Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1059 Missing 2 elixirs

Chapter 1059 Two Immortal Medicines

The temperature in Jinshen Ruins plummeted, making people panic in Jinshen Ruins.

But luckily, it was quickly brought under control.

And in the world of ice and snow, the three-headed and half-step holy-level cursed creatures fighting was also suppressed.

The barrier of the ice and snow world was quickly repaired after it was broken, so other than the death of some low-level cursed creatures, it did not cause much loss.


After these cursed creatures thought that the barrier of the ice and snow world was pulled up, it would no longer have any effect, and it returned to its previous appearance.

But an important thing happened.

It was also this matter that made the cursed creatures in the entire Forbidden City to hate Lin Tian to the core.

However, they couldn't catch Lin Tian at all.

Because, due to the barrier of the ice and snow world, the power of ice and cold in the ice and snow land flows into the Forbidden God Market.

This also led to those cursed creatures who cultivated elixir, and they didn't have time to put away the elixir, and those elixir were wasted.

To know.

The growth environment of immortal medicine is extremely harsh. In the Forbidden God Market, only those cursed creatures of the half-step holy level have the ability to take them to the secret place to protect them, and then move them to the medicine field. The elixir is cultivated.

But those low-level cursed creatures can't find good medicine fields to cultivate these fairy medicines, so they can only let these fairy medicines grow and grow, and they take care of them carefully.

To know.

Medicine fields are hard to find.

Even cursed creatures at the half-sacred level might not be able to find an environment suitable for the elixir they cultivated to grow.

For example, the snake-shaped half-step holy-level cursed creature killed by Lin Tian before, this snake-shaped cursed creature, he guards the half-sacred medicine.

You must know that the environment in which the semi-sacred medicine grows is even harsher.

It is precisely because the growth environment suitable for this semi-sacred medicine was not found, so this serpent-shaped half-step holy-level cursed creature had to keep this semi-sacred medicine in the place where the medicine grew.

It is precisely because of this that some people know that there is a semi-sacred medicine in the Forbidden God Ruins.

Otherwise, Lin Tian would not have been attracted.

Now, this half-step holy-level cursed creature was beheaded by Lin Tian.

Therefore, after this incident in the Ice and Snow World, countless elixir have been destroyed.

Therefore, these cursed creatures could not wait to kill Lin Tiansuo.

As for the inside of the ice and snow, because the power of ice has flowed outside the world of ice and snow, the temperature of the world of ice and snow has also heated up.

so that the snow began to melt.

Fortunately, those low-level cursed creatures died in the hands of the three-headed and half-sacred cursed creatures, leaving only a few cursed creatures. Now, the entire ice and snow world can be said to be, except for the two. The cursed creatures of the half-step holy level are still alive, and not many other cursed creatures are still alive.

And those living cursed creatures can no longer find elixirs to nourish them.

Fortunately, a cursed creature at the half-step holy level took action and wiped out these powers, so that the Forbidden God Ruins could be restored to its original appearance.However, after this incident, many cursed creatures hated Lin Tian deeply.

However, these are low-level cursed creatures, and they do not hinder Lin Tian at all.

There are only half-step holy-level cursed creatures with a human head and lion body in the extreme north, and half-step holy-level cursed creatures with a bear head and human body in the extreme south, and the black soul sea. Half-step holy level cursed creatures, these three cursed creatures, after knowing that they were tricked by Lin Tian, ​​they hated Lin Tian even more, not to mention, they were all taken away by Lin Tian for all their magical medicines. It's understandable that he took it all away, and he was very fond of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was only at the peak of Da Luo Daozu's realm. He had three cursed creature enemies at the holy level, but Lin Tian didn't care at all.

Although Lin Tian is only at the peak of Da Luo Daozu's realm, his strength has reached the half-step holy level, and he can even cut off a half-step holy-level cursed creature, which is enough to see how powerful Lin Tian's strength is. .

But no matter how strong he is, his realm is only the peak realm of Da Luo Daozu. If he were an ordinary person, if he knew that he had three and a half-step holy level cursed creatures as his enemies, he would have been afraid to escape from the Forbidden God Ruins.


Lin Tian was different, he didn't seem to be afraid at all.

Not only did he not leave Jinshen Ruins, but he was still hanging out in Jinshen Ruins, as if he was not the one who caused the chaos in Jinshen Ruins before.

Even, Lin Tian not only didn't care about the three and a half holy level cursed creatures, he was still thinking about which cursed creature should go to find some elixir.

Although he obtained four immortal medicines in the hands of the cursed creature at the half-step holy level in the Black Soul Sea, and two immortal medicines in the hands of the cursed creature in the extreme north, now he is in the extreme The half-step holy-level cursed creature in the bear-headed body in the southern land obtained ten elixir, plus what he had searched before, he had already collected all the elixir he needed. .

Now, he only lacks the last two medicines, so he can gather all the fairy medicines.

As long as he gathers all the elixir, he can refine these elixir together with the semi-sacred herb to make a medicinal guide.

Only by making a medicinal guide can he have the opportunity to advance his top-grade Daluo Daoguo to the realm of the holy-grade Daluo Daozu.

Once he advances the best-quality Daluo Daoguo to the realm of the holy-grade Daluo Daoguo, his strength will increase a lot again!

In addition, there are many benefits for him to have a holy-grade Luodao fruit.

Of course, the biggest advantage is that, with the sage-grade Luo Daoguo, he will have full confidence to become the most holy in the future!

To become the most holy, this is the realm that all practitioners dream of!
Although, with Lin Tian's efforts and the top-grade Luo Dao Fruit he now possesses, he can also break through to the most holy realm, but it is extremely dangerous.

If he wants to break through to the holy realm, he only has one chance. Lin Tian doesn't want this one and only chance to fail.

That's why he wanted to advance the Da Luo Dao Fruit to the realm of the Saint-Grade Da Luo Dao Fruit.

"There are only two immortal medicines left!"

Lin Tian said with emotion.

Although there were only two immortal medicines left, Lin Tian had a headache.

Because he is making such a fuss in the Forbidden Ruins, and there is such a big disturbance. Although the other cursed creatures in the Forbidden Ruins have not come out, they must have caused them. s concern.

Once these cursed creatures are guarded, it will be much more difficult for Lin Tian to take the elixir from the cursed creatures of the half-to-sacred level so easily.

Of course, Lin Tian is not wrong to fight any cursed creature that is half a step to the holy level.

But when fighting against any half-step holy level cursed creature, with the hatred of these three half-step holy level cursed creatures from the Far North, the Far South and the Black Soul Sea, They must come as quickly as possible and take action against him.

(End of this chapter)

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