Chapter 1182 Battle! !


After Linghuang Daozu shouted loudly.

The huge fierce holy sword trembled in the void, and then slashed in the direction indicated by the fingers of Linghuang Daozu.


The speed of the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword was so fast that it slashed towards Xiao Xiner's direction with an indomitable momentum and a strong pressure.

The speed of the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword was so fast that it only took half a breath of time to reach Xiao Xiner.

Moreover, because the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword already carries a strong coercion, during the flight, it squeezed this side of the void and deformed it!

The sound of tremors is incessant, and the rumbling fragments of the void are constantly shattering, and they are constantly being introduced into the ears.

Carrying the fierce sword of the underworld, it can be said to kill gods when encountering gods, and kill Buddhas when encountering Buddhas!When he arrived in front of Xiao Xiner, it could be said that he eliminated all obstacles in one second!

When the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword came to beheaded, Xiao Xiner looked cautious, and could also sense the huge and dreadful pressure from the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword!
However, these coercions had no effect on Xiao Xiner after being blocked by the most sacred armor on Xiao Xiner's body.


Seeing that the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword was also approaching, Xiao Xiner didn't stop!


Xiao Xiner shouted loudly!Then he pointed in the direction of the Emperor Ling Daozu!


A humming sound came from the fire dragon above the void, and the fire dragon trembled with excitement!
"Roar!!" After an excited roar, the fire dragon swallowed the sun in the Prison of Time into its belly, and casually rushed towards the direction of the Spirit Emperor Daozu.

Because this fire dragon swallowed a round of the sun before it slashed towards Linghuang Daozu, the temperature around the fire dragon rose sharply!At this moment, the entire fire dragon is like an enlarged version of the sun, and the temperature around it is almost the same as the heat of the sun!
It can be said that wherever the fire dragon passes, it will burn everything around it!

In the void near him, a huge pothole was burned out!

However, none of these stopped the speed of the fire dragon!


A huge humming sound came from the place where the fire dragon and the fierce sword collided!The huge humming sound shocked Xiao Xiner and Linghuang Daozu who were in it.


After the collision between the Fire Dragon and the Fierce Underworld Sacred Sword, the speed did not decrease at all, and they rushed to their target again!
And after they collided, the two different powers were even more intertwined, occupying the entire small world in an instant!

After a huge tremor sounded, the fierce and holy sword that was [-] zhang long came to Xiao Xiner!

Xiao Xiner looked cautious.

"The Prison of Time!"

Xiao Xiner shouted loudly, and the sun in the realm was blocked in front of her!Transfer the power on the Fierce Sacred Sword into reincarnation or other time and space through the power of time!
However, at this time, Xiao Xiner's power is comparable to the power of this beheading, and only a part of the power can be transferred!Even so, the power and power of those beheadings can instantly devour an immortal who is in the later realm of Da Luo Daozu who is not very powerful.

However, Xiao Xiner is a person with a high-grade Daluo fruit!
Her own strength can block some of the incoming forces, and she is wearing the Holy Artifact Armor, so even if the incoming force is so powerful, it will not have a serious impact on Xiao Xiner.

(End of this chapter)

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