Chapter 380 Let’s go home



This is completely different from the feeling Lin Jingxuan gave people in the past.

Lin Jingxuan, who was standing in front of everyone, was surrounded by pale golden light.

Every strand of his hair has a unique luster.

"The Korean War."

At this time, Lin Jingxuan suddenly spoke.

"Remember: although the teacher has left, you still have your senior brother."

"Don't be so tense, relax."

Han Zhan was stunned and pressed his lips slightly. He suddenly understood the good intentions of the second senior brother.

It turned out that the second senior brother was caring about himself.

Having just experienced a dangerous life-and-death fight, coupled with the excessive tension, it is very likely to cause mental imbalance.

In his body, the problem of the origin of nothingness has not been completely solved. If his mind is unbalanced, it is very likely to destroy the seal and cause the problem to break out in advance.

It is impossible to remind myself of these things in front of so many people.

So the second senior brother Lin Jingxuan chose a more direct way to vent the violence in his heart.

Han Zhan thought about this in his mind, and the violence on his face that was aroused by the memory of the situation gradually dissipated and calmed down.

"Second Senior Brother, I understand."

After mentioning the Korean war, Lin Jingxuan's eyes fell on the other side of the chasm.

Experiment No. 1, who was shaken out of the river map by himself, had fully recovered in the blink of an eye.

He was getting up from the ground and looked back with a stern look.

In the sky, the angry senior management of the trading company had also connected to the interstellar communication and asked for support.

Quantum teleportation arrays lit up behind the starship carrier, indicating that a large force from the participating companies would soon arrive.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jingxuan put away his feather fan and put his hands in his sleeves again.

"I'm here to take them home."

Lin Jingxuan stepped forward, and behind him, Hetu and Luoshu, which represented the origin, merged again just as he finished speaking.

Under his feet, a line of golden light was outlined, followed by two, two, three, and countless three.

Countless densely packed golden threads were carved across the entire earth, and in an instant, the prototype of a heaven and earth formation was completed!


"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

The moment the heaven and earth formation was formed, Frog and the senior management of the company suddenly changed their expressions.

But at this time, it was too late to regret it.

"The intelligence was wrong and the analysis resulted in serious misjudgments."

"Lin Jingxuan, the ninth-level most powerful person in Daxia, guards the heaven and earth formation in Beijun. You can move with him!"

"Correction analysis is performed, and the analysis is completed: the latest assessment is 'invincible', giving up the fight for the core of Skynet and the source of killing."

"Abandon the Alpha Starship Carrier, abandon Shang Chundong, execute immediately!"

The moment the Heaven and Earth Formation was formed, Tianwang of the Shenzhen Merchant Company completely took over the entire battle formation.

At the same time that it came to a conclusion, the quantum teleportation arrays blooming in the sky were extinguished one by one very quickly.

Rushed and hilarious.

In the Alpha starship carrier, when he heard the Skynet announcement, Shang Chundong, who was sitting in the main seat of the captain's room, looked ashen.

Skynet's report was like a final verdict handed down to him.

Skynet gave up on him and the Alpha Starship Carrier!

A huge golden mysterious text smashed into the mothership hovering in the sky.

That is the word "gan", almost half the size of a starship carrier.

On the starship carrier, the naval guns fired wildly, and the dense quantum energy shells were like raindrops, bombarding the golden text. But these energy attacks did not slow down the falling speed of the golden Xuanwen for even one second.

Next second,

The golden Xuanwen hit the mothership's protective cover.

Originally, due to being hit by the space-based rail gun, the quantum shield had a large opening. Under the heavy pressure of the golden mysterious text, it only lit up and burned out symbolically, and then collapsed.

The mothership's second layer of defense, the solid outer shell made of special materials, failed to withstand it and was forced to collapse inward, making a sharp and harsh sound of metal twisting.

The starship carrier was in a state of great destruction. Under this heavy pressure, all the anti-gravity engines stopped working, and it fell towards the ground very simply!


On the ground, Frog's reaction was much quicker.

His realm is gone, but his vision is still there.

Experimental Subject No. 1 is just a medicine jar, and it is only strong if it is strong, but when it comes to Lin Jingxuan, who is considered a pervert in the ninth level, it is definitely enough.

A qualified decision-maker should have the ability to see things before his eyes but not to do anything about them, and to make decisions when necessary.


Hearing Frog's command, Aberration Walker No. 002 controlled her abilities, and the maw of the abyss opened at their feet.

Frog and Experimental Subject No. 1 jumped down without hesitation and were swallowed by the huge mouth of the abyss.

At this time, the starship carrier of the participating company happened to be blown up by the golden Xuanwen.

There are many more golden profound texts like this!

They continuously emerge from the heaven and earth formation on the ground like golden bubbles, like chains that seal the sky and the earth, completely cutting off the formation from the outside world.

Another golden mysterious text fell from mid-air, hitting the Distortion Walker No. 002, unable to avoid it!


A dull sound came.

The entire ground collapsed under the weight of millions of people, and tons of soil were squeezed into the chasm swallowed up by the huge mouth of the abyss next to it.

In an instant, the ravines were refilled with soil, and the overall height of the ground dropped by more than ten meters.

As for the Distortion Walker No. 002, it has long been buried under the soil and can no longer be seen.

Lin Jingxuan took back Hetu Luoshu and held the white feather fan in his hand again. He pointed at the low-lying basin that opened up again in front of him.

"Come on, go home."


the other side.

The maw of the abyss appeared from under the soil, and as soon as it spit out Frog and Experimental Subject No. 1, it exploded.

Broken pieces of meat mixed with blood spattered all over them.

"Let's go, No. 002 has been martyred."

Frog nonchalantly patted the minced flesh and blood on his body and grinned.

He was actually able to laugh at this defeat.

"With my talent, one day I can reach as high as him and peek into the secrets at the end of the ninth level."

"Do you agree?"

The No. 1 Experimental Subject who walked out beside Frog simply ignored his words and passed him by with an indifferent expression.

"Boring." Frog looked back at a place ten thousand meters away.

There, the great formation that sealed the sky and Jedi had dispersed.

He turned around and continued walking forward.

This is the opposite path for everyone.

Empire, beach.

Louis XVII, who was watching beach volleyball, received the latest information from his subordinates.

The company lost a starship? Changsheng Company lost a peak eighth-level deformed walker No. 002? He smiled and shook his head, showing that this was indeed the case.

"If you underestimate Lin Jingxuan, they will suffer a big loss."

"Fortunately, I had the foresight and did not take a trip into this muddy water."

"Sir, there is a new gospel in the Knight Code! You are urgently summoned to return to the Holy See!"

(End of this chapter)

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