Chapter 50 Healing
Gongyang Jin followed his words and pulled off his clothes, revealing his smooth and white back.

On the skin that was as beautiful as mutton fat and jade, there was only one horrific wound, which was exuding a faint black energy.

"You are so courageous that you even dare to take advantage of me. After you finish reading this, I will destroy your eyes."

Gong Yangjin said with a faint smile.

If she could keep her mouth shut, looking from a distance, she would definitely be a beautiful woman who would captivate the entire country.

Unfortunately, as soon as he opened his mouth, his painting style changed completely.

The kind of crazy witch who smiles on her face and kills people with ease describes Gong Yang Jin.

Han Zhan pursed his lips and said nothing.

He didn't know which of Gong Yangjin's words was true and which was false, so he simply ignored her.

Han Zhan stretched out his hand and put it against Gong Yangjin's wound. This move made Gong Yangjin's whole body tremble slightly.

Not because of pain.

Gong Yangjin's eyes became dangerous. Ever since he was a child, especially after awakening his talent for bonding, no one had dared to do this. It was impossible to even hold hands, let alone skin-to-skin contact.

If it hadn't been for Han Zhan, anyone else would have been chopped into minced meat long ago.

Han Zhan could also feel Gong Yangjin's suppressed murderous intention. He did not dare to be vague and immediately summoned Fu Xiqin again.

The piano music "Qingxin San" played again.

At such a close distance, the dispersing effect of the Qingxinsan piano sound is stronger, and the black energy lingering on the back is being eliminated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, when Qingxinsan stopped playing, the dispelled black energy began to re-condensate behind Gong Yangjin at a slow speed.

"I tried it, I can suppress it, but I can't dispel it."

Han Zhan's conclusion was not much different from Gong Yang Jin's expectation. In fact, she was very satisfied with being able to suppress the injury.

Just when Gong Yangjin was about to put on clothes, Han Zhan suddenly stopped her.

"Wait a minute. I have another way to try."

As soon as Han Zhan finished speaking, next to the Fuxi Qin in the air, a simple and simple cauldron began to manifest its true form, the Shennong Cauldron!
Since Gong Yangjin’s body was injured, as long as it was an injury, it could definitely be cured.

Shennong Ding is the top magic weapon for alchemy and healing among the top ten magic weapons in ancient times. Han Zhan plans to give it a try.

Seeing the second strange weapon summoned by Han Zhan, Gong Yangjin's eyes flashed with light.

"You are really, you keep surprising me. As a spirit bonder, how do you manage to contract two spirits?"

As worthy of being the most powerful person of the eighth level, Gong Yangjin could see the difference in the auras of the two different divine weapons, Han Zhan, at a glance.

From this, it can be concluded that Han Zhan has contracted two spirit spirits!

"Didn't your teacher teach you not to expose this outside easily? Otherwise, you will be in danger."

Han Zhan said nothing.

In fact, he has his own plans.

If Gong Yangjin can really be cured, his "worth" in Gong Yangjin's eyes will skyrocket.

In the beginning, he was just a dispensable "combat assistant". Gong Yangjin dared to say "kill him if he doesn't agree" easily.

But when he discovered that he could suppress the hidden diseases in his body through Fu Xiqin, even if Han Zhan stroked Gong Yangjin's back, the eighth-level strongest man could only suppress his murderous intention and say something like "blind his eyes." degree of threat.

It can be seen that the value of the Korean War continues to rise in Gong Yangjin's eyes, and his life is more secure.Prove value, this is a disguised "investment".

Han Zhan thought of this, and under his urging, the Shennong Cauldron began to swallow up the mountains and seas, absorbing all the billions of Ixieqi baby snakes that had been killed by Gong Yangjin into the cauldron!
What was sucked into the cauldron was the spiritual energy of those corpses that had not completely dissipated.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

What's more, the spiritual energy contained in the hundreds of millions of Zerg has reached a very impressive number.

If it were Changsheng Company, it would not be able to do what Shennong Ding is doing now.

Extracting spiritual energy from hundreds of millions of Zerg materials, regardless of how low the feasibility of doing so is and how high the time cost is, no normal person would choose to do that.

But for Shennong Ding, it is an extremely simple operation.

Gong Yangjin could feel that the ancient cauldron hanging high in the sky was sucking the flesh and blood of hundreds of millions of Ixieqi young snakes into the cauldron.

She didn't know what Han Zhan wanted to do, and she could feel the gradually surging spiritual energy in the Shennong Cauldron, so she didn't continue to speak to disturb Han Zhan for the time being.

After absorbing all the spiritual energy from the corpse of the young Ixieqi snake, Han Zhan activated the Shennong Cauldron again.

What I want to use this time is Shennong Ding’s newly awakened third-level talent, [Creation of Creatures]!
Han Zhan quickly made seals with his hands.

The Shennong Cauldron instantly reversed from the posture with the mouth of the cauldron facing upwards to the posture of the cauldron with the mouth of the cauldron facing downwards.

It was impartial, hanging just above Gong Yangjin's head.

"The Creation of Creatures!"

As Han Zhan let out a soft click, the extremely rich white mist began to pour down the column, pouring it all into Gong Yangjin's body like an initiation!

Creation of Creatures, as the strongest recovery method of the Shennong Cauldron, made Gong Yangjin's eighth-level strongest body feel a powerful recovery force.

She felt the majestic power of recovery rushing towards her back. Not only that, but some old hidden diseases and old injuries in her body were also being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The wounds left by the ninth-level insect emperor [Nightmare] are also recovering very slowly!

Gong Yangjin now felt as if he had been soaked in warm spring water, his whole body was filled with warmth, and an unprecedented sense of comfort swept through his body.

When the Shennong Cauldron has instilled the last bit of psychic energy, the infusion has ended.

Gong Yangjin even felt a sense of loss.

But soon, she reacted and subconsciously touched her back. The original horrific wound, under the treatment of Creation, had shrunk by at least half its original size!
Even the speed at which the black energy re-condensed was much slower.

"It can be cured!" Gong Yangjin stood up in disbelief and turned to look at Han Zhan behind him.

When Han Zhan saw her turning around, his face turned red.

"Well, you put your clothes on first..." Han Zhan was not entirely a gentleman. He was simply afraid that Gong Yangjin would kill him to vent his anger after he woke up.

Facts have proved that he was overthinking.

After proving that he was capable of curing Gong Yangjin's stubborn illness, Han Zhan's worth in Gong Yangjin's heart suddenly increased by many orders of magnitude.

"Do it again!" Gong Yangjin lost his composure and urged Han Zhan impatiently.

Han Zhan immediately shook his head and said: "How can living beings be so simple to use? You saw it just now. I used my talent to devour hundreds of millions of Zerg flesh and blood to obtain the spiritual energy. Now I want to use it again, unless Get me so much more flesh and blood."

"Aren't we going to intercept and kill the young Ixieqi snake? Let's go now!" Gongyang Jin subconsciously said.

Eighth-level thugs, isn’t that what they are?
(End of this chapter)

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