Chapter 360 Minutes and seconds, life and death

Killing battlefield.

other places.

A large number of clones are wreaking havoc on the entire battlefield.

Frog discovered that only camp characters with character identities can cause damage to the Killing Fields.

This seems to be part of the rules, a hidden rule.

Therefore, he had to let the clone merge with the identity of the rogue character before he could launch the second round of general attack in the early hours of this morning.

The second round of total attack lasts longer.

And because the special commissioners in each region have too much time to take care of themselves, the damage to the good camp caused by this destruction is still increasing.

Han Zhan, who was originally second in the standings, has now dropped to fourth, and his points are still decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Frog saw this scene with a smile on his face.

At this moment, his smile suddenly faded, and then his entire face turned gloomy.

"The fallen knight is dead."

Frog controls a large number of replicas, which makes his mental world feel like he is monitoring countless densely packed pictures at the same time. It is impossible for him to stare at all the pictures all the time.

As a host that has been deeply parasitized by him, it is impossible for the Fallen Knight to escape from his control.

In addition, he is already a despised member of social level 4. With this role, he will not fall easily wherever he goes.

So Frog was very relieved about the Fallen Knight.

This is also his favorite "trumpet" that he uses most easily.

But now, he is dead!

"As expected, raising tigers is still a problem."

"Han Zhan, the surprises you gave me are too many, too many."

"This further proves that the attack I launched early this morning was an extremely correct decision."

Frog looked at the points at the bottom of the Korean War on the standings and murmured.

Just give him two more hours, and the damage caused by the clone will deduct the opponent's points to zero!

Even if the fallen knight died unexpectedly, the whole matter was not completely beyond Frog's calculations and control.

"Sending the fallen knight to assassinate you is a wise move."

"If he succeeds in killing you, it proves that you are not even qualified to see me. If he does not kill you, or he is killed, it proves that your strength and identity are rising equally fast."

"However, in addition to the role of the Forsaken Knight, the Fallen Knight also has another identity."

"He is the bridge to the fallen place, the key that opens the door to corruption."

Once an accident occurs to the fallen knight, those beings in the fallen land that even Frog is unwilling to touch for the time being will definitely take this opportunity to descend from the fallen knight's body.

The Fallen Knight is like a time bomb that could be detonated at any time.

Even if you kill him, bigger trouble will arise.

This is Frog's killer move.

If they can't deal with the unknown entities that may come to the Fallen Land, Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin will still die. Even if they really succeed in saving the day, Han Zhan's points will fall to the bottom, and he will be deprived of his character identity and become a lamb to be slaughtered. .

Just when Frog thought of this, a coquettish and strange lotus suddenly bloomed in the remaining consciousness connection that he controlled the fallen knight.

The lotus was strangely clear, and Frog made a prompt decision to completely cut off the parasite on the fallen knight.


"Half an hour left!"

Seeing Han Zhan being slashed away by the Fallen Knight's sword again, Bob spoke.

As an assistant, Bob's professionalism is unquestionable.

"What half an hour?" After Han Zhan was sent flying, Gong Yangjin came in from the other side. Taking advantage of his body's rapid recovery, he asked.

Bob, who looked like a dragon man, stretched out an index finger and pointed above their heads.

Han Zhan looked up in the direction of his finger.

The result was total darkness and nothing could be seen.

"Points ranking list, you don't have many points left."

Although Bob is also trapped in the fallen darkness, he can instantly read the latest information about the outside world through the constantly refreshing data torrent.

Han Zhan's ranking in the standings dropped again and again, and the destruction of the clone army continued.

The conspiracy of the dream demon Frog is clearly displayed on his face.

"Frog sent the fallen knight to kill you. This move was just right."

"The Fallen Knight not only tested your strength, but after his death, the existence of the Fallen Land was in crisis, and you were attacked a second time."

"His ultimate goal is not necessarily to kill you. As long as you clear your points, he will win the entire game directly."

Everyone is a sensible person, and Bob speaks to such an extent that even a fool can understand.

"You mean, we only have half an hour left. If we still can't solve the current crisis, then we will be the ones who are solved?"

"No." Bob shook his head, "To be precise, it's twenty-eight minutes and thirty-one seconds."

"It's thirty seconds now."

The haunting opponent.

Han Zhan's eyes fell on the field. Gong Yangjin, who was holding the Xuanyuan Sword, had already used the immeasurable sea of ​​swords, and the surging golden sword energy kept washing over the fallen knight.

The dark and thick armor on his body was severely damaged by the erosion of such sword energy.

In the wounds penetrated by the sword energy, black roots grew out like tentacles.

The fallen knight just held up the golden sea of ​​swords and slashed at Gong Yangjin again.


Gong Yangjin's eyes narrowed, and she could only withdraw and retreat again, giving up her plan to continue resisting the fallen knight.

With the Fallen Gate providing infinite energy behind it, the Fallen Knight under the blessing of this black lotus is invincible!

"Bob, how much longer will it take?!"

The moment Gong Yang Jinhou withdrew from the circle, Han Zhan stepped forward and took over the battle.

Prevent the monster's hatred from leaving.

"Thirty-five minutes." A series of light green numbers flashed in Bob's eyes, "I am calculating an optimal solution!"

As soon as Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin enter the battlefield, they will be targeted and hunted by the fallen knights.

If you want to cut off the black rhizome behind the Black Lotus that connects to the Fallen Gate, only Bob's data torrent can do it.

It would take Bob thirty-five minutes to reach a torrent of data powerful enough to cut off the black rhizome.

But judging from the rate at which points in the Korean War were declining, they couldn't wait as long as thirty-five minutes!

"What is the optimal solution?!"

Han Zhan had all his vitality activated this time, and he barely blocked the Fallen Knight's knight's sword. All his flesh and blood seemed to melt in the incoming sword energy.

"The optimal solution is to once again use the network and power of the entire killing field to quickly increase the data flood to sufficient power."

"I have calculated that even if extra points are deducted due to the destruction of the power network, you can still survive for ten seconds with the remaining points."

While Bob was speaking, Han Zhan was knocked away by the Fallen Knight's second sword.


Indistinct sounds came from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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