Chapter 290 Actor

"Aunt Bai, are you okay?"

Han Zhan woke up in an instant, and the desire in his heart collapsed like an avalanche.

"Hmph. You, a scumbag, actually have such thoughts towards me, and can you sincerely treat Xiaojin well? Why don't you let me kill you here with my sword, so that you can save yourself a lot of trouble!"

Bai Su seemed to be a different person at this time, and he squeezed the sword secret in his hand.

The white cloth under her feet suddenly rolled up from the ground and turned into the shape of a long sword in her hand.

Looking at her stance holding the sword, it really looks like that.

Han Zhan remained calm and had already responded.

"Aunt Bai, as the saying goes, a gentleman does not care about his heart. Appreciating beauty is his nature. How to restrain his nature and keep the bottom line is what we should stick to as human beings."

"Did I lick it?"


"I just looked at it, am I guilty? Aunt Bai, this punch of yours has a hundred years of skill!"

When Han Zhan said this, he spread his hands and said in a helpless tone.

"Are you trying to kill me?" When Bai Su heard this, she suddenly threw the sword in her hand to the ground. She squatted down like a little girl, covered her face with her hands and burst into tears.

"Oooh! You are cruel to me!"

Seeing her crying getting louder, Han Zhan finally understood the identity of the woman named Bai Su in front of him.

Unlike the brewer and the master of craftsmanship, she was the only one performing alone on such a large stage, so her identity should be that of an actress.

Actors and actresses act out all kinds of things in the world, and the "Bai Su" just now was herself but not herself.

Those are all just drama.

But it was obvious that the woman in front of him could not get out of the play.

"You heartless person!" Bai Su, who was squatting in pain, suddenly stopped crying. She stood up suddenly and looked at Han Zhan with fierce eyes.

"You promised to marry me, you promised to marry me? Why, why, haven't you come to marry me yet!"

As Bai Su spoke, the white opera robe she wore suddenly started to slowly become dyed a little bright red from the bottom edge.

Just like red ink spreading on white paper.

There were more and more shades of red, dyeing her entire opera robe a bright red color.

Bai Su's eyes began to turn bright red when he looked at Han Zhan.

Seeing the strange scene in front of him, Han Zhan suddenly came to his senses.

time! It's time!

Those lights shining on me gave me the illusion that it was still daytime.

When Han Zhan quickly pulled away from the lights on the stage, he realized that the sky in the City of Buried Swords had darkened.

"Leave that area before dark."

Han Zhan thought of Shen Zui's instructions to him before leaving, and without hesitation, he quickly ran away in the direction from which he came.

"Aren't you here to find me? Why are you leaving?"

At this time, Bai Su seemed to be completely normal again.

"Don't run, it's not completely dark yet, I won't go crazy."

"You are wearing Xiaojin's jade pendant, and I will not do anything detrimental to you."

Han Zhan listened to Bai Su's words, but he didn't stop at all.

Nonsense, in this case, unless it is a sperm brain, whoever believes it is a fool.

Seeing that she could not deceive Han Zhan, Bai Su's eyes became even redder, and she became extremely angry.

I saw her hands raised with all her strength, and the balls of red brocade were surrounding Han Zhan from all directions.

"You don't want to run!"

"Stay here, stay, stay!"

The red brocade was like a python coming out of its hole, trying to entangle Han Zhan, but the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand swung several sword lights in succession, cutting the brocade into pieces. Han Zhan pushed his feet back hard and successfully escaped from the half of the Sword Buried City area.

Bai Su in red was still about to chase her, but when she saw the strange-skeleton spirit sword stuck in the central square, a trace of fear and pain flashed through her crazy eyes, and she stopped.

Seeing that Bai Su didn't pursue him anymore, Han Zhan also took back the Xuanyuan Sword.

He raised his head and took a look at the sky, and finally decided to go back first, ask Bing Lao and Shen Zui about Bai Su's situation, and then make a long-term plan.

The alien bone spirit sword was right in front of him.

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

But since Shen Zui and the others allowed themselves to pass by, it meant that the bones of the Alien Skeleton Spirit Sword must not be as easy to obtain as they thought.

Han Zhan retracted his gaze from looking at the Strange Skeleton Spirit Sword, then turned around and walked away.

Wait until the Korean War is far away.

Only then did Bai Su, who was in red clothes, raised his head reluctantly and looked at the strange skeleton spirit sword that towered into the sky. A low and sharp voice sounded from the entire stage.

"Why don't you let me kill him!"

"He's here to kill you! He's here to kill you!"

"Why don't you let me kill him!"

"Shen Zhongxia, when will you come to marry me?"

"You heartless man, why don't you come and marry me!"

Her voice was sometimes low and sometimes high-pitched. When she got excited, her whole body turned into a ball of red shadow. Wrapped in the brocade, she was about to go beyond half of the area.

A moment later, a precise sword light hit her footing, forcing her back.

The strange skeleton spirit sword restricted Bai Su to this half of the activity area.


"So, aren't you ready to tell me what's going on with Bai Su?"

Seeing the two Jiu Mengzi still drinking, Han Zhan, who successfully escaped from Hong Yi Bai Su's hands, couldn't help but complain.

Be it Bai Su, Shen Zui or Dong Dachui, they are all at the peak of seventh level strength.

If we must fight, the Korean War is not a must-try.

But I am afraid that the sword has no eyes, and it will be difficult to explain to Gong Yangjin.

It's best not to take action if you can. This is the principle of the Korean War.

"Have you met Bai Su?"

When Shen Zui saw Han Zhan come back intact, he looked away again and asked smoothly.

"I saw it. She is an actress, but she seems to have been immersed in her own actor world and can't leave."

"She's crazy."

"Yes. She is indeed crazy." Shen Zui did not deny it, but took over the conversation and asked Han Zhan, "Then do you know why Bai Su went crazy?"

Of course I don't know, it would be weird if I did. Han Zhan complained in his heart. He discovered that the people who came out of the City of Buried Swords were all riddlers who liked to speak half of their words.

Bing Lao was like this, Shen Zui was like this, even Dong Dachui was like this, let alone Bai Su.

What kind of broken corporate culture is this?

"Sneeze, sneeze! Who is scolding me?" Shen Zui suddenly sneezed twice in a row, rubbed his nose and muttered.

Seeing that Han Zhan didn't say anything to him, Shenzui continued by himself:

"Bai Su went crazy on the day Shen Zhongxia died suddenly."

"That day was also the day when Shen Zhongxia promised to marry her."

"On that day, she wore a red wedding dress. As an actress, for the first time she was able to live the life she wanted without having to act out someone else's life. Everything was full of hope."

"It was also that day that her beauty was shattered."

(End of this chapter)

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