm.

So what's the point of defeating Lin Tian?

Saint Ancestor Di Ming thought very thoroughly.

So he slowly changed his body back to its original normal size.

Looking at Lin Tian across from him, he pretended to be very celestial and smiled calmly and said, "Emperor Lin Tian, ​​the ten days have come and you are fine."

Lin Tian had been looking at Xiao Xiner and the Heavenly Court Immortal Boat outside the battlefield, and saw Xiao Xiner driving the Heavenly Court Immortal Boat to the viewing platform where he and Saint Ancestor Xuanfei had last watched the battle.

All the immortal forces in the eternal universe carefully descended on the space where they could watch the battle.

The younger generation of Immortal Family disciples came to the Heavenly Court Immortal Boat to salute Xiao Xiner tremblingly.

The immortals of the older generation came to salute and say hello to Xiao Xiner.

At this time, many breaths spurted out from the entrance.

It's just that he has just experienced the pressure of half a step to the peak of the Holy Saint, although Lin Tian blocked [-]% of his power.

But there was only one layer left, but it was still so overwhelming that everyone couldn't breathe.

And the aura that emerged from the entrance did not have the feeling of the eternal pressure of the Earthly Saint Ancestor.

But it also gave the immortals of the eternal universe an idea. The existence of such a terrifying aura is definitely not something that one's own strength and power can afford to offend.

In short, I just had to continue to meet Xiao Xiner and those immortals from the eternal universe.

They all silently left the vicinity of the Heavenly Court Immortal Boat and began to look for a place where they felt safe to stay.
They either go and sit where they have been before.

Or the Xian family forces who newly purchased the temporary Tianbao token quietly found a corner and stayed there.

And those immortals from the eternal universe on the road.

Without saying a word, they all jumped away from each other on both sides of the road, making way for the big forces that were about to appear.

A stream of light, followed by six continuous streams of light, rushed into the world.

Behind these streams of light are weak but huge streams of light.

When the immortals saw their appearance clearly, they immediately began to whisper.

Aren't these the seven great Luo Taoist ancestors and their disciples from the Immortal Peak?
I didn’t expect that the 1000 disciples who came to Immortal Peak last time seemed to be less than [-] disciples this time?

Some scattered immortals who were afraid of the world being in chaos were whispering in the air, "We have sent away the largest force in the universe for eternity, and they are still pretending to be fat and summoned so many disciples to watch the battle outside Tianbao Mountain. They still think that the Immortal Peak is from the past." Where is the Immortal Peak?”

In the space where Lin Tian was, Lin Tian heard the words of the Diming Holy Ancestor.

Although he was stunned for a second, he quickly reacted and raised his hands to Holy Ancestor Di Ming. "Senior Holy Ancestor Di Ming is not bothered to care, but the senior looks a little sloppy. I think he must have been playing in the eternal universe in the past ten days." Fan it."

"Hahahahahaha" Holy Ancestor Di Ming did not answer Lin Tian's words, but laughed to himself. He was just worried about Lin Tian's self-explosion of Tian Yuan Tu, so he exchanged greetings, but he could not let Lin Tian Just hit the snake with a stick.

After all, I have a soft-spoken character, so I can't have any wavering mood before the war.

So Di Ming Saint Ancestor gathered his immortal power, and without stopping, he directly took out Tongtian Mountain.

Lin Tian looked at it with his eyes focused, silently communicating with the chaotic space.

When he heard such words in the air outside the battlefield, Danghai Daozu was furious. He clenched his fists, waiting for the voice to appear again, and then directly killed it.You have to pay a price for actually daring to play such a trick in front of Da Luo Daozu.

The situation on both sides is on the verge of breaking out.

(End of this chapter)

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