Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1035 Battle of the Black Soul Sea!

Chapter 1035 Battle of the Black Soul Sea!
Boom! ! !
In the constant tremor, the black sea water in the Black Soul Sea kept rolling with huge black waves!
And the power carried in these black waves directly devours the low-level cursed creatures in this side of the Black Soul Sea!
These tumbling black waves, the cursed creatures swallowed up, immediately turned into a stream of energy and poured into the sea of ​​black souls!
In an instant.

The black sea water horizon of the Black Soul Sea has increased by three inches!
This small change is really small!If it wasn't that Lin Tian had been observing the changes in the Black Soul Sea since he entered the Black Soul Sea, it would have been difficult to discover this fact.

Those cursed creatures that were devoured by the black waves were revived in an instant.


These cursed creatures did not flee immediately after being resurrected.

Instead, he continued to sink into the black sea water, and let the huge black waves swallow it up again like a monster.


These low-level cursed creatures have been in a cycle of resurrection and devotion.

And in these cycles, none of these low-level cursed creatures ever struggled!

It is clear.

These cursed creatures are entirely voluntary.

Because their lives are immortal, they don't care about life at all!
Of course, although their lives are not completely immortal, they have dozens of opportunities to be resurrected.

It was precisely by taking advantage of these opportunities that they integrated their own power into the sea of ​​black souls!

The power of the Black Soul Sea increased by [-]% in an instant!
Moreover, the sea water level of the Black Soul Sea has also increased by dozens of inches!
Originally, Lin Tian was just standing a few dozen inches above the sea level of the Black Soul Sea.

At this time, the sea level of the Black Soul Sea rose!

It's close to Lin Tian's feet!
Lin Tian can naturally feel the huge and powerful force coming from the soles of his feet!
That endless black ocean is like a monster that can devour everything!
At the bottom of Lin Tian's feet, the violent force was about to drown Lin Tian's feet!It will devour Lin Tian!

So far, those low-level cursed creatures have not stopped using life sacrifices to enhance the power of the Black Soul Sea!


Above the sea of ​​black souls, the black wind bursts!Every gust of wind carries great power!
These powers are powerful!It is completely possible to kill the immortals of the peak realm of Da Luo Daozu!

Lin Tianke is not only an immortal at the peak of Da Luo Daozu's realm!

His current strength is comparable to half a step to the holy!

These so-called black winds that carry great power, and the sea of ​​black souls that can devour all things, pose no threat to him in the slightest!

Lin Tian couldn't believe that this human-shaped half-step holy-level cursed creature could actually do quests, and these things could kill him.


Lin Tian calmly let his body float a few inches.

With just these few inches, the power of the Black Soul Sea could not pose any threat to Lin Tian in the slightest.


at this time.

The cursed creature that was half a step away from Lin Tian suddenly disappeared!

Disappeared in the sea of ​​black souls!
No matter how Lin Tian perceives, he cannot perceive his specific location!

I can only feel that in the sea of ​​black souls, there is the aura of the humanoid half-step holy cursed creature everywhere!Also at the same time.

The sea level of the Black Soul Sea rises immediately!It is about to spread over Lin Tian's feet!
this moment.

Lin Tian finally knew where the half-step holy cursed creature in human form had gone!

This cursed creature at the half-sacred level actually sacrificed the Black Soul Sea with one of his life!
Let the power of the Black Soul Sea instantly increase countless times!
The power of the Black Soul Sea at this time can completely harm an immortal whose strength is half a step to the holy level!
And the black wind above the sea of ​​black souls, the power at this time has also been enhanced!
The power above the black wind suddenly increased countless times!
It can also cause trauma to a half-step holy level immortal!

It turned out that this was the plan of the half-sacred humanoid cursed creature!

He turned out to be delusional to deal with him with the power of these sea water and black wind!

the next moment.

Lin Tian finally realized something was wrong.

"This is the domain of this cursed creature!"

Lin Tian secretly said.

Unexpectedly, this half-step holy-level humanoid cursed creature actually cast the domain without knowing it!


In this regard, Lin Tian was not moved at all.

With that holy-level armor, no matter how powerful these forces are, they can't hurt him!

He did not come to the Black Soul Sea this time to fight this half-sacred humanoid cursed creature.

He just came to find treasure!
Lin Tian remembered his purpose from beginning to end.

Therefore, even when he knew that this half-step holy cursed creature had already cast his domain and planned to deal with him, Lin Tian was not moved at all.

"The Gate of Reincarnation!"

Lin Tian snorted coldly, and then directly sacrificed the great Luo Dao technique of the gate of reincarnation!

In an instant, a gleaming door of light surrounded Lin Tian's body!

Transform the power around him into reincarnation.

After the last battle with the half-sacred snake-shaped cursed creature, Lin Tian's understanding of all his Da Luo Taoism has deepened again!
Even the defense-type door of reincarnation, the great Luo Dao technique, has increased a lot!
Therefore, in the absence of a frontal attack, these insinuating attacks, the gate of reincarnation can already be resisted.

Moreover, even if he couldn't resist it, Lin Tian still had the most sacred armor!

With this most sacred armor, Lin Tian's life and safety have been guaranteed.

"Dark Soul Domain!!!"

at this time.

The half-step holy-level cursed creature that had just been resurrected snorted coldly!
Cast his domain again!
This human-shaped cursed creature has two domains, and these two domains are powerful and complement each other!
And after he sacrificed his life and cast the domain, and then cast the black soul domain, he can exert his domain power to the limit!
You can also directly increase his power by five times! !


Facing a half-holy level cursed creature whose strength was increased five times, Lin Tian dived directly into the sea of ​​black souls!
(End of this chapter)

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