Chapter 1333 Departure
Lin Tian sat cross-legged in the training room, emptying his mind and making final adjustments before the war.

The dynamic dragon shrank in size and kept hovering around him.

It made a clear dragon roar.

The aura on Lin Tian's body was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, elusive and impossible to find.

Through inner vision, the holy Daluo Daoguo in Lin Tian's eyes actually stopped rotating.

And there began to be signs of reverse rotation.

This sign became more and more obvious as Lin Tian frowned and pushed with all his strength.

Tense beads of sweat oozed from the top of his head.

Lin Tian closed his eyes and gathered all the immortal power in his body, forming a seal of immortal magic to increase the stability of his own immortal power.

The heart-to-heart connection was extremely moving, and the bursts of dragon roars became louder and louder, becoming more and more intensive.

At the same time, it also accelerated the speed around Lin Tian.

It actually "ate up" all the immortal energy around Lin Tian.

After passing through the special transformation power of his dragon body, all the "eaten" immortal power was converted to Lin Tian, ​​and it was sprinkled on his body and completely absorbed by him.

Lin Tian worked hard to turn the power of the Holy Grade Daluo Dao Fruit in the opposite direction, so that he could become stronger and stronger.

Finally, with the help of the Extremely Moving Dragon, Lin Tian roared and used the last layer of power to finally completely rotate the holy Daluo Dao Fruit in the opposite direction.

The aura around Lin Tian suddenly changed from strong to weak to the strongest aura. The pressure overwhelmed the heaven and earth, and the immortal energy spread in all directions.

Of course, the immortal energy that spread in all directions didn't last long before it was swallowed up by the roaring dragon with a big mouth opening and a "whoosh" sound.

This is true for all the immortal power produced by Lin Tianzhen.

But then, the aura of immortal power in Lin Tian suddenly plummeted to the extreme.

In just a moment, Lin Tian's immortal energy spread to the extreme, and the aura on Lin Tian's body also plummeted, and it was like a bottomless pit, plummeting without any bottom line!

From the half-step to the holy realm, he fell to the perfection of Daluo Daozu, and then fell all the way from perfection to the realm of Daluo Daozu!

He fell directly into the realm of Golden Immortal!

But it wasn't over yet, it fell from Golden Immortal to True Immortal and finally kept falling!
After falling to human immortality, he continued to fall until all the aura around Lin Tian disappeared.

Only when he became a mere mortal did he stop this plunge.

Lin Tian opened his eyes at this time, and raised a very curved smile at the corner of his mouth.

It's finally done, Lin Tian thought to himself, shook his body and stood up from his seat.

The extremely moving dragon let out bursts of happy dragon roars and flew towards Lin Tian quickly.

He got into Lin Tian's arms, rolling and rubbing, very happy.

Lin Tian smiled and stroked it.

Then he said to the dynamic dragon, "It's time, we should go."

The dynamic dragon turned around Lin Tian's palm, and he was very happy. When he heard this sentence, Gengshi instantly became countless times bigger.

Gradually it was about to fill the entire ceremony hall, and Lin Tian gently knocked on the head of the extremely moving dragon.

Let the extremely dynamic dragon not grow bigger, otherwise it will grow up without control under a sudden shock, and directly destroy the entire training room in the sky.

Then Lin Tianke could only smile bitterly.

But fortunately, after hearing this, the Extremely Dynamic Dragon immediately stopped expanding and enlarged, and looked at Lin Tian with a very human questioning expression in his black and white eyes.

"I said it's time to leave, not because you took me away, but because we did this." Lin Tian began to explain why he had stopped the Extremely Moving Dragon.

Before Lin Tian could finish his last words, Lin Tian took the Extremely Moving Dragon with him and arrived outside the Heavenly Palace in an instant.

"Is this the place where the big guy goes to the decisive battle? This? Big guy?" Lin Tian teleported with the extremely moving dragon to the disciples of the immortals in the Tiangong.

Pointing to the mid-air, the huge and magnificent immortal boat said.

But before he finished speaking, he was shocked by the immortal boat in front of him.

Lin Tian even had no choice but to take out the fairy boat that was in good condition before the heavenly court. Comparing it with the current fairy boat, Lin Tian suddenly felt that the fairy boat in front of him was the one in the eyes of all immortal cultivators. A real fairy boat.The previous fairy boat, in layman's terms, was just a small ant. Compare this one, it is one in the sky and one on the earth.

Faced with this situation of replacing shotguns with cannons.

Even an immortal like Lin Tian who was used to seeing strong winds and waves was surprised without any mental preparation.

Xiao Xiner came up to her just in time.

He grabbed Lin Tian's palm from the side.

Weiwei squeezed Lin Tian's warm hand tightly.

Lin Tian turned to look at Xiao Xiner.

The two looked at each other, and all communication was hidden in their eyes.

In an instant, Lin Tianming understood everything.

There was a warmth in my heart. Xiao Xiner's consideration for Lin Tian in order to prevent her husband from having a more stable plan could be said to have moved Lin Tian very much.

It can be regarded as a special surprise for Lin Tian, ​​and it also adds an invisible deterrent force to Heaven.

After all, it is completely impossible to build an immortal boat of this scale without any strength.

Lin Tian held Xiao Xiner's hand tightly and held on to it even harder.

In the original plan, Lin Tian planned to directly open a passage to the outer space of Tianbao Mountain.

After all, in the last battle between himself and Saint Ancestor Xuanfei, Lin Tian and Saint Ancestor Xuanfei accidentally shattered the space over there.

Then he completely pieced together the space, so Lin Tian easily got the coordinates of that space, and even got a hint of feedback from the spirit of space.

Therefore, it would be very easy for Lin Tian to directly locate the peripheral space of Tianbaoshan.

Then, through the power generated by the formal attire of the Holy Grade Da Luo Dao, a passage directly leading to the outer space of Tianbao Mountain was opened.

The dynamic dragon bore the brunt of entering the passage to clear the way and strengthen the stability of the space.

So that this passage can exist for a period of time without being eroded by the power of the void, and this passage can be easily passed by ordinary immortals.

At that time, Lin Tian can directly take the heavenly disciples on the immortal boat, enter the passage with great swagger, and directly reach the battlefield outside Tianbaoshan!

However, based on the current plan.

Lin Tian's smile became even brighter. He could not let down Xiao Xiner's special preparation for him.

Just because you can do it yourself, you don't need help from others. Sometimes learning to accept some kindness from others may deepen the relationship between the two parties.

So Lin Tian decided to use another improvised method to repay Xiao Xiner's consideration for him.

Lin Tian summoned the ultimate black stone sword, holding the sword in one hand and restraining Xiao Xiner with his right hand.

Raising the Jidao Black Stone Fairy Sword high, he slashed it down into the empty void in front of the two of them.

A shallow crack appeared in front of all the Heavenly Court disciples.

The disciples of the Heavenly Court didn't know why, but the sword struck by the Heavenly Emperor with all his strength didn't seem to have any destructive effect.

The eyes of all the Heavenly Court disciples were full of doubts, feeling that the scene in front of them was completely different from the supreme grace and power of Lin Tian, ​​the Lord of Heavenly Court, that they had seen before.

It was as if Lin Tian in front of him was pretending.

It's just that doubts are doubts, but no disciple dares to question it first.

But he just couldn't hide the strange look in his eyes.

Only Xiao Xiner's eyes were full of tenderness and trust in Lin Tian.

Lin Tian hugged Xiao Xiner into his arms and laughed.

He stepped out and instantly moved to the deck of the Heavenly Fairy Boat.

He gave an order to all the heavenly disciples who looked up to him.

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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