Soul-Slaying Girl: All the contracts I contracted are ancient divine weapons.

Chapter 40: The outcome is reversed and the outcome is determined

Chapter 40: The outcome is reversed and the outcome is determined

"you lose."

Li Shutong sat there all night.

The same goes for the quantum mimicry opposite him.

The opponent was waiting for him to take action and then use his backhand, but in fact, he didn't need to take action at all.

"A disciple doesn't have to be inferior to a teacher."

In this regard, Korean War did a good job.

The role of a teacher is to be a guide, not just an umbrella and a backer.

"Han Zhan, he has gone a long way on his own road, maybe he doesn't even know it."

"In the last days of the insect plague, what is most rare is the people's hearts!"

The quantum mimicry on the other side was silent.

Li Shutong discovered that the other party had cut off contact with this body.

"It's decisive."

Li Shutong shook his head, and soon his communicator rang.

"Old Li, the tracking failed. We are still close to discovering who is behind it. It's a pity."

"Old Shang, could it be you?"

"I'll get out of here."

Over the communicator, Shang Jianyue hung up the phone with a curse.

A note appeared on Li Shutong's desk for no apparent reason.

[The organization behind the scenes has discovered clues. 】

[Organization name, Daybreak. 】

After Li Shutong read the note in his hand, the words on the paper began to disappear slowly, as if being wiped away by an eraser, and eventually disappeared together with the note.

"breaking Dawn?"

Li Shutong raised his head in amusement and looked at the quantum mimicry clone opposite him.

He stepped forward and patted it lightly on the shoulder.

The next second, it turned into powder.


Deep Blue City, in the center of the square.

The onlookers have not yet reacted to the sudden reversal of the scene.

they only see,
On the original large electronic screen, the original content was replaced, and new content was played again:
"My name is Han Zhan, fighting war!"

"I became a Spiritual Contractor not only to live!"


This is the scene when Han Zhan faced the third-order Zerg for the first time in the combat assessment.

The terrifying Zerg that scares ordinary people can feel its raging flames even through the screen!

But Han Zhan walked forward with firm steps!

The screen turns again:

The sound of the cracking silk harp raged in the dust all over the sky, and the air blade of the harp music harvested the lives of countless dead gray worms.

When the dark blue caravan was isolated and helpless, facing the black tornado that blocked the sky, a black pickup truck rushed to the opposite side like a moth to a flame!
Han Zhan stood behind the car with one person and one piano, like an immortal!

Standing at the front again.

The last scene is the outskirts of Deep Blue City.

The powerful third-level Zerg wanderers cover the earth with a black tent, constantly encroaching and expanding, trying to cause a new round of insect disasters.

It was still Han Zhan, standing in front of it.

Six thunder and lightning, six virtual images of gods.

Brilliant heavenly power, divine thunder destroys the world!
The blazing white thunder defeated not only the black tents and wanderers, but also the hearts of the citizens of Deep Blue City who shouted in agreement!

Is this a rebel?

If these were also rebels, what were they?
Everyone was silent.

Kang Chuan saw that the situation was no longer under control, and a white light and shadow appeared behind him.

The mysterious master who suppressed the Korean War appeared!
The air thickens again.

This time the coverage is even larger!
Not only the execution platform, but also Li Lingzhen and Shang Siting who were riding aircraft in the sky, and Yi Fan behind the electronic screen were all involved.

Everyone felt that breathing became difficult, the air became thick and thick, and their vision began to blur.

The other party was so anxious that he jumped over the wall.

Seeing that the Korean War cannot be completely destroyed.

They can only settle for a less honorable option.

Forced erasure!

As long as Han Zhan is killed, they haven't lost yet!
When this mysterious powerhouse activated his talent, his entire body was shrouded in light.

Absolutely powerful.His strength has reached the sixth level, and has even faintly touched the threshold of the seventh level.

Even in the Dawn organization, his strength is among the best.

The task assigned to him at dawn this time,
It will be the first time he announces to the world and shows his fangs.

He will use the blood of this genius spiritual master named Han Zhan to dye the deep blue with a touch of red!

The invisible force spreads like tentacles.

If you want to see it, it will cover the Korean War.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

This mysterious strong man radiating radiance, his body suddenly seemed to be scratched out by an eraser, starting from the top of his head and gradually disappearing!

Until he completely disappeared.

Everyone was breathing heavily as if they were reborn, and the feeling of stagnant air disappeared.

People are missing?

What about a mysterious and powerful person like me?

Where did you go? !
Kang Chuan's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't understand such a question.

But someone was able to wake him up.

Han Zhan walked down from the execution platform.

The suppressors on his hands and feet also disappeared at the same time.

Justice will indeed ultimately defeat evil.

He wants to be the one to complete the finishing blow.

Han Zhan's fist hit Kang Chuan's face.

Smashing the latter to the ground, Han Zhan stepped on Kang Chuan's head with his foot, and then held the upright microphone with his right hand when the opponent was talking.

"My name is Han Zhan, fighting war."

"As you can see, I am standing here, and your new city lord is on the ground."

"It's not the city lord, it's the fourth-order insect race, the Eclipse Insect. It parasitizes humans, confuses the public, and tries to subvert."

"You don't have to believe me, because I never did anything to make you believe it."

"The reason why I'm standing here is because there are people I want to protect!"

"For Humanity!"

Han Zhan said, exerting force on his feet.

The red and white juices mixed together and flowed down from the entire execution platform.

The execution platform still played its due role.

Only the person being executed was changed.


It burst out suddenly again.

Even more fanatical cheers and shouts echoed throughout the square.

Because mankind has won!
Once again, the Zerg conspiracy was shattered.

Because their city was protected.

Because this young man named Han Zhan is very handsome.

After doing this, Han Zhan walked toward the rear without looking back.

Xia Youwei was the first to run past Chen Pupu and join him.

Then there are Li Lingzhen, Shang Siting,

They landed from the aircraft and followed Han Zhan.

There is always a group of people like this,

They will leave their back to others, whether they are spitting, praising, shouting or slandering.

None of them would care.

They just keep moving forward,

Keep going forward,
With the belief that the Zerg that brought destruction and disaster will be completely wiped out.

Li Shutong stood at the forefront of the Korean War.

He was leaning on crutches with both hands, and his tone was filled with relief and smile.

"How do you feel?" Li Shutong asked.

"It feels great to have the teacher wipe your butt. However, if there is a next time, I would rather be the chess player."

Han Zhan's voice also contained a smile.

He replied.


"This is my path."

(End of this chapter)

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