Chapter 1154 Barrier

A trembling sound came from the void above Xiao Xiner and Linghuang Daozu!

The entire void could not help but tremble!

What followed was a humming sound.

Above the entire void, the void fragments kept shattering and falling down!
The whole void is shaking!

Even the small world set up by Lin Tian is trembling constantly, making people worry that this small world will shatter at any time!
However, the void enclosed by the small world kept shaking!The void has been shattering, but the small world created by Lin Tian is still intact!

Seeing this scene, the immortals who were watching in front of the Sacred Emperor's Mountain Gate were shocked!Can't help but be amazed!

They thought that this layer of barrier separating the small world, under the tremors of the void, would also be like when the void shattered in a battle. Unexpectedly, the barrier of this small world, except for a few tremors, was a little thought. There is no sign of breaking.

It has to be amazing!
Of course.

When these immortals were amazed, they had to be secretly shocked by Lin Tian's strength!

There is such a barrier, it is of great benefit to the immortals who are watching!

To know.

If there is no such barrier, then the power of the Da Luo Dao technique performed by Da Luo Dao Ancestor is already everywhere before the Sacred Emperor Sect Mountain Gate at this moment!These immortals whose strength is under Da Luo Daozu, it can be said that it is completely impossible to watch this battle from a foothold here.

However, now that they have this layer of barrier, they watch Da Luo Daozu fighting as if they are watching a visual movie, and they will not feel any harm at all.

You can make them feel at ease to stay here and continue to watch.

after all.This is the first time in history that they can watch the battle between Daluo Daozu from such a close distance. Of course they must cherish this opportunity!

Otherwise, if they want to watch the battle between Da Luo Daozu, they must retreat to a safe area.

Although I can confirm my own safety, I can't see the battle between Da Luo Daozu clearly.

They are all extra cherished that this time, they can watch the battle of the powerhouses in the later realm of Da Luo Daozu without harm!
Maybe, after watching this battle, some of them will be inspired to break through to a higher level!It's not impossible either!

Those immortals who were watching in front of the Sacred Emperor's Mountain Gate could not see how powerful this small barrier was to isolate the small world, but those Da Luo Daozu who hid in the depths of the cloudy void clearly understood that such a layer would separate the two How strong is the barrier separating the world!
No matter how fierce the battle is in this small independent world, we cannot delusionally break this small barrier.

after all.

The person who set up this barrier was set up by Lin Tian, ​​who has half a step of the most holy.


Although they all have great confidence in this small barrier, maybe Linghuang Daozu has some means to break through this barrier and escape!
After all, they all saw it.

Linghuang Daozu has not given up hope at this moment!

It is precisely because of this that they will feel that there is some life-saving means in the hands of Linghuang Daozu!


These things have nothing to do with them. After all, it is Heaven that wants to crush the Holy Emperor Sect. These things should be what Heaven should worry about, and they are also things that Xiao Xin'er, the Spirit Emperor Daozu, should worry about!
(End of this chapter)

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