Soul-Slaying Girl: All the contracts I contracted are ancient divine weapons.

Chapter 318 Discipline: Shadow of the past, gloriously reappeared!

Chapter 318 Discipline: Shadow of the past, gloriously reappeared!

City of Buried Swords, central area.

The place where the Alien Skeleton Spirit Sword was supposed to stand has completely turned into an empty area.

When Mr. Bing came here.

The Adeptus Mechanicus strategic cruiser in the sky has just completed the transformation between reality and reality, and appears concretely.

Above the ship's hull, the silver-white round gun was fully charged, and a light blue light of quantum energy bloomed from it, pouring down from the muzzle.

Boom boom boom!

The artillery fire hit the defensive shield of the City of Buried Swords, causing the entire shield to light up and extinguish, and ripples spread.

Binglao held the ruler tightly in his hand, but he did not take action against the strategic cruiser immediately.

"The defensive shield of Buried Sword City can at least withstand several waves of artillery fire from strategic cruisers."

"Every strategic cruiser requires a huge amount of energy to complete the virtual-to-real transformation. The Mechanicus is confident because it is certain that others have no way to attack the void particles."

Bing Lao hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up his plan to discipline the state of nothingness.

The difficulty level is too high, not only is it difficult to complete, but it may also cause extraneous problems and cause other problems.

After much consideration, Mr. Bing finally made a decision and held the ruler three inches in front of his chest.

He took a deep breath.

Then he slowly said: "Commandment: This place is forbidden to air!"

As soon as he said this, the whole body of the ruler emitted a dazzling white light, and the white light instantly enveloped the entire central area.

Including the sky above.

For a moment, the kinetic energy system of the strategic cruiser suddenly stopped working, as if it was subject to some kind of force majeure.

Four giant airborne gravity turbines, front, rear, left and right, got stuck one after another.

The quantum energy furnace went out very simply and stopped functioning completely.

Forbidden air means any ability or energy that can support lift-off.

This place is closed to the air. Compared with being indestructible, invulnerable to artillery fire, etc., the price to pay is lower and the price-performance ratio is higher!

Sure enough, after being affected by the commandments, the strategic cruiser completely lost power and plunged into the defensive shield of the City of Buried Swords.

After the defensive shield completes the collision interception, it turns into fireworks blooming in the sky.

Within the scope covered by the commandments, there are still two strategic cruisers that have not completely transformed from virtual to real.

None of their kinetic energy devices could be completely solidified. As soon as the white light swept over, large areas of electronic parts began to fall from the sky.

Compared with the battles in other places, the fighting style here in Binglao seems quite simple and unpretentious.

The Mechanicus is determined to use virtual and real technology to directly conquer the city where the sword is buried.

Discipline was used to deal with this army of omnics, and the effect was outstanding.

But the scope that the commandments can cover is limited, and every time he uses the commandments, it is a huge burden for him.

The strategic cruiser is huge, and if you want to form discipline on just one of them, you will have to consume a lot of spiritual energy in your body.

Mechanical education can afford it, but Mr. B can’t afford it!

While Bing Lao was using his commandments, the Mechanicus poured energy into the defensive shield of the Buried Sword City without stopping for a moment.

Finally, with a crisp sound, the defensive shield of Buried Sword City was shattered.

The next second, there was no pause.

This outpouring of quantum energy fell towards Bing Lao.

In the omnic calculation formula, Bing Lao is the core threat in this area.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Mr. Bing had already prepared a response in his mind.

"Commandment: Quantum energy collapses here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the quantum energy attacking Mr. Bing turned into blue nether energy particles and dispersed. But at the moment it collapsed, the silver bullet wrapped inside appeared unexpectedly.

At his heart, a flower dyed red with blood bloomed.

"Exerting discipline requires spiritual support."

"Because of the consumption of spiritual energy, there is a 95% chance of choosing a discipline plan with low spiritual energy consumption and high cost performance."

"For example, imposing discipline restrictions on quantum energy to reduce the effectiveness of its attacks."

"Conclusion: By merging two attack methods to attack and kill him, the probability of success will be higher!"

In a very short period of time, through calculations and extensive deductions, the Mechanicus analyzed and considered Bing Lao's possible reaction when dealing with quantum energy, and made corresponding countermeasures.

It worked.

Bing Lao's body was shaken by his heart being pierced. He covered his chest and managed to keep his body steady.

Fortunately, before rushing to the battlefield, Shen Zui drank a lot of buff wine for Mr. Bing, including the heart-moving wine.

Heart-shifting wine has only one relatively useless ability, which is to swap the position of the heart left and right.

It is such a useless ability that, when used to deal with the Mechanicus who rely on rigid calculations, has become the key to interfering with its results.

However, Binglao's situation is still not optimistic.

My psychic powers are mainly used to cast forbidden air commandments to destroy threats in the sky.

But at this time, the defensive shield of the City of Buried Swords has been broken, and the Mechanicus has more means to threaten my body.

On the one hand, I need to maneuver through the stormy attacks of the Mechanicus to save my life. On the other hand, I need to use the forbidden air commandment to continue destroying the strategic cruisers that arrive on the battlefield.

As Bing Lao thought, the spiritual energy in his body was like a reservoir that opened to release floods, and it began to decrease crazily in an instant.

Coupled with the amazing computing power of the Mechanicus, it still left a lot of scars on his body.

"Give up, you are no match for me."

Among the mechanical scraps falling from the sky, the red fault light of the broken electronic eye flashed, and the voice of the Mechanicum Skynet sounded from the language speaker it was connected to.

"I still have a hundred strategic cruisers to support me. Calculated based on your spiritual energy consumption, you will need at least 12% of your spiritual energy to destroy a strategic cruiser."

"Even if all the spiritual energy is exhausted, it will only be able to destroy less than ten strategic cruisers."

"Conclusion: Your persistence is meaningless."

When he heard the last sentence, Mr. Bing, whose eyelids had drooped, suddenly opened his eyes again.


Then make it more meaningful!

Mr. Bing clenched the ruler tightly with his hands.


"All the shadows of the past in this place have returned to their glory!"

The powerful words sounded. This time, the light emitted by the ruler was completely different. It was even more dazzling, dazzling like a blazing sun.

All the spiritual energy in Bing Lao's body was sucked out in one breath.

His body began to shrivel up visibly to the naked eye, completely losing its vitality and looking haggard.

He remained silent and motionless, still absorbing everything he had from the ruler and paying for it.

In the center of the City of Buried Swords, the strange skeleton spirit sword that should have disappeared from the world long ago, as the longest-resident "shadow of the past" here, was guided by the commandments and reappeared in glory!

This move is also the most powerful move that Mr. Bing can use to choose the central area as the battlefield and leave the enemy to die together!

The Alien Skeleton Spirit Sword felt the threat from above.

The sword energy surges backwards and attacks the sky in reverse!

(End of this chapter)

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