Chapter 1277 Repair
Lin Tian was stunned, and then at this time, he saw the place where the golden immortal wanted to break through the space.

There was a ripple, and all the gas and lines near that space gave way.Stay away from this place.

Then Lin Tian saw the cyan color that belonged to the space barrier. The barrier, which was originally as beautiful as a glass plane, was suddenly pushed far and far into the inner space.Lin Tian knew that the golden immortal outside the space began to forcefully crash into the world.Then Lin Tian saw that the cyan glass plane in the space instantly lost its original color and turned into a transparent glass plane.

Through this transparent glass plane, Lin Tian saw the color representing the golden fairy, which was a faint golden light at that time.

Shrouded in various parts of Jinxian's body.The place with the thickest golden light is the head of this golden fairy.

As expected of the Golden Immortal who used his head first to break through the space barrier.It turns out that he really cultivated a big golden head.No wonder they are not afraid of collisions.

Then Lin Tian saw that when the Jinxian, who was shining with gold, crashed into this space world, a huge black line also ran in crazily along with the space crack broken by the Jinxian.

The gas and light wandering in the spaces where they originally planned to sit down and watch the sky seemed to have been hit at the key part they were most afraid of at this moment.

Everyone rushed over like crazy.Hold on tight to the giant black thread that wants to keep jumping in.They worked together to push the giant black wire out of the space.

The golden immortal seemed not to notice all this, so he patted his butt and left.

All that's left are the colorful gases and lights struggling against the giant black thread.

Although Lin Tian didn't know what the giant black thread was and what it meant to this space, seeing the original indigenous light and gas in this space seemed to chase away thieves, Lin Tian Just know that it must be something that will create Shanghai in this current space.

And those gases and lights finally pushed the black giant thread out of this world.

The whole world seemed to be shaking with joy.

Although the breach in the barrier was not repaired immediately.

But a gas, the brightest, most beautiful and most beautiful of all gases, suddenly surrounded him and turned into a pair of hands.Constantly wandering around the cracks in space to fill them.It's just that its filling speed is really slow.So the scene in Lin Tian's eyes began to accelerate again.

But it seemed that it was accelerating to the extreme, and the movement of the red gas filling the cracks slowly became faster.The size of the cracks is also slowly recovering bit by bit at this speed.

Finally the hole was patched up with great difficulty.And the world Lin Tian saw returned to its original state.

But this matter is not over yet, because the picture in Lin Tian's eyes changed, and the picture in his eyes came to a place that he was very familiar with.

That is the small universe where the Holy Grade Daluo Daoguo is located in his eyes.

Lin Tian saw a very magical thing. In this small universe, there was a world that was exactly the same as the world he saw in the outside world.

This shocked Lin Tian's heart. He seemed to have thought of something, but he was still not sure.I just seem to understand why I am in the space broken by myself and Holy Lord Xuanfei, and why a small version of the small world appears in my holy Daluo Dao Fruit.And the scene turned again, and Lin Tian came to the small world where the core of the prototype of the universe was located.

This time, the speed of the screen rotation and acceleration was countless times faster, another super acceleration.And in the process of these accelerations.Lin Tian saw a golden immortal break through the barrier space of this world again, and the gas and light in those spaces performed the operations that Lin Tian had seen before.

But these gases and light are actually limited, and anyone who flies near this space for some unknown reason will 100% crash into the small space of this unowned world.

Soon the world became riddled with holes.Because there are more and more golden immortals who accidentally crash into this space, the gas and light in this world are simply too busy.What they can do is push all the black lines that appear in the cracks in space that have been smashed out of the world.

As for the consequences of this, more and more immortals are deliberately flying into this world to create a crack in the void.

If the golden immortal at the beginning accidentally broke through the barrier of this world, then these last immortals are the kind who are full and have nothing to do.

I heard that there is now a place in the world of immortality where all immortals will get lost and break the void barrier.No matter what your cultivation level is, no matter what realm you are and what kind of controller of the power of chaos you are.You will suddenly get lost here.

It was like encountering a void storm.You will immediately come to the space where the core of the prototype of the universe is located without thinking.

This is painful for all gases and light in this space except the core of the prototype of the universe.

The speed at which they can repair these space cracks is far less than the speed at which space cracks can appear.

Until finally one day.The gas and light in this space suddenly froze, as if they were blocked by time and space.

Then, this world started from those broken space cracks, like a complete mirror, because more and more corners of the mirror were broken, and finally it was overwhelmed, and a small drop fell from the place where the broken mirror was. A small fragment of mirror.

Then, like an avalanche, the disintegration of the situation was completely unstoppable, and the snowball grew bigger and bigger.There are more and more places where the mirrors are broken.

Finally, all at once, the entire mirror was completely shattered.

The space at the core of this prototype of the universe was completely shattered.

Then just when the gas and light were about to overflow, the core of the prototype of the universe began to rotate crazily again.

Then it rotated the surrounding air and space time crazily, gathering all the gas and light that had nowhere to place after the shattered space into its body.

That is, in the small space of the universe, it distributes all these gases and light to the original small space of heaven and earth copied by the core of the prototype of the universe.

But is that the end?No, it’s not over yet!
(End of this chapter)

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