Chapter 299 Alchemy

The pot of greed?

This name sounds familiar.

"Why give it this name? Is it a property of the prop?"

"You'll know after you try it."

Dong Dachui seemed unwilling to talk more, so Han Zhan followed his words and grabbed his own glass of wine and handed it over.

When Han Zhan's hand reached in front of the Pot of Greed, the gray teapot mouth suddenly opened, revealing the white sharp, interlocking teeth inside.

In one sip, the wine glass was swallowed, making a clicking sound, followed by chewing and swallowing.

Immediately afterwards, two pale red clouds bloomed on the body of the gray teapot.

This teapot, is it really blushing? !

Waited for a while.

When the red clouds receded, the Pot of Greed returned to its original gray and plain appearance, as if nothing had happened.

"As you can see, it can swallow anything."

"Then what? It's gone?" Shen Zui and Mr. Bing, who were gathered around, were surprised when they saw this scene.

It turns out that this is what Dong Dachui meant when he said it was useless. Is it really useless at all?

"With this ability, you named it the Pot of Greed?" Han Zhan Tactics glanced back at Dong Dachui. This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes didn't seem to be as honest as he appeared on the surface.

"You don't understand, this is called a marketing strategy."

"If I call it a swallowing pot or a storage pot, will you still want it? You don't even have the slightest interest in it. But the pot of greed is different. For a prop, a resounding name, It can make its 'value' skyrocket."

Fortunately, the weapons shop in the City of Buried Swords was not open. Otherwise, Dong Dachui must be an out-and-out profiteer.

Han Zhan could already imagine Dong Dachui naming an ax the Barbarian God's Sky-Opening Ax and a halberd the Zongheng Wushuang Halberd, and then picked them up and saw that they were all first- and second-level props.

However, he still kept the pot of greed.

In any case, the ability to swallow everything may be miraculous at some point.

Dong Dachui chatted here for a while, and then hurriedly returned with two jars of wine. He was much more concerned about the reforging of the Demon Crossing Cloak than Han Zhan.

"The Apostles of Death and Life came to attack the City of Buried Sword once, but were forced back by the Alien Skeleton Spirit Sword."

"We didn't take action. There was no movement in the city."

During the period when Bing veteran Han Zhan left, he told him what happened in the Buried Sword City, and Han Zhan nodded.

"Our time is getting more and more urgent. If the other major forces want to take action against me, they will definitely choose me when I am in the City of Buried Swords. This place is some distance from Fulong City. The main force of the Anti-Xia Alliance in Fulong City wants to Support also takes time.”

"Why did they attack you?" Mr. Bing was puzzled.

When did Han Zhan's status as the deputy leader of the Anti-Xia Alliance become worthy of the other major forces taking such serious action?

"Because they suspect that I stole something from an area involving the core secrets of the Evil City." Han Zhan replied.

"Then did you really steal it?"

"I do not know either."

Han Zhan recalled that when he was in the Bamboo Forest World, except for a few words with Nuan Xue, a woman in green who still didn't know what the artifact was, he didn't seem to take away a single hair.

But even if he explains it to his heart's content, the other major forces probably won't believe it.

Unless Han Zhan is dissected into billions of parts in front of them, and each part is carefully inspected inside and out.

To put it in layman's terms, it means killing Han Zhan!

"No, it seems...I did take something with me."

Han Zhan recalled in his mind the silver light that Nuan Xue injected into his body when he was teleported away from the bamboo forest world. Could that silver light be the core secret they are pursuing?

"Ignore all that, they have already taken action against you. As far as I know about these major forces, once they take action, they will not look back. They will not give up until they achieve their goals."

"Refining the elixir, treating Bai Su, and then swallowing the sword bones to complete the seventh level breakthrough, time is running out!"

Han Zhan nodded and joined the queue of processing medicinal materials with Shen Zui.

The borer flowers and soul-forgetting grass were all processed, and other auxiliary medicinal materials were also prepared in advance when Han Zhan went to the Medicine Valley.

Now that everything is ready, only Han Zhan is left to take action and refine the elixir.

Han Zhan walked to the wide open space and summoned the Shennong Cauldron.

At the moment when the Shennong Cauldron was condensed and formed, the huge body of the cauldron surprised both Bing Lao and Shen Zui.

They had never seen such a tall medicine cauldron. The height was almost the same as the height of a normal adult. Moreover, the moment the cauldron was opened, a strong fragrance of elixir filled the air.

"Only an alchemy furnace that has been refined for decades or even hundreds of years can still maintain a strong fragrance of elixirs when there are no elixirs in the furnace."

"Who did you learn from this alchemy cauldron?"

Mr. Bing asked curiously.

"Shen Nong." Han Zhan replied simply with two words.

While Bing Lao and Shen Zui were searching in their minds, trying to find out their memories of Shennong, the alchemy master, Han Zhan had already started refining on his own.

On the recipe left by Frog, the refining techniques, order, dosage, and many details that must be paid attention to are written down in detail.

It is almost equivalent to teaching people how to make alchemy step by step.

But the reason why Binglao has never been able to succeed is because ordinary alchemy furnaces cannot completely extract all the medicinal potential of the Boreal Flower and the Soul-forgetting Grass.

If an error occurs in one link, problems will naturally begin to occur in other links, leading to eventual failure.

Han Zhan used the Shennong Cauldron to refine elixirs, so there was no need to consider this issue.

Although the Shennong Cauldron has been used relatively rarely in the Korean War, it is still one of the top ten magical weapons in ancient times and has its powerful innate abilities.

Among the abilities of the Shennong Cauldron, there is one called [Refining the Original Reality].

It is extremely easy for it to refine the spiritual power of medicinal materials.

Even materials that are very different from ordinary medicinal materials, such as Bore Flower and Soul-forgetting Grass, are not difficult to refine at all.

Han Zhan first threw the borer flowers into the Shennong Cauldron.

The borer flower that was thrown into the Shennong Cauldron immediately turned into a purple cloud, condensing at the bottom of the Shennong Cauldron.

This purple cloud is interspersed with pale white stars. It looks like the vast purple nebula in the universe, gorgeous and mysterious.

Then there is the forget-the-soul grass.

After the Soul-forgetting Grass was poured into the Shennong Cauldron, a violent spiritual energy tide surged in the cauldron, constantly washing away these green fluorescent grasses. Under the erosion of the spiritual energy tide, they eventually gradually integrated into it and turned into green ocean.

As the green ocean crashes into the swirling purple nebula.

Like gas being suddenly ignited, large swaths of white light were annihilated and spread out in the cauldron.

A blazing white singularity emerged from the collapsed nebula.

(End of this chapter)

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