Chapter 356 Kill

The head of a middle-aged woman with curly hair was thrown out of the open window.

It rolled down to the lawn, its eyes widened and seemed to be full of disbelief.

The next second, heavy iron hoofs trampled on it, crushing it to pieces.

Blood splashed on the surrounding weeds, and after a few silent swings, it returned to calm.

"lets go."

The fallen knight rode on an armored horse and walked to the front of the clone.

Dream Demon Frog held a piece of information previously investigated from the patrol room in his hand, with a sneer on his lips.

He did not intend to give Han Zhan another day to rest.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

"On the evil camp side, the Fallen Knight has just been successfully promoted to become a despised member of the social level 4. I am more than million points ahead of Han Zhan in the standings. The possibility of him surpassing me is extremely slim."

"Within six hours, I can create enough copies to cause secondary damage to the entire killing battlefield!"

"On this battlefield, without absolute strength, social class will be the key to victory or defeat."

"As long as the points in the Korean War can be reduced to zero, there will be no chance of them coming back."

Frog muttered to himself, and the different clones were already starting to walk towards their destinations in small groups.

The fallen knight walked towards the target circled in red on the map.

That's where Han Zhan's parents lived, as found in the patrol room system.


In the middle of the night.

Han Zhan's cell phone rang suddenly. On the other end of the phone, Zeng Buping's voice sounded a little sleepy and tired, but more of a surprise.

"Hunter, many saboteurs suddenly appeared in the area under my jurisdiction!"

"They... are very strange. They seem to be ordinary people, but they also seem to have the characteristics of rogues. They are looting and setting fires everywhere."

"How are you doing over there? I'm just telling you this news, so be careful."

After Zeng Buping finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

As soon as this phone call ended, a second phone call came right after.

"Hunter, there are many new scoundrels appearing in the area under my jurisdiction!"

"They all look exactly the same. It's crazy. I feel like I'm watching a horror movie!"

Third call:

"Sorry, Hunter, I may not be able to come over tomorrow to continue helping you."

"There are many saboteurs here, they..."

The fourth pass, the fifth pass...

A total of more than a dozen special commissioners, all of whom were called.

After he answered the phone, his expression became serious.

"What happened?" Gongyang Jin came closer and asked.

"It seems that someone doesn't want us to survive this early morning."


Except for the dream demon Frog, there is no other person who can do this kind of thing.

Han Zhan nodded.

"Just as Bob expected."

"Frog doesn't have to worry about points today. He sent all the clones to various areas and wreaked havoc, leaving the special commissioners in each jurisdiction to take care of themselves."

"He came prepared."

Sure enough, before he could finish his words, Bob fed back the latest news through street surveillance in various areas.

"A large number of clones have appeared in your jurisdiction. They are just like the rogues during the day, and they have begun to wreak havoc."

"Every special commissioner is unable to support us. Once the situation escalates, your remaining 10 million points may not be enough to deduct it."

"The villain's methods are still as dirty as ever." Han Zhan interrupted Xiao Longren's complaint. "Stop talking sarcastically here, can you help me locate the fallen knight?"

"No need for positioning."

Bob flicked the dragon's tail and gave an unexpected and reasonable answer.

"The Fallen Knight has come to find you."

"A two-pronged approach? Does Frog think he's sure to defeat me?"

Through the surveillance screen shown by Bob, Han Zhan saw the fallen knight approaching in his direction, and his figure appeared in the surveillance.


The Fallen Knight did not choose to travel quickly across the terrain through the Fallen Path.

Riding on a war horse, his speed was not too slow.

Suddenly, the war horse suddenly stopped and stamped its feet, and its entire body and front hooves were raised high, as if it had been frightened.

The fallen knight was on the horse. He held the reins with one hand and leaned back uncontrollably.

This was nothing.

But the moment his body fell backwards, a sword light suddenly lit up. He found this perfect opportunity and struck with a sword!

Even though he was wearing dark armor with heavy defense, the fallen knight who was locked by the sword light still had a layer of fine knots all over his body.

As a veteran knight, he has extremely rich combat experience.

If it were any other knight, he might subconsciously evoke the Knight Code and summon a halo to defend himself against the attacker.

The Fallen Knight did not choose to do this.

Using the inertia of leaning back, he turned slightly sideways, and the knight's sword, which was as wide as half of his body, was just between the sword light and himself.


A small sword light hit the blade of the knight's sword in the blink of an eye.

Orange-red sparks burst out.

The knight's sword of the fallen knight is different from that of other knights.

Its sword body was engraved with complex patterns, which spread upward from the hilt to the tip of the sword, all covered by ink-black patterns.

This is a special material found by the fallen knight from the fallen darkness and carefully forged and refined.

In order to forge this sword, thousands of swordsmiths of the Knights of the Sun Never Set were completely corrupted and lost in the dark world forever.

Such a price was exchanged for this knight's sword, and its strength is beyond doubt.

The sword light was suddenly attacked at the right time, and a faint black mist appeared on the surface of the knight's sword. In the next second, golden light spots collided and stirred up circles of ripples.

With this layer of buffering.

The remaining impact force was completely eliminated the moment the fallen knight held the knight's sword!

"You were promoted too?!"

The fallen knight blocked the sudden sneak attack, but his tone did not mean to relax, but became more solemn.

From the direction of his destination, a figure appeared.

He held the ancient divine weapon Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and behind him there was a guqin floating in the air, its music surging.

Surprisingly, it is the Korean War!

"I'm really surprised that you didn't use the Fallen Halo right away."

Han Zhan held a sword in his right hand and walked towards here step by step, blocking the fallen knight's only path.

Pity. Han Zhan sighed in his heart. If the fallen knight's first choice was to awaken the fallen halo, then Bob, who was waiting for an opportunity, would launch the virtual and real world and smash the newly formed dark world.

At that time, the sword will be able to hit the opponent and pierce through the fallen knight's neck.

"Do you think, given the lessons learned from the previous experience of breaking the halo of corruption in the patrol room, I will make the same mistake again?"

At this time, the fallen knight also held the knight's sword,

While talking, the two people gradually approached each other.

(End of this chapter)

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