Chapter 369 "Evil"

Outside the Killing Fields map.

The waves on the sea became more and more rough.

"We don't have much time left."

"Using bugs to get stuck outside the edge of the map, even if the source of killing is not taken into account, it will be difficult to sustain it for a long time."

"What will happen if it can't be maintained?" Frog lowered his center of gravity so that he could continue to remain stable on the rough boat and asked at the same time.

"You will be kicked out of the room, kicked out of the server, and permanently banned."

Frog, in a white suit, gave the simplest and most straightforward description.

"Beyond this sea, there is a river. Trust me, you don't want to fall into that river."

Malicious card bugs come with a price.

As for the size of the price, it depends on whether there is someone (original) covering it up.

From the current point of view, their boat can still hold on.

"It has been detected that you are trying to explore an area outside the map. Please stop exploring immediately!"

"Continuous warnings are invalid and one point of camp value will be deducted."

In my ears, reminders about deducting camp values ​​continued to sound.

At this moment, Frog's face suddenly turned pale!

A stream of blood spurted out from his mouth, and then large mouthfuls of blood continued to gush out from his mouth.

"What’s wrong with you?!"

"They... they... found the weakness of replicating the ability to split..."

The Death and Life Apostles were jointly suppressed by the Anti-Xia Alliance and the Mechanicus. Who knows the weakness of the Death and Life Apostles must be these two forces.

Frog was severely injured and was about to fall from the boat.

"Hold on!" Frog in the white suit grabbed him.

"How long will it take? My soul has been hit hard and I can't hold on for long."

As Frog spoke, his eyelids drooped. "I'm dying."

The time that he parasitized and usurped the body of the apostle of life and death was still too short.

Coupled with the killing battlefield, the other party seized such an opportunity.

It's very possible that this is the only chance.

"Korean War, Bob!"

Frog pronounced the names with resentment.

The soul was hit hard and backfired, and Frog's vision went dark.

At this moment, the rules of the killing battlefield sounded in his ears.

"...After deducting 1 point of camp value, your camp value has become negative. Now change camp immediately!"

"Your alignment has changed."

"Your corresponding social identity changes simultaneously."

"Your current identity is, evil camp, social level 5, the mastermind behind the scenes!"

When Frog in the white suit completed the change of camp identity, he suddenly threw out the transparent blank fusion card.

"Give me the fusion!"

The next second, not only the roles of the two people began to merge, but Frog in the white suit also turned into a ray of light and merged into Frog's body.

The entire sea surface was filled with turbid waves.

This backhand left behind thousands of years ago has finally come to bear fruit.

With the integration of Frog in the white suit, Frog, who was originally depressed and about to have his soul broken, regained consciousness like a shot in the arm.

Those vague, lost, and incomplete memories also began to merge in his mind:

"After leaving the ultimate killing battlefield this time, it may be impossible to come back again."

"The negative effects of Distortion Potion No. 001 are more terrifying than I imagined. My body can no longer bear the increasing amount of mental energy."

"Why can't the spiritual energy be divided into two? In this way, not only can it relieve the pressure of physical body collapse, but when the time is right in the future, the two can be combined into one..."

"The combination of the ninth level!"


The terrifying aura instantly filled the entire sea surface.

The waves that were originally turbulent calmed down in an instant.

In the fusion of light and shadow, Frog walked out of it.

He had just taken a few steps when dense cracks began to appear on the surface of his body.

There is a possibility of physical collapse at any time.

But his huge and terrifying spiritual energy far exceeded before, and he successfully broke through to the ninth level!

"I'm a genius." "Isn't it?"

A smile appeared on Frog's face. Feeling the strength of his body, he slowly raised his hand.

In his hand was a pure black card.

"Social Level: 6"

"Character Identity: Evil"

"You are the purest evil, a unique existence in this world. You have the power of evil and are in charge of all evil in the killing battlefield!"


This is Level 6, the highest social level, an existence beyond Level 5!

It is also the ultimate solution to be recognized by the origin of killing and obtain inheritance!

Frog opened his hands slightly.

He felt the dual changes in his body and identity.


Killing battlefield.

city ​​centre.

As the two people at the top of the good camp, Han Zhan and Gong Yang Jin raised their heads in unison and looked into the distance.

Nothing can be seen there.

There is only endless night and endless darkness.

But when they looked there, they seemed to feel that something was being gestated in the dark night.

Their faces became serious.

"Did you feel it too?"

Seeing Gong Yangjin's expression was the same as his own, Han Zhan let out a filthy breath.

"Yes, I feel it."

Gongyang Jin tried his best to see something from the boundless darkness, but failed.

"What could that be?"

"There won't be anything else."

Although they were very reluctant to tell this fact, the only thing that could make them feel frightened at the same time was the enemy camp.

As for those in the hostile camp who can have such an impact, the answer is ready to come out.

Incubus, Frog!

"He succeeded."

"He took the last step and successfully promoted to social level 6, which caused such an anomaly!"

"It moved."

I don't know who shouted.

Everyone saw that the deep darkness that was originally far away from them seemed to be spreading a little towards them.

The port of Guihun Port.

There was a small fishing boat swaying on the sea. A light was fixed on the bow, and the miniature light illuminated the sea in front of it.

Some fishermen surfaced and lifted out the fish they had caught with their spearguns.

On the small fishing boat, the woman in charge happily reached out and took it.

"What a harvest today."

"We need to hurry up. I think the weather in the distance doesn't look right. I'm afraid it's going to change."

"What are you afraid of? The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!"

The man laughed and dived back into the water.

The wife sitting in the boat pursed her lips but did not stop.

At this moment, the light of the only lamp suddenly flickered on and off.

Like a candle swaying wildly in the sea breeze.

But it's solar powered!


The lights went out.

The sea became pitch black again.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the water silently. He raised his spear gun and pointed it at his wife who was sitting on the fishing boat.


Gunshots were fired.

(End of this chapter)

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