Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1039 The Storm of Forbidden God

Chapter 1039 The Storm of Forbidden God

Angered by this cursed creature at the holy level, he led most of the cursed creatures in the Black Soul Sea to pursue Lin Tian!
Most of the cursed creatures in the Black Soul Sea, led by this cursed creature who walked half a step to the holy level, dispersed into several teams, and launched a mighty pursuit against Lin Tian in Jinshenxu!


Those cursed creatures that were divided into several teams, even if they were led by the cursed creatures of Da Luo Daozu level, for Lin Tian, ​​these people were just giving him a head.

These forces have been killed by Lin Tian without leaving behind!
However, these small forces, which were divided into several teams, had no intention of killing Lin Tian.

Their purpose is to use the life they can always resurrect to stop Lin Tian's march!
As long as he can block Lin Tian for a while, the half-sacred human-walking cursed creature can come and fight against Lin Tian!Their purpose is complete!

How could Lin Tian give them such a chance!
When these forces met Lin Tian, ​​they were beheaded one after another, and they didn't even have a chance to stop Lin Tian from taking a few breaths!

Often, after these forces met Lin Tian, ​​they were killed by Lin Tian before they could release the signal. Even if they had immortality, they could not stop Lin Tian's steps.

So much so that every time that half-step holy-level human-walking cursed creature received a signal and rushed over, Lin Tian had already killed these cursed creatures in the Black Soul Sea.Only one corpse is left!

After a lot of times, this half-step holy-level pedestrian cursed the creature, thinking that Lin Tian was playing with him!

The anger towards Lin Tian is even more intense!The determination to kill Lin Tian is also firmer!

However, Lin Tian is haunted!Can't find anyone at all!

Even if a cursed creature is encountered, it will be quickly beheaded by Lin Tian!

For a while, Lin Tian and this half-step holy-level cursed creature can be said to be the ups and downs of making the whole forbidden gods false!
All the cursed creatures of Jinshenxu have been affected!
So far, only those cursed creatures that are also at the half-sacred level of Jinshenxu have not acted, and they are holding a wait-and-see attitude. As for the other cursed creatures of Da Luo Daozu, as well as those low-level cursed creatures, they are completely affected!

And the liveliness of Jinshenxu is still going on!
Lin Tian's years in Jinshenxu can be said to be the most lively period since the establishment of Jinshenxu.The cursed creature in the Forbidden God Void was made trouble by Lin Tian, ​​and it has been looking for Lin Tian's whereabouts!Those cursed creatures that were angry at Lin Tian because of the elixir they had taken away from him before, were also willing to take action through the cursed creature that was half a step into the holy level, and kept helping to find Lin Tian's whereabouts.


At this time, Lin Tian, ​​the culprit who caused the chaos in Jinshenxu, was taking stock of the extremely rare and top-quality elixir that he found this time!

Lin Tian put together what he needed with the half-sacred medicinal herb, and there were a few extremely rare top-quality elixir left!
In addition to these, there are quite a few ordinary top-quality elixir!

Being able to get these top-quality elixir is still thanks to that half-step holy-level cursed creature in human form.

"It's just a pity, although I got a few top-quality elixir from the cursed creature at the half-sacred level, there are still some top-quality elixir to be able to make this semi-sacred medicine sacrifice into a medicinal guide!"

Lin Tian secretly said.

However, after a sad look, Lin Tian soon became brighter!
In the forbidden gods, he has now offended a total of two and a half holy-level cursed creatures.

One of the snake-shaped cursed creatures has been beheaded by him!

As for the half-step holy-level cursed creature, Lin Tian didn't do anything with him, but he knew that this person was powerful!
From these two half-step holy-level cursed creatures, Lin Tian got a very good elixir!

For example, from the snake-shaped cursed creature, a mature semi-sacred medicine was obtained!

And at the cursed creature on the other side of the road, he got four extremely rare and top-quality elixirs, and these four top-quality elixirs were all elixirs that were about to become semi-holy elixirs!

(End of this chapter)

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