Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1209 Immortal Formation Crisis!

Chapter 1209 Immortal Formation Crisis!

The teleportation immortal formation in front of Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner is very huge!

And it's even bigger than the teleportation fairy formation in the Sea of ​​Chaos!
With this Immortal Teleportation Array, both Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner knew very well that the nine Immortals in the later realms of Daluo Daozu that they had seen in this treasure place were all teleported to the eternal universe from this Immortal Teleportation Array. of.

And these nine immortals in the later realm of Daluo Daozu did not immediately expand their power in the Eternal Universe after being transported to the Eternal Universe. Instead, they banned this place. I am afraid that it is because of this that this treasure place has not been destroyed by the Eternal Universe. Other Daluo Taoist ancestors found out.

However, this treasure land is a bargain for the Holy Emperor Sect!


It was also at this time that Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner also understood why the Daluo Dao Ancestors of the Holy Emperor Sect did not immediately withdraw from the Holy Emperor Sect after receiving the letter of engagement from the Heavenly Court despite the presence of this Immortal Teleportation Formation. Teleported to other universes.

Probably because, among the Holy Emperor Sect, no Daluo Daozu can easily resist the attack power of this treasure land.

After all, when they just entered this treasure land, they also witnessed the attacks launched by the nine immortals in the late stage of Da Luo Dao Ancestor at the same time. The attack at that moment was enough to kill the strongest Saint Emperor Dao Ancestor Linghuang Dao Ancestor. .

It was precisely because it was too difficult to enter the Immortal Teleportation Formation that Linghuang Daozu and others, after Xiao Xiner accepted the apology from the Holy Emperor Sect, thought that Heaven intended to take over the power of the Holy Emperor Sect.

With such a glimmer of hope, Spirit Emperor Daozu naturally did not want to take this difficult path.

Because on this road, there are nine immortals from the late stage of Daluo Taozu guarding him!
Even if the Spirit Emperor Dao Ancestor can absorb the lives of the other four Da Luo Dao Ancestors of the Holy Emperor Sect and enter this treasured place, these nine immortals who are in the later realms of the Da Luo Dao Ancestors will sit here, and they must have a very big relationship with the Spirit Emperor Dao Ancestor. Hatred, the heroic souls of these nine Great Luo Dao Ancestors will definitely kill the Spirit Emperor Dao Ancestor!
Even if the Spirit Emperor Dao Ancestor can escape the fatal blows of the nine Da Luo Dao Ancestors, he may only be able to use his soul power to escape into the Immortal Teleportation Formation in the end.

However, once he loses his body and has to go through the huge crisis of the Immortal Teleportation Formation, the soul power that the Spirit Emperor Dao Ancestor can preserve is only one-tenth of one-tenth. It will take endless years to return to its peak!

In fact, the Spirit Emperor Daozu had no chance to restore his strength to its peak!

After all, the other end of the Immortal Teleportation Formation is also full of huge crises!
And in the end, when the Spirit Emperor Daozu wanted to infiltrate the Holy Emperor Sect, he must have realized that there was no chance of survival in Xiao Xiner's hands, and by entering this teleportation immortal formation, there was at least some chance of survival.

However, now, the Spirit Emperor Dao Ancestor has died in Xiao Xiner's hands.

"I wonder which universe the other end of this teleportation formation leads to?"

Xiao Xiner murmured.

"A universe that can dispatch nine late-stage Daluo Dao Ancestors at once must be very powerful!"

Lin Tian said lightly.

Moreover, he had previously examined the nine immortals who were in the later stages of Da Luo Dao Ancestor, and the bodies of the nine Da Luo Dao Ancestors had all suffered severe injuries!
As for the Da Luo Dao Ancestors in the Holy Emperor Sect, there is no Da Luo Dao Ancestor who can seriously injure the nine Da Luo Dao Ancestors in the later realms at once, so this can only be explained.

These nine Great Luo Dao Ancestors were either being chased here, or this teleportation immortal formation was not an ordinary teleportation immortal formation, and was full of huge crises, so all nine Da Luo Dao Ancestors were severely injured!

(End of this chapter)
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