Chapter 1185 Fire Dragon!

"A despicable and shameless person is still qualified to blame others? It seems that Liang Huang Daozu is indeed a model of despicable and shameless people."

Xiao Xiner said sarcastically, her tone was icy, making Linghuang Daozu's heart tremble.


Xiao Xiner's accusation, Emperor Ling Daozu did not even have the courage to argue.

After all, not long ago, in front of Xiao Xiner and all the people watching this battle, he absorbed the power of the four Great Luo Daozu of the Holy Emperor Sect and killed them!

And the four Da Luo Daozu are the same disciples who get along with him day and night.


Linghuang Daozu didn't have the courage to argue, but it didn't mean that he was so willing to let the power in his body flow like this.

Judging from the speed at which his current power dissipates, it won't be long before the power in his body will be exhausted!
Now, this is only a little time, but the power of the four Great Luo Daozu of the Holy Emperor Sect that he has just absorbed has almost dissipated.

This made Linghuang Daozu's expression more and more ugly.

"Xiao Xiner, what have you done to my body? Why does the power in my body dissipate so quickly?"

Linghuang Daozu couldn't bear the dissipated power in his body, so he had to ask aloud.

After all, it is necessary to tie the bell to untie the bell.

Since it was Xiao Xiner who did something to his body, only Xiao Xiner could solve it.

Of course, there is another reason why Linghuang Daozu is so eager to know the reason, that is, the fierce holy sword he sacrificed, because his own power suddenly dissipated too much, and above the fierce holy sword At this moment, the power above the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword was no longer enough to support the fierceness of the Underworld Sacred Sword and Xiao Xiner's Scarlet Sun Whip against each other.


A shrill humming sound cut through the void above the entire small world!
Afterwards, the ten-thousand-zhang blade of the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword trembled slightly in the void, and then quickly shrank back.

Because the power of the Fierce Underworld Sacred Saber suddenly retracted, the small void that was drawn kept trembling!

Endless Void Fragments keep falling down!

At this moment, an excited hissing sound came from the void above Xiao Xiner!

I saw a fiery red dragon that was tens of thousands of feet long, swiping his giant tail excitedly.

Afterwards, the fire dragon opened its crimson mouth and swallowed all the void fragments that contained powerful power near him.

However, after devouring these void fragments, the fire dragon was still not satisfied.


The fire dragon wagged its tail in Xiao Xiner's direction, and after getting Xiao Xiner's nod and consent, he happily occupied all the upper layers of the void in this small world, and took all the fragments of the void that contained powerful power. All swallowed.

As the fire dragon kept devouring these void fragments that contained powerful power, the huge body of the fire dragon kept growing!

Everyone can't help watching this scene, and they can feel the joy from the fire dragon.

Even those immortals who were watching were shocked by this reversal.

None of these people expected that the Spirit Emperor Daozu, who had absorbed the power of the four Daluo Daozus, was defeated directly in just one collision. It was really beyond everyone's expectations!

(End of this chapter)
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