Chapter 390 Amusement Park

Amusement parks are no stranger to the Korean War.

He often came to play when he was little, but rarely came when he grew up.

The facilities in the amusement park are all brand new. The animal museum is on the right after entering the door. There are no giraffes, alpacas, tigers and lions in it. Instead, there are some exotic animals unique to Blue Star.

They are blocked in the living area with thick glass of special material, and visitors can view them through the verandah.

Next to the animal house is the circus. In the circus, there is a robot performing magic. It is covered with an anthropomorphic skin and looks just like a real person.

There is also a landmark building in the amusement park, the Ferris wheel.

The tall Ferris wheel rotated slowly. When Han Zhan and Xia Youwei entered the amusement park, there was already a long queue here.

"Didn't expect it to be so busy?" Xia Youwei looked at the crowded amusement park and couldn't help but sigh.

"Bob said that he has analyzed the residents of the entire Daxia North County and found that their happiness index is low. The happiness index is related to the birth rate of the next generation. The birth rate will affect the total talent reserve, and the total talent reserve will further affect Daxia’s combat power…”

Anyway, after Bob’s logical and thorough reasoning, he came to the conclusion:

The people of Beijun must improve their happiness index in order to enhance the overall strength of Daxia Beijun.

"It's not a bad thing to relax occasionally. An environment that is too depressing can indeed easily change people's mentality."

Xia Youwei helped Bob by saying something.

The two were walking and chatting. As they were talking, Xia Youwei was suddenly attracted by a small stall in an amusement park.

It was a robot stall.

To be precise, all stalls in the entire amusement park are run by robots.

This made Han Zhan feel a bit weird after having seen a real amusement park, but for Xia Youwei, who had never been to an amusement park, it was particularly novel.

"That's a marshmallow."

Han Zhan saw clearly where Xia Youwei's fingers were, a robot was rotating the wooden stick in its hand at a fixed and stable frequency.

As the stick rotates, a little bit of white cotton-like stuff wraps around it, slowly turning into a small cloud.

"Want to eat?"

Han Zhan looked at Xia Youwei, who rarely showed an expectant expression, walked forward and swiped a marshmallow with the paradise card given by Bob.

Xia Youwei happily took the marshmallow from Han Zhan's hand. At Han Zhan's signal, she tried to stick out her pink tongue and licked it flexibly.

The marshmallow melts at the tip of your tongue and turns into sweet syrup that melts in your mouth.

Xia Youwei tasted the sweetness and began to bite it in small bites. She looked cute like a little white rabbit.

Han Zhan didn't speak, but looked at her quietly with a smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Xia Youwei's hair. Xia Youwei was caught off guard and let out a soft "um".

"How about it? It's not easy to be the 'empress of the palace', right?" Han Zhan asked jokingly.

Unexpectedly, Xia Youwei snorted and shook her head.

"Everyone is very easy to get along with. It's much easier to get along with than in the TV series. I'm not as tired as I thought."

This is the truth.

"It's just... I've never had the chance to help you. I'm a little sad."

When Xia Youwei said this, she lowered her head slightly, with a hint of depression in her tone.

Whether she went to the City of Titans, adventured in the Fruit World, or went to the City of Evil, she was never able to fight side by side with Han Zhan.

Although it was because everyone had more important arrangements, Xia Youwei was still a little concerned about it.

"Silly girl." Han Zhan smiled and took back the hand holding Xia Youwei, and then reached out to hold her in his arms. "In the many days since I returned to Beijun, which day have I not fought with you?"

Han Zhan's words successfully turned Xia Youwei from depressed to shy.

"I heard from Second Senior Brother that you are quite talented in arranging troops, and you are already able to fight him back and forth on the school field?"

Han Zhan changed the topic and asked.

The two of them continued walking in the amusement park while chatting.

Han Zhan didn't let go of Xia Youwei's arms, and she meekly rested her head on Han Zhan's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.

Puff, puff.

"That's what Second Senior Brother asked me to do. I'm not proficient enough in controlling the war spirits. In addition, you have killed many new war spirits when you went out these few times."

"I still have a long way to go." Xia Youwei said modestly.

What she didn't know was that when her second senior brother Lin Jingxuan talked about this matter with Han Zhan, he gave Xia Youwei four words of evaluation:


Not everyone can control such a large number of war spirits, let alone arrange these war spirits according to their own intentions and fight against opponents.

Xia Youwei has an introverted personality, and introverted people are often delicate, and the delicacy is also reflected in the control of the war spirit.

If you really want to compare Xia Youwei with others, in Lin Jingxuan's heart, the only one who can compete with Xia Youwei is Ye Qiu in his original heyday, the commander of the 4th Theater Army and the king of attacking camps.

The two people walked closer and closer to the Ferris wheel in the center of the amusement park.

There are gradually more tourists around.

Many people saw Han Zhan and Xia Youwei and recognized them.

Many people took out their cameras and started taking pictures.

It seems that Han Zhan and Xia Youwei are regarded as big stars.

With their current status, saying they are big stars should be considered a downgrade.

Being surrounded by so many people, Xia Youwei's face became even redder. She shyly tried to break away from Han Zhan's arms, but unexpectedly she failed.

"Why panic?"

"Azhan!" Xia Youwei's voice was as low as a mosquito.

"You are the main palace, and the main palace should be shown openly to everyone. There is nothing to be shy about."

Han Zhan's words made Xia Youwei feel warm in her heart, and she felt a sense of satisfaction at being recognized by the one she loved.

In order to appease Xia Youwei and take care of her naturally shy character, Han Zhan no longer forced her. He used Bob's park card to open the VIP channel, and the two of them boarded the Ferris wheel in the center of the amusement park.

This is Xia Youwei's first time riding a Ferris wheel.

The feeling of being carried by the joyful wind and flying away into the sky are two completely different experiences.

Xia Youwei gradually forgot her shyness and immersed herself in this beautiful moment.

"Youwei." Suddenly, Han Zhan called her name from behind.

"Huh?" Xia Youwei turned around subconsciously and saw Han Zhan suddenly take out a ring from his arms.

"Xiao Jin, Nuan Xue, Si Ting, they all had weddings with me. As the royal empress, I cannot treat you badly."

At this time, the Ferris wheel they were riding on reached its highest point.

Looking at this person who has been with me all the way from Ivy Academy, from a young girl to a married woman, her face is still as beautiful as a flower.

Han Zhan put the ring on her finger.

(End of this chapter)

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