Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1033 Kneel down and admit defeat!

Chapter 1033 Kneel down and admit defeat!

Lin Tian's body exuded a strong killing intent that could not be concealed, so that all the low-level cursed creatures in Jinshenxu encountered him and voluntarily evacuated.

"This time I entered Jinshen Void, those low-level cursed creatures would still rush forward when they met me. I didn't expect that after beheading the snake-shaped half-step holy cursed creature, these low-level cursed creatures would Take the initiative to stay away from me! It seems that the immortals in the outside world, no matter how strong they are, can't get the respect of these low-level cursed creatures. After killing that cursed creature, my strength must be recognized by these low-level cursed creatures. ."

Lin Tian whispered.

In this way, he finally understood that these cursed creatures in the Forbidden God were different from the creatures in other universes.

Moreover, their recognition of strength is completely based on the strength of the forbidden gods.

Which level of cursed creature is defeated, then the strength of the outsider will be the same level as the defeated cursed creature. L
After knowing this, Lin Tian was speechless.

However, in this way, it is also much more convenient for Lin Tian.

Without those cursed creatures that rushed forward one after another, Lin Tian's actions were no longer restricted.

The speed of action is also much higher than before.

Necessarily, although those low-level cursed creatures are not strong, they are better in number, and they are immortal. Different resurrections rushed forward. In the process of his search for the elixir, he dragged down a lot of speed.


Lin Tian's search speed for elixir has increased.

It didn't take long for him to find an extremely rare top-grade elixir, which was very rare because he grew up in a very harsh environment.

Outside of the forbidden spirit, there are very few such top-quality elixir.

This top-quality elixir called Ice Flower Blood Lotus needs to go through countless years and then use a special growth environment!Because this top-quality elixir grows in the center of an iceberg, drawing energy from the iceberg!

The power in the iceberg needs to be inhaled continuously. In addition, it needs to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. Every ten thousand years, it needs the life of a strong person to feed!
This is how it can be cultivated!

It is extremely difficult to grow in such a harsh growth environment.

Therefore, when he picked up this ice flower blood lotus, Lin Tian cherished it very much, and even put away this top-quality elixir.

Between moments.

Lin Tian felt that a powerful force suddenly appeared beside him.

However, Lin Tian was not panicked at all by the power that suddenly appeared.

Lin Tian turned to look in the direction of the power, and found that it was a cursed creature with a bear body at the peak of Da Luo Daozu's realm.

It's body is huge!

Like an unattainable mountain, standing in front of Lin Tian.

At this time, the cursed creature in the peak realm of Da Luo Daozu with the body of a bear was full of hatred, and could not wait to deal with Lin Tian quickly.

However, under this hatred, there are precautions and fear.

After hesitating for a while, the bear-body cursed creature, Da Luo Daozu, knelt down in Lin Tian's direction.

Boom! ! !
This cursed creature with the body of a bear is too tall!Kneeling down, it was like a mountain peak collapsed, and the rumbling sound of trembling could be heard continuously, and it took a long time before it stopped.As soon as he knelt down, this cursed creature with the body of a bear, which was ten thousand feet tall, was not much smaller. It still stood in front of Lin Tian like a mountain.

However, his behavior surprised Lin Tian.


Lin Tian chuckled softly.

Unexpectedly, this bear-body cursed creature of the peak of Da Luo Daozu, Nepeta, would lose without a fight.

Originally, he thought that when he saw the cursed creature in the peak realm of Da Luo Daozu with a bear body, he thought he would fight him directly because of his gnashing teeth.

In this regard, Lin Tian is not false at all.

Since he was able to defeat a serpent-shaped half-step holy-level cursed creature, this cursed creature at the peak of Da Luo Daozu would not pose any threat to him.

However, compared to killing those low-level cursed creatures before, it takes a little more time.

However, he did not expect that this cursed creature with the peak realm of Da Luo Daozu would kneel down and admit defeat.

However, that's fine too.

Save Lin Tian a lot of trouble.

of course.

Lin Tian also fully realized one thing at this time.

After beheading the serpent-shaped half-step holy-level cursed creature, except for half-step holy-level cursed creatures who see him, they will do something to him, and those cursed creatures below half-step holy-level will Run away or choose not to fight.

That is to say, as long as he doesn't encounter those cursed creatures that are half a step to the holy level, then no one dares to provoke him in the forbidden gods.

After picking up the ice flower blood lotus, Lin Tian was very disdainful of this bear-body cursed creature at the peak of Da Luo Daozu's realm, and he didn't bother to kill him again.

Unless he was directly beheaded hundreds of times and completely beheaded, he would be resurrected after beheading him once.

Therefore, Lin Tian gave up beheading him and left.


And after Lin Tian carried the ice flower blood lotus, the cursed creature at the peak of Da Luo Daozu's bear body immediately roared and was born.

vent his unwillingness.

He used his immortal body to raise this ice flower blood lotus for countless years!Still guarding!

Every time it reaches ten thousand years, when the ice flower blood lotus needs to absorb the life of a strong man to raise, he will be willing to absorb one life from this elixir, and then resurrect.

It just so happened that when this ice flower blood lotus was about to mature and could be picked, I didn't expect that a human would take the lead!
Even, because the opponent's strength is really too strong, although only the cultivation of Da Luo Daozu's peak realm is required, he can completely kill a cursed creature that is half a step to the holy level!

Even though they were at the same level of cultivation, he had to kneel to Lin Tian to express his defeat, which made him very unwilling!What's even more unwilling is that this blood lotus was even picked by that human being!
Boom! ! !
A sound of vibration suddenly came from the iceberg in front of you!
This cursed creature with the body of a bear was so angry that he destroyed a mountain with one punch to vent his unwillingness!

(End of this chapter)

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