Chapter 384 Bob’s Request

"Yes, I am an omnic-level being. Please remember my name, Bob!"

The little dragon man on the virtual screen put his hands on his hips and said proudly.

"The omnic life is actually an omnic life!"

Shang Siting repeated the term, her eyes showing a light that was second only to the one when she saw Han Zhan.

With omnic life, there is hope for reaching civilization level 5, successfully manufacturing energy bricks, and completing the iteration of civilization!

"This is such a huge surprise!"

"Where did you find him?"

Shang Siting regretted it as soon as she asked this question.

Because of her excitement, she forgot the most important point.

Just when they saw the chip, apart from Han Zhan, there were several other people who were smiling.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they come from a city of extreme evil.

In this way, it is obvious where Bob is coming from.

"The City of Evil?"

"Yes, he is the boss of a force in the City of Evil, although he is the only one in that force, and he is not a human yet."

Hearing Han Zhan's description, the little dragon man in the virtual screen flicked his tail vigorously, looking very dissatisfied.

"I have read your meeting minutes and know the difficulties Daxia is currently facing. Regarding the derivation of energy bricks, I can agree to help."

"But accordingly, descendants of the merchant, you must agree to one condition."

Although Bob is not the real Skynet, nor is he one of those old guys from the investment company who put their interests first, he still knows the negotiation skills at his fingertips.

"What conditions?"

Shang Siting did not agree or agree immediately.

"It's more of a request than a condition."

"This is also related to why I was exiled to the city of extreme evil, if you are interested in hearing it."

Seeing that no one objected, Bob continued:

"Shang Shang Company has been committed to researching mechanical ascension and immortality projects since Shang Jianyue. As a descendant of Shang Shang, this should be familiar to you, right?"

Shang Siting nodded slightly.

Not only Shang Siting, as someone who has been to the Titan City once and witnessed the Korean War at the Shang Shang Company Research Institute, she also has a deep understanding of the madness of the merchants in their pursuit of mechanical ascension.

Others who did not know the specific situation also saw some relevant text records on their virtual electronic screens.

About the experimental content of participating companies.

I can't say it's unbelievable, I can only say it's appalling.

Bob flicked his dragon tail. He was supposed to be a virtual dragon, but there seemed to be memories in his voice:

"Mechanical ascension is the process of uploading a person's spiritual consciousness to a network terminal, and then achieving eternal life."

"In this research, the person who has gone the furthest is Shang Jianyue. As for the subsequent businessmen, no matter how talented they are, they cannot surpass their ancestors."

"However, among countless geniuses, one still stands out. Not because of his extraordinary achievements, but because he is different."

As Bob told the story, another picture of a strange man appeared on the virtual electronic screen.

When she saw the man in the photo, Shang Siting's pupils shrank and she looked shocked.

"This is... the traitor of Shengshang Company, Shang Wanyi?!"

"Shang Wanyi is a traitor to the Merchant Company. He has been completely wiped out in the entire history of Merchant. We know nothing about him except that he is a traitor."

Shang Siting answered truthfully.

If a traitor is described as standing out, then Shang Siting will definitely think that person is crazy. But if the speaker is Bob, the omnic is not a human being.

Then consider it carefully.

Assuming that Shang Wanyi was not secretly dealt with because he betrayed the company, then why was he?

Shang Siting thought of this, and she suddenly thought of a word.


Just like it is taboo for people in a business company to become a spirit bonder or a spirit bonder, the senior executives of a business company always like to use this word to control everyone and make them follow the rules like machines.

At this time, Bob's voice sounded again.

"Shang Wanyi is an out-and-out genius."

"When other people become business leaders, all they think about is how to achieve mechanical ascension and surpass their ancestor Shang Jianyue."

"But Shang Wanyi is different. Instead of studying mechanical ascension, he conducted reverse research! And, the most important thing is, he succeeded!"

What is the reverse study of mechanical ascension?

Mechanical ascension is to transfer human spiritual consciousness into network data through uploading terminals to achieve eternal life.

If you do reverse research, could it be that... the network data of the terminal is stripped and downloaded from the eternal state, forming a spiritual life with independent self!

So, Bob is—

"Yes, I was separated from the core of Skynet by Shang Wanyi, and I have an independent consciousness."

"Most of the old guys in Shenshang Company are studying immortality, but Shang Wanyi is studying how to create virtual life into real life."

Hearing Bob's self-narration, Han Zhan suddenly came to his senses.

No wonder Bob is so good at researching virtual and real technology. It turns out that there is knowledge passed down in it.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to evaluate Shang Wanyi as the best among geniuses.

"Because Shang Wanyi stripped off the core of Skynet without authorization and created an indestructible life form, the birth of 'I', he was secretly executed by the business company because he was judged to have violated a taboo."

"Those old guys who participate in business companies are quite particular. They pursue immortality and prohibit creation." Han Zhan couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

"No, they don't prohibit the creation of life, they are just afraid of the emergence of uncontrollable life forms." Bob corrected.

This is very corporate.

"Before Shang Wanyi died, he destroyed the way he created me, so I became the unique one."

"They were afraid that Skynet would be influenced by me, so they exiled me to the City of Extreme Evil."

After listening to Bob’s story, +1 for the secrets about participating companies.

"So what is your request? Let me help you avenge Shang Wanyi and destroy the entire ginseng company?" Shang Siting asked after digesting the secret.

The dragon man shook his head.

It no longer maintains the image of a dragon man, and becomes a chaotic and disordered body of data consciousness. This is its true appearance.

"I want you to help me become a real living being. This is also my 'father', his biggest wish before he died."

Omnic machines are different from humans.

Although omnics are powerful, their creation takes place within an extremely huge circle.

Although humans are weak, their creations have no limitations at all.

With and without moments.

Only by transcending the rules and using human imagination and creativity can Bob's ultimate goal be achieved.

Only business descendants can do it.

Faced with such a request, Shang Siting pondered for a long time.

"Okay, I promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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