Chapter 394 Visiting Ye Qiu

"The deceased, Wang Gang..."

Han Zhan looked at the man on the virtual light screen who had just met once, and his heart was extremely complicated.

Another person died.

And it was someone he had just met not long ago.

This feeling is like watching life pass by in front of you, that kind of powerlessness and unwillingness.

What’s even more serious is that if this problem is not completely solved, more people may die like this!

"Are you sure it's related to Sanatorium No. 3?"

"The accuracy is ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent," Bob said.

This answer is in line with the rigor of omnic life.

"I'm going to find Fourth Senior Brother now!"

After confirming with Bob again, Han Zhan gathered his mood, got up and walked out the door.

The reason why I went to find Ye Qiu immediately was because I was worried about Ye Qiu's safety and wanted to find him as soon as possible. Secondly, I wanted to learn from him and see if there were any possible clues.

Ye Qiu's residence is in Julaoguan.

He has been living here since leaving Sanatorium No. 3.

He refused a city with a better living environment and refused visits from anyone, including his second senior brother Lin Jingxuan. True to his words, he could live his life again like a thoroughly ordinary person.

When Han Zhan arrived downstairs at his house, Ye Qiu was carrying two bags of freshly bought ingredients and preparing to go upstairs.

He also saw Han Zhan standing opposite and frowned slightly.

"Why are you here again?"

"I think I've made it very clear to you, please don't bother me again..."

"Forty-three people who came out of Sanatorium No. 3 have disappeared inexplicably, and there is a high probability of death."

Han Zhan said this succinctly and at the same time made clear his intention.

"Fourth Senior Brother, we need your help."

Ye Qiu's expression was impatient.

He carried the ingredients, looked at Han Zhan up and down, turned around and walked into the corridor without saying anything more.

Halfway through, he said without looking back: "Let's talk upstairs."

Hearing this, Han Zhan quickly followed.

Ye Qiu's home is very simple. Apart from simple and necessary furniture, there are no other superfluous things.

The floors and furniture in the house were cleaned.

The only decoration in the whole room may be the white chrysanthemums in a transparent glass bottle on the coffee table.

"If you have anything to ask, just say it here."

"If you want to stay here to eat, please help choose the dishes."

As soon as he returned home, Ye Qiu went straight to the kitchen and started processing the ingredients he just bought today.

Han Zhan rolled up his sleeves and asked while helping.

"Fourth Senior Brother, did you notice anything unusual when you were in Sanatorium No. 3?"

Ye Qiu glanced at him.

"You may have forgotten that when I was admitted to Sanatorium No. 3, I was still a lunatic."

"The madman's memory is broken and confused. If you want to ask me about these things, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

After Ye Qiu reminded him, Han Zhan realized that he had indeed forgotten this!

Yes, Senior Brother Four lived in Sanatorium No. 3 and was in a state of madness most of the time. After his madness was cured, he was discharged from the hospital not long after.

As a result, the fourth senior brother Ye Qiu, who has high hopes, may not be able to provide many clues.

Thinking of this, Han Zhan sighed deeply.

"How many people died in total."

Add oil to the pot, Ye Qiu pours the vegetables cut on the cutting board into it, and stir-fry skillfully.

With a sizzling sound, the raw ingredients are scattered in the pot, stir-fried in the rising hot oil, and the aroma soon comes out.


Han Zhan held the kitchen knife and cut the side dishes very quickly. Ye Qiu would always reach out and put away all the side dishes the second Han Zhan had just cut them and arranged them, without wasting even a second.

"Who are they? Do you have any photos?"

The iron pot being stir-fried by Ye Qiudian started to heat up, tongues of fire spread from the edge of the pot into the pot, and the fire started to cook back and forth.

Han Zhan used virtual light screen technology to display the photos of the forty-three people collected by Bob.

Ye Qiu only looked up while cooking.

"This is Wang Gang, twenty-seven years old."

"I used to work as a logistics officer in Shen Zheqi's Third War Zone. He's not a bad guy, he's familiar with him, but he's a bit lustful."

"When he was in the nursing home, he would scan the young nurses thirty to fifty times a day."

A little horny?

I'm afraid it's more than a little bit.

Han Zhan recalled the scene he saw yesterday at the Chunlaijiao Dance Hall, where Wang Gang greedily sucked the cloth, and he cursed in his heart.

The next photo appears on the virtual light screen.

"Zhao Qi, thirty-three years old."

"He has a hot temper and is also a thorn in the side of the nursing home. He gets into fights with others at every turn. The most important thing is that he can't beat anyone."

He is both good at food and fun-loving.

Next one.

"Xu Pengcheng, twenty-four years old."

"No bad habits, just a bite of meat, and he is happy without meat. Most of the money he earned, including the pension after serious injury, was used to buy meat and eat a lot."

Next one.

"Tan Chunhua..."

As photos flashed on the light screen, Ye Qiu could accurately tell each other's name, age, dislikes, hobbies, personality, and other aspects.

There is some information that Bob can investigate.

There is some information that even Bob cannot find, and only people who are familiar with him can understand it.

When he finished talking about the forty-third person, Ye Qiu just poured out the last dish from the pot and put it on the plate.

Four simple side dishes.

"Do you want to drink?" Ye Qiu pointed to the bottle of wine in his hand and asked Han Zhan.

Han Zhan shook his head. "Less likely."

"Forget it, don't waste the wine." Ye Qiu only filled a glass for himself.

"Fourth Senior Brother, didn't you only stay in Sanatorium No. 3 for less than five days after you regained consciousness? How did you manage to understand all these forty-three people so thoroughly in five days?"

"Five days, isn't it very short?" Unexpectedly, Ye Qiu replied to him like this.

"The amount of information a person exposes from his daily behavior, speech, expression, and all aspects is already enough."

“All it takes is an eye to spot them.”

As the former commander of the Fourth War Zone, Ye Qiu's strength is undoubted, and what makes him truly powerful is his ability to control soldiers!

Lin Jingxuan once said when evaluating Xia Youwei that the only person who could rival Xia Youwei's talent was Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu's skills as a soldier allowed him to lead the battle spirit masters in the fourth theater to fight against the eight apostles of the Old Covenant, killing seven and seriously injuring one!

Not everyone can achieve such a record.

Even though he has no realm now, his keen insight and delicate perception, this innate ability have not disappeared.

"You do not believe?"

"For example, in my eyes, you are a libertine who has five boats, and you also play music every night. This behavior lasts for at least ten days, more than three days a day..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Han Zhan suddenly stood up and filled the wine glass in front of him.

"Fourth Senior Brother, I'd like to toast you!"

(End of this chapter)

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