Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1128 The battle is fierce!

Chapter 1128 The battle is fierce!
Is the strongest man in the eternal universe going to change his name?

This question flashed through the hearts of the five Da Luo Daozu of the Undying Peak at the same time!

What they said, it is also Da Luo Daozu, and his psychological endurance is quite large!
Although the obsession in my heart has been broken, the faith is still there.

Even if it is difficult for them to believe that Emperor Minghe of Heavenly Court already has a high-grade Da Luodao Fruit, the facts are facts and cannot be disputed!

And on top of the immortal weapon in front of them, the battle before the Sacred Emperor's Sect's Gate is still going on!


After Ming He Dijun used the high-grade Da Luo Dao Guo, his strength can be said to have surpassed the two immortals who dealt with him in the early stage of Da Luo Dao Zu!
As for Luo Di and the Great God Leibu, they were also fighting against a middle-stage Daozu Da Luo, and the battle was very fierce.

And Xiao Xiner, the queen of heaven, is already fighting with the emperor of the Holy Emperor Sect!
As for the [-] disciples of the Heavenly Court and the disciples of the Holy Emperor Sect, after the two forces began to fight, they also fought!

Before the gate of the Holy Emperor Sect, the intensity of the fighting was very shocking!
However, what attracts the most attention is the scene where Heavenly Court and the Great Luo Daozu of the Holy Emperor Sect are fighting together!

Especially after Emperor Minghe displayed the high-grade Daluo Daoguo, he attracted the attention of countless onlookers!

The immortals onlookers were filled with emotion!

With the full display of Emperor Minghe's strength, Da Luo Daozu, who had already crushed the two early realms of the Holy Emperor's Sect, the battle situation showed a one-sided trend, and the battle was not so intense!

As for Luo Di and the Great God Leibu, their own cultivation bases are already mid-level Da Luo Daozu, one of the Da Luo Dao Guo is a middle-grade Da Luo Dao fruit, and the other is a low-grade Da Luo Dao fruit, but their strength is also very powerful!

As for the two middle-stage Dao Ancestors of the Holy Emperor Sect, they all possessed the low-grade Da Luo Dao Fruit.

After the two sides fought for a while, they were quickly crushed by Luo Di and the Great God Leibu!

Therefore, although their fight is also very fierce, and victory has been declared, but it has not attracted too much attention!
After all, the Emperor Minghe, who had just broken through to the realm of Da Luo Daozu and possessed the top-grade Da Luo Dao Fruit, was really unexpected and attracted the attention of most of the onlookers!

What really decided this victory was not Emperor Ming He, nor Luo Di and the Great God of Leibu, but Xiao Xiner, the queen of heaven!

Therefore, the four Great Luo Dao Ancestors of the Holy Emperor's Sect didn't have any great feelings except that they felt a little embarrassed when they saw that they couldn't beat He Dijun, Luo Di, and the Great God Leibu.

After all, in their cognition, they want to join the Heavenly Court!
Even if they were defeated, they would only be regarded as the people they let in Heaven.

The opposite of.

At this moment, the most intense battle is where Xiao Xin'er, the Queen of Heaven, and the Holy Emperor's Dao Ancestor fight!
After the battle between Emperor Ming He and Luo Di and the Great God Leibu reached a stalemate, the battle between Xiao Xiner and Linghuang Daozu became more and more fierce, but it attracted the attention of the immortals in the audience!
At this moment, Xiao Xiner, the Queen of Heaven, and Daozu Linghuang are indistinguishable, and they cannot tell the difference!
Although Xiao Xiner had just broken through to the late stage of Da Luo Daozu and had been practicing in the Killing Void for a month, her experience was still insufficient.

(End of this chapter)
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