Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1049 Another cursed creature!

Chapter 1049 Another cursed creature!
Just when these two half-step holy-level cursed creatures were fighting.

Lin Tian had already flown extremely fast under the power of the wings transformed by the black stone of the polar path, reaching the extreme south of the world of ice and snow.

In the world of ice and snow, there are two cursed creatures that are half-step holy.

One of them is in the extreme north, the half-step holy-level cursed creature with a human-headed lion body, and the other is in the extreme south, a half-step with a bear-headed human body The most holy level of cursed creatures.

This half-step holy-level cursed creature with a bear-headed body is very violent, and its strength is on the top of the entire Forbidden God Ruins.

Therefore, Lin Tian was also very cautious in this trip.

Now, he has obtained half of the medicinal materials he needs, but he cannot die here because of this cursed creature.


In terms of Lin Tian's current strength, it is already comparable to the cursed creatures of the half-step holy level, and he can even kill cursed creatures with weaker strength.

Even if his strength is really not as good as this half-step holy-level cursed creature with a bear-headed body, as long as he wants to leave this ice and snow world, the cursed creature can't stop it!
Not only him, but even with the addition of two half-step holy-level cursed creatures, it would not be able to stop him.

After all, his own strength is here, coupled with the wings that Ji Dao Black Stone has transformed into, the bonus to his speed can be said to have increased more than ten times!
This speed is not something that a half-step holy-level cursed creature can catch up with.

Therefore, in this Forbidden God Ruins, any cursed creature that is half a step to the holy level, Lin Tian is not false.

"I still have to get the elixir that is guarded by the half-step Holy Sanctuary of this bear-headed human body earlier."

Lin Tian secretly said.

After all, he wanted to continue in the Forbidden God Ruins for a while.

Now, he has offended two half-step holy-level cursed creatures. Presumably the half-step holy-level cursed creature with a human head and lion body in the extreme north has already launched a pursuit for him.

If he catches up, he can't get rid of this cursed creature in the extreme south, and he will entangle with the two half-step holy level cursed creatures for a while again.

This was not what he thought.

He still wants to keep playing with those cursed creatures that are not very conscious.


Lin Tian immediately performed Da Luo Dao technique, sensed the extreme southern land, and wanted to know where those elixir were.

He didn't have the patience to search from place to place.

The moment Lin Tian sensed it, he immediately found a mysterious place. There was an extremely powerful force defending this mysterious place, and he couldn't sense it.

However, he was able to know that this powerful force was a half-step holy power.

When Lin Tian released Da Luo Taoism to sense the extreme south, the half-step holy-level cursed creature in the sleeping bear-headed body in the extreme southern land also immediately knew that there was a powerful force coming. to the extreme south.


A roar sounded from under the ice and snow in the extreme south!

In this roar, it is not only a roar, but also carries a great power!

Boom! ! !
Under this kind of power, the entire land of the extreme south broke out in a series of tremors!

The entire ice surface of the extreme south was also shattered by this roar!
The continuous trembling sounds shattered the ice and snow in the entire extreme south!Endless ice cubes and snowflakes were shaken into the air, forming fairy artifacts like Daluo Taoist artifacts!And tens of millions of Daluo Taoist tools are gathered together, and they are like one and a half holy tools!
The ice and snow in the void gathered together, as if controlled by a great power, pointing in the direction of Lin Tian!


Just now.

A domineering voice with strong killing intent came from under the ice and snow of thousands of meters!It resounds throughout the Antarctic!


The blade of ice and snow, which exists like a semi-sacred weapon, seems to be controlled by a pair of extremely powerful hands, slashing towards Lin Tian!
This move carries great power!
There is also an immortal artifact that exists like a half-sacred artifact, it can be said that the strength of this half-step holy-level cursed creature with a bear-headed body has been brought into play!
As soon as they meet, they don't even ask who it is, whether it is good or evil, they do it directly, and they even use [-] to [-] percent of their strength!
It is enough to see how tyrannical this half-step holy-level cursed creature with a bear-headed body is!
No matter who it is, as long as he comes to his territory, he will fight first!

Boom! ! ! !

With such a powerful power, the entire void in the extreme south is constantly trembling!

"Om!!!" A humming sound came from the depths of the void!
Immediately, the blade of ice and snow swelled by [-]%!

Not only that, but the power on it is rising one after another!

When this sword kills you!The power it carries is enough to kill a cursed creature at the holy level!

Lin Tian saw this at this time, and there was a hint of caution in his eyes. He didn't expect that this half-step holy-level cursed creature with a bear-headed body would be so powerful!
It can be said that he has been in the Forbidden God Ruins for so long, and this is the first time he has encountered such a powerful half-step holy-level cursed creature.

One pair, and then the ultimate move directly, it is enough to see that the description of this cursed creature in the Forbidden God Ruins is not false at all.

even so.

Lin Tian was still not nervous at all.

Even if the other party uses a half-sacred weapon, he is not right. You must know that what he is wearing is a sacred armor!

However, it may take some time to take the elixir from the hands of this cursed creature.


Lin Tian directly sacrificed the Black Stone Immortal Sword of the Extreme Dao!

"The sword breaks through the void!"

Lin Tian was not wrong at all, he directly sacrificed the Black Stone Immortal Sword of the Extreme Dao!

Not only that, he also sacrificed the best Luodao fruit!

In the blink of an eye, the power of Da Luo Daoguo, as well as the power of Da Luo Dao and the power of the Dao, all circulated on the Black Stone Immortal Sword of Extreme Dao!


In an instant, the entire extreme southern land trembled under this power!
Even the snow-capped mountains that are thousands of feet high are constantly collapsing!The entire extreme south is white, and there are ice and snow fragments everywhere!


Following Lin Tian's order!
The extreme black stone immortal sword in his hand immediately slashed towards the ice and snow blade that attacked him!
At this time, the ice and snow blade controlled by the half-step holy level cursed creature with a bear head and body also slashed towards Lin Tian!

(End of this chapter)

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