Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1261 The fierce battle continues

Chapter 1261 The fierce battle continues

The subsequent rampage of immortal energy proved that her actions were absolutely correct.

The spirit boat in heaven did not move at all under these two storms of immortal energy.

Sure enough, under the witness of all the immortals, Lin Tian once again created a miracle. He successfully reintegrated the originally broken world into a new world!

Moreover, the quality and quantity of the immortal energy in this new world are far more than countless times greater than the previous one in the old world, to the point where the amount of immortal energy is overflowing!All the immortals watching the battle refreshed their understanding of Lin Tian, ​​the Lord of Heaven!In my heart, I was even more filled with awe towards Tianting and Lin Tian.

As for the spirit boat where Xiao Xiner was, all the immortals in heaven cheered and exclaimed at the miracle created by their heavenly emperor!

And the immortal practicing the way of chaos who was thrown away by the violent immortal energy staggered and withstood the riot of immortal energy and flew back.

When he saw that Lin Tian actually succeeded in perfectly integrating the heaven and earth that had been broken into countless small spaces, and even derived a new order and structure of the world, his eyes were so wide that he almost fell down.

He promoted his Chaos Immortal Technique and carefully deduced the specific situation of this new world.

He was shocked to find that the new order of heaven and earth derived from this new world far exceeded the previous order of heaven and earth, and the quality and quantity of the immortal energy clearly showed that this new world was a paradise of heaven and earth, and It is very mature and of very high quality.

He deduced all of this, tore apart the space without saying a word, and in one step he crossed to the vicinity of the spirit boat where Xiao Xiner was, knelt down on one knee, raised his hand to Xiao Xiner and bowed, "Queen of Heaven, please redeem the little immortal Taoist A superficial crime! I beg the Queen to punish me. Whether I am a groom in heaven or a big-headed immortal soldier, please give Xiaoxian a chance to atone for my sins!"

The immortals originally thought that his previous sentence was quite normal, but the meaning of the latter sentence completely exposed your ambition.

What kind of atonement, what kind of big-headed immortal soldiers, you just saw Lin Tian's all-powerful methods, and you want to enter the heaven to learn the way of chaos, what reason do you use to atone for your sins!How shameless.Everyone knows that you are Sima Yi's heart.

Although this guy is shameless, there are some immortals who are just ready to make a move. After all, the Emperor of Heaven has shown his ultimate strength. No matter whether he wins or loses this battle today.I believe that Heaven will become the number one force in the universe forever!

Let me ask, which immortal would not be tempted to join such a force, and which immortal would not want to join.

But there is no chance. If there is a chance, there will be no one as shameless as this practitioner of the way of chaos.

Xiao Xiner looked at the immortal kneeling in front of her, dumbfounded.She waved her hand to ask him to stay aside and not to hinder her from watching the battle.

These words of no refusal or promise made this speculative fairy feel excited and excited.

So he obeyed Xiao Xiner's order and stayed aside obediently, standing straight beside the spirit boat like a guard, as if he didn't regard himself as an outsider.

Although his expression was extremely serious, his heart was already full of energy, imagining that in the near future he would learn from the Emperor of Heaven the deepest way of chaos in the universe, and then comprehend the great road and reach the pinnacle of immortality.It’s exciting just thinking about it.

Xiao Xiner ignored the restless immortal and continued to watch the battle. Seeing Lin Tian who had returned to his original size, she was unconsciously disappointed. The miniature and lovely husband was gone.But she soon put away these thoughts, because she saw that her husband stopped for a while after gathering in Xintiandi, as if he was absorbing the immortal energy to replenish himself.

However, Holy Master Xuanfei chose not to disturb him, which surprised Xiao Xiner.

But then, the two people quickly started fighting, which made Xiao Xiner feel nervous again.

Finally return to the present time.

Xiao Xiner looked at the two men who were standing still at each other and was a little confused.The reason why they were still just now was because one of them was recovering his immortal power and the other was waiting.

But what are these two people doing now?
Xiao Xiner was a little puzzled. Suddenly she saw a burst of lightning rising from behind Lin Tian, ​​and the space behind Holy Master Xuanfei continued to stir.

She understood that both Lin Tian and Holy Lord Xuanfei were hit in their respective fields.And couldn't move.

Xiao Xiner stared at the battlefield intently, constantly cheering for her husband in her heart, hoping that he could struggle out of the field first.

As for Lin Tian and Holy Master Xuanfei in the battlefield, they were glaring with big eyes, controlling the other's field to freeze the other, and using their remaining power to remove the other's field that enveloped them.

However, under the ebb and flow of one another, the strengths of the two people resisted and consumed each other.There is a real situation where I cannot move even if the enemy does not move, and if the enemy moves, I also move, and then I cannot move at all.

Coupled with the skyrocketing quantity and quality of the immortal energy in this world, even if Lin Tian and Holy Master Xuanfei continue to absorb the immortal energy to replenish themselves, the transformation field will not be reduced at all.

As a result, the two people can actually continue to be in this stalemate forever.

When the two realized this, they started to compete again.They are all waiting for the other person to speak.

But Lin Tian and Holy Master Xuanfei, as strong men, have the dignity of the strong.They were all immortals who wanted to be strong, so no one spoke.The two of them remained in a stalemate.

Lin Tian stared at Holy Lord Xuanfei, his eyes expressing one meaning, that is, you should speak!

And Holy Lord Xuanfei stared at Holy Lord Xuanfei in the same way, and gave Lin Tian a meaning in his eyes, I won't speak!Speak up!You speak!The eyes of the two people kept meeting in the air.And the meaning of communication has always been around!

Just speak up!I don't speak!Just speak up!I don't speak!Just speak up!

(End of this chapter)

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