Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1327 The reaction of the Immortal Peak

Chapter 1327 The reaction of the Immortal Peak
In the meeting hall of the Immortal Peak, which is far away in the corner of the universe, six Daluo Taoist ancestors of the Immortal Peak gathered together.

Everyone has a worried look on their face.

But no one dared to speak or make a sound.In the conference hall of Nuo University, it was as if a pin dropped on the ground and could be heard clearly.

Everyone is waiting, and the atmosphere in the air seems to be freezing to the extreme.

It depends on who can lose his composure and speak first.

I don't know how long it took, and the meeting hall has been in such an embarrassing situation.

Until one of the immortal weapons in the arms of Da Luo Daozu suddenly emitted a burst of white light.

He touched it awkwardly with his hand to eliminate the white light of the fairy weapon, then coughed a little and thought about continuing to pretend to be deaf and dumb in silence.

But the other Daluo ancestors finally waited until such a person appeared and became a prominent figure. How could they let him go and let him continue to pretend to be deaf and mute unharmed?
So there was a round table surrounded by six Da Luo Dao Ancestors, and the Da Luo Dao Ancestor at the bottom burst into laughter, and asked the Da Luo Saint Ancestor sitting on the upper left who just had his immortal weapon shine, "That, Taoist Brother Yuantian, I wonder if the news that just came from the Immortal Weapon is about the temporary Tianbao Token? What is the situation now?"

Da Luo Daozu, who was called Brother Yuantian, cursed in his heart the Daozu Danghai who was sitting at the bottom. You are really my good brother. You are going to push me out if you don't open any pot.

Although Yuantian Daozu thought so in his heart, he still kept a smile on his face, because he sensed that the first moment the communication fairy weapon in his arms lit up, the energy of the other five Daluo Daozus instantly disappeared. Locked on himself.

It has the momentum of a critical moment.

Therefore, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, especially since he was the Immortal in charge of the external intelligence of the Immortal Peak, so he could not escape the task of reporting the situation.

Daozu Yuantian honestly took out the communication fairy weapon in his arms and put it on the table.

A stream of immortal energy was poured into it, and the information transmitted by the communication immortal weapon was displayed in front of everyone.

A colorful picture unfolds from the messenger fairy weapon. The scene includes the distant horizon, the constantly swaying golden thread, pulling countless immortals, following it from afar.

The final destination of the golden thread is in a small lotus pond, a paradise of heaven and earth. Dots of fairy lotus flowers are half-open and half-closed, filled with a visible mist of fairy energy. It is a rare holy land for cultivation.

But such a holy land for cultivation is just a place used by Tianbaoshan to sell temporary Tianbao tokens.

Such a show of wealth made all the immortals present were shocked and suppressed all their pride, and waited honestly for the immortals from Tianbao Mountain to appear and sell temporary Tianbao tokens.

The Daluo Taoist ancestors from the Immortal Peak outside the venue fell silent when they saw such a scene.

I don’t know what to say. I just feel that compared with the financial resources of the Immortal Peak and the financial resources of Tianbaoshan, I feel that the Immortal Peak is a poor and backward small force, while Tianbaoshan is the real giant force in the eternal universe.

But what the Taoist ancestors of the Immortal Peak didn't know was that this Lotus Pond Blessed Land was just a holy land for cultivation that Tianbaoshan used to prop up its appearance and spent countless resources.

On weekdays, if there is no special need, or if it is really necessary for some disciples to break through some particularly important hurdles, Tianbao Mountain will never open this blessed land of lotus pond.

After all, it is a man-made Cave Heaven Paradise. Although the concentration of immortal energy contained in it is no different from that of the top Cave Heaven Paradise.

But it is a cave-like blessed land of stagnant water. The fairy energy in it will slowly overflow with the passage of time. The speed at which the lotus pond blessed land generates its own fairy energy is far slower than the speed at which its fairy energy overflows. .Only by relying on Tianbaoshan to put fairy stones into the Lotus Pond every year can we continue to maintain the absolute purity of the immortal energy in the Lotus Pond.

Therefore, this Lotus Pond Blessed Land would not be opened at all in normal times, but this resulted in a scene where all the immortals were stunned when it first appeared in front of the eternal universe.

Daozu Yuantian sighed when he looked at the existence of such a paradise as Tianbao Mountain.It was said that this was the picture sent back by a disciple of the Immortal Peak Intelligence Office who grabbed a golden thread and went to Tianbao Mountain to sell temporary Tianbao tokens.

"Do you have any ideas? Do we, Immortal Peak, want to participate in this gambling battle between Tianbaoshan and Tianting?" Daozu Yuantian asked in a deep voice.

The other Daluo Daozus who were shocked by the wealth of Tianbaoshan seemed to be sluggish, unable to answer or speak.

They all looked at the lotus pond blessed land in the same way.

There was a look of envy in both eyes.

Yuantian Daozu was shaken all over, and a small shock wave of immortal power instantly shook all the unsuspecting Daluo Daozus slightly. Only then did all the Daluo Daozus of the Immortal Peak react.

Daozu Danghai was the first to speak, "This Daozu feels that since the last battle between Lin Tian and Saint Ancestor Xuanfei, the insights gained have not been fully digested. In addition, the last time our Immortal Peak, in order to shock other eternal cosmic forces, Thousands of immortal peak elites were dispatched. The immortal stone to buy a temporary Tianbao Token was not a small sum of money. This Taoist ancestor decided not to participate in this observation battle. The most important thing is to fully understand the gains from the last observation battle. "

The other Dao Ancestors also agreed in the same way. No Da Luo Dao Ancestor was willing to watch Lin Tian's extreme combat power again and be hit.

Then Daozu Danghai continued to say that there were also those younger generations of Immortal Peak Immortals.

Some of them have left the impression that Heaven is invincible in their hearts. If it goes on for a long time, they may become the unified inner demons of the younger generation of disciples in the Immortal Peak. If they go to watch the battle this time.

Once again witnessing Lin Tian's victory and the victory of Heaven, I am afraid that the inner demon will be born immediately, and Heaven will be pressed on the Immortal Peak forever.

The five Daluo Dao Ancestors all decided to give up watching the battle between Lin Tian and the newly appointed Tianbaoshan Patriarch this time.

Only Yuantian Daozu frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

He didn't conform to the other Daluo Taoist ancestors. He just remained silent and didn't speak, as if waiting for something.

Daozu Danghai saw Daozu Yuantian looking solemn and silent.

He was about to open his mouth to find out if Yuantian Daozu had any other ideas.

At this time, the door of the meeting hall was kicked open.

The majestic pressure of immortal energy instantly filled the entire meeting hall.

Daozu Yuantian was shocked, he was finally here!

(End of this chapter)

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