Chapter 67 The Method of Breaking the Game
Han Zhan raised his hand and knocked out an ordinary person who tried to put his hand into his throat.

He had stretched out more than half of his arm, and blood was slowly seeping out of his arm.

Li Lingzhen and Xia Youwei both looked away consciously, feeling unbearable.

"If you are not an awakened person, you are trapped in an illusion and cannot even be forcibly awakened."

"Is knocking them out really useful?" Xia Youwei asked worriedly.

"If it's just a nightmare beast, it should be fine." Han Zhan paused, and he looked up at the blood moon above his head that was dyed bright red. "But if we want to save more people, we have to take risks."

"How's the adventure?"

"where to."

Han Zhan pointed to the sky, where the blood moon was.

It is definitely impossible to go to the blood moon. If you want to break the barrier, the first goal is to find the formation eye, and then destroy the formation eye.

He has already observed that in the entire barrier that encompasses most of Deep Blue City, the thing that looks most like an eye is the blood moon above the head.

"The tallest tower in Deep Blue City is the now abandoned Deep Blue City TV Tower. We need to go there and break the barrier!"

What Han Zhan didn't say was that the reason why he wanted to destroy the blood moon as soon as possible was because he felt vaguely uneasy.

Although I don't know where the uneasiness comes from, a ninth-level insect emperor's methods will definitely not be as simple as now.

"let's go!"

Without Han Zhan's urging, Li Lingzhen and Xia Youwei were already following behind, and the three of them hurried to the TV station.

The blood moon hangs high, and illusions erode.

Deep Blue City is in a huge crisis. Everyone who is illuminated by the blood moon or sees the blood moon immediately falls into an illusion.

What they didn't notice was the Korean War.

The corpses that had died in the illusion were exuding a faint black aura.

All this black air was smoked and drifting up, towards the blood moon hanging in the middle.

The blood moon that absorbed this black energy became much larger and rounder.

The corpses on the ground also began to mutate. After the mutation, they were no longer nightmare beasts, but a brand new type of Zerg, which was a "corpse beast"!
These corpse beasts were exuding an aura that exceeded the fourth level, and they were gathering more and more.

Han Zhan and the others moved forward and arrived at the foot of the tower. More than ten minutes had passed.

Just when they were about to start climbing the tower, there was a sudden movement above their heads, and a humanoid creature fell heavily to the ground.

Trampling the concrete floor to pieces.

It has a human-like appearance, with large muscles knotted together, blue veins popping out, and blood vessels can be clearly seen.

Han Zhan noticed that there was an empty needle inserted upside down in its neck. He didn't know if it was injected with any medicine.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from it, everyone's hearts tightened.

Tier [-]!

It roared wildly and was already attacking Han Zhan and the others first.

Its limbs are still in human proportions, but it no longer walks upright, but instead uses all four limbs together, making it faster than walking upright.

The palm of the hand is on the ground, and every time it falls, an obvious depression will appear on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!
It was like the sound of a giant hammer hitting a drum head, and a death note appeared in Han Zhan's ears.

This strange beast is human!
Han Zhan saw clearly the remaining fragments of clothes on his body, but this man had completely fallen into a state of madness and lost his mind.


Han Zhan was not afraid at all and stood in front of the two women.

Sanji opened in an instant, and his combat power soared. White mist enveloped his fist, and he punched the opponent in the face.


Under the collision of forces, Han Zhan managed to hold on!
The person on the other side was obviously stunned.Although he lost his sense of self, as a result of his maddening instinct, he did not crush his opponent under the collision of power.

Before the opponent could react, Han Zhan had already thrown his second punch.

Then the third punch, punch to the flesh!

The body of the Heavenly Serpent made his body more flexible and made his moves more coherent and smooth.

After unlocking the three urgent locks, Han Zhan's speed has already exceeded the limit, and his strength and attack speed have also increased simultaneously.

His current melee strength is comparable to that of a fifth-level mad power monster!

In the continuous punches, the opponent retreated steadily and exited the range of the TV tower.

But even so, Han Zhan was secretly stunned by the recovery ability of this crazy monster.

Durable, strong, and resilient, he seemed to see a replica of himself.

It may be difficult to determine the outcome in a short period of time. Han Zhan can only entrust the task of cracking the formation to the other two people.

"Youwei, Lingzhen, you go up and destroy the formation, I'm here to hold him back!"

Han Zhan shouted.

Xia Youwei and Li Lingzhen didn't hesitate at all. After hearing Han Zhan's words, they immediately rushed towards the TV tower.

The abandoned TV tower in Shenlan City is 120 meters high. It has been almost 30 years since it was abandoned.

There has been a lot of rust on the outside of the tower, and it takes a lot of time to walk from the bottom to the top.

Walking on the high tower and looking at his feet, Li Lingzhen's legs were trembling slightly.

Xia Youwei noticed this and stopped.

"Lingzhen, can you still do it? If you really can't, you go down and help Azhan, and I'll go up alone." Xia Youwei asked with concern.

Li Lingzhen bit her lip and shook her head.

"No, I can't hold him back. I'm just a little afraid of heights, it's okay!"

After Li Lingzhen finished speaking, he took two more steps up.

The rusty tower made a sharp and heartbreaking sound, and the paint on the exterior peeled off and fell down.

The slight shaking made Li Lingzhen subconsciously grasp the railing next to her.

"Keep going up, don't stop and wait for me!"

Seeing Li Lingzhen's persistence, Xia Youwei could only follow her words, turn around and continue walking upward.

The two of them walked for almost 10 minutes and had just completed a third of the distance.

Under the high tower, the battle between Han Zhan and the crazy monster has reached fever pitch.

Both sides are "monsters" with thick blood, high attack and high defense, and neither can do anything to the other.

In the bright red sky, a group of black figures suddenly flew out. They were flying in groups towards the TV tower in mid-air!
When Han Zhan saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat and he secretly thought something was wrong.

It was at this moment that he was stunned. He was punched in the face by the monster opposite, and his whole body suddenly fell to the ground on his back.

That's a group of nightmare beasts!
As companion beasts in the barrier, they also realized the danger and began to intercept and kill Xia Youwei and Li Lingzhen who were trying to climb to the top!

at the same time,

The moment Han Zhan fell to the ground, he saw densely packed surroundings with many different but strange figures appearing.

They are like walking zombies, with whining, hoarse, and low voices,

The Korean war was surrounded from all sides.

The army of fourth-level corpse beasts, driven by the nightmare beasts, also arrived here!

Enemy on the back.

(End of this chapter)

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