Soul-Slaying Girl: All the contracts I contracted are ancient divine weapons.

Chapter 277 The Returned, the Reborn, the Undead, the Fallen

Chapter 277 The Returned, the Reborn, the Undead, the Fallen

"Has the news already spread?"

In Wofeng Palace, Gong Yangjin walked up to Han Zhan.

After receiving the nourishment of love, her skin complexion became more attractive, and her whole body was of stunning beauty in the world. Her movements and gestures had a faint charm that belonged to the empress.

Outside, she is the cold leader of the anti-Xia alliance, but in front of Han Zhan, she is a mature royal sister who has taken off her disguise.

"It's been spread out, and it's up to them whether they believe it or not."

Han Zhan thought about the news he had spread, and even now he was still shocked when he thought about it.

"So the Mechanicus developed virtual and real technology just to figure out these secrets? Now that the Mechanicus already knows these secrets, what will it do?"

"I don't know." Gongyang Jin shook his head.

"The thinking model of the Mechanicus is completely different from that of humans. No one knows what its true purpose is."

"Just like those mines, if it hadn't been for the invitation from the Mechanicus, none of us would have known that these places would be the soul burial places designated by the Killing Fields in the extremely evil city. Such secrets, even if they are anti-Xia Nor is it recorded in the history of the league.”

The place where souls are buried is the name given to these places by the Mechanicus.

There is more than one burial place, and each place contains the souls of countless heroes who died in the killing battlefield.

They did not dissipate completely, but were buried in different places in units of camps.

Nowadays, due to the development and excavation of the Mechanicus, these places have become Mechanicus mines.

Using the means of virtual and real technology, the Mechanicus learned many secrets about the killing battlefield and major forces through the souls in these burial places.

Although I don’t know why the Mechanicus shared such important information with the Anti-Xia Alliance, Gongyang Jin Hanzhan and the others did discover many unknown secrets from the place where souls are buried.

On the "blank paper" that Han Zhan passed to Zhan Ning, there were some secrets closely related to the Knights on which the Sun Never Sets.

"The fallen knight killed everyone on the battlefield!"

"The Fallen Knight is crazy! He is crazy! He is no longer a living person, he is a fallen person!"

"A dark and evil creature, an unknown in the endless darkness. He pursues the so-called fallen power and enters the bottomless darkness. He can't come back, he can't come back!"

These were the words repeated in the mouths of the anti-Xia Alliance undead after they were resurrected on the killing battlefield.

Those are the oldest war dead. In the history of the Anti-Xia Alliance, they are much older than Bing Lao.

From their words, we can know that on a certain killing battlefield that year, in order to obtain the final victory, the fallen knight used some forbidden summons, deviated from the knight code, and completely fell into the abyss.

He gained great strength and also killed everyone alive at the same time.

Among them were members of the Knights on which the Sun Never Sets, and his first wife!
  However, if the Fallen Knight won that killing battlefield, why did he not leave the City of Evil?

I'm afraid only the fallen knight himself can answer this.

In addition, they have another gain.

It is also the unconscious discourse of the soul being resurrected from the dead.

Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin discovered that the undead in almost every time period would say the same sentence.

One or two may not be able to attract their attention, but if nine or ten, almost every undead on the killing battlefield at different times say the same sentence, things will become paradoxical.

What they said was made up of four words to be exact.

"The Immortal, the Fallen, the Returned, the Reborn."

Who are the immortals? Who is the Fallen? Who are the returnees? Who is the reborn one?
  Everyone has their own guesses in their minds.

But they still can't figure out the deeper meaning of these four identities.


"Burn it quickly. This is news to sow discord."

After Moonlight Knight Yu Lian saw the contents of this piece of paper, she immediately wanted to snatch it away from Zhan Ning.

The paper was held tightly in Zhan Ning's hands, and he failed.    "Zhanning!"

Facing Yu Lian's reminder, Zhan Ning finally reacted.

He snorted coldly and angrily, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand, burning the paper into ashes.

"Yes, it's really a clumsy method. I didn't expect that such a white-eyed wolf would appear under my command!"

"Yu Lian, I'm going back to the Nightingale Hotel. This plan failed completely. The Fallen Knight will definitely punish me. I have to make amends to myself first."

Zhan Ning said and was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the lights of the central church suddenly dimmed.

The originally bright room suddenly became dark and deep.

"What are you looking at?"

The roar of war horses seemed to be heard in the ears, and a tall figure wearing heavy armor appeared next to the main seat of the round table.

Fallen Knight!

"What were you discussing just now?"

The fallen knight's voice was long and low, as if coming from an extremely far away place. His eyes fell on Zhan Ning and Yu Lian, and the latter two felt as if their secrets had been seen through.

A layer of fine goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body.

"Lord Fallen Knight, we are discussing the new deputy leader of the Anti-Xia Alliance, who is also the backbone knight of the previous Knights of the Sun Never Sets, Han Zhan!"


The Fallen Knight seems unfamiliar with this name.

"It's Bob." Zhan Ning gritted his teeth and took the initiative to confess.

"It's him." The fallen knight's impression of this name was obviously much deeper, and his tone changed from doubtful at the beginning to affirmative.

"Sir, this plan is due to my incompetence and lack of thorough consideration. Please punish me!"

Zhan Ning bowed his head to the fallen knight and said in a sincere tone.

The fallen knight didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Zhan Ning could only bite the bullet and continue: "Sir, this matter has nothing to do with Moonlight Knight Yu Lian. If you want to punish me, please punish me alone. I can accept any punishment!"

"Any punishment?"

The fallen knight repeated.

The light in the entire room became darker, and the light overhead seemed to be crumbling as if it was about to be swallowed up by something.

Zhan Ning held his fists and lowered his head.

The fallen knight stopped talking.

There was an indescribable depression in the whole atmosphere.

"Get back." Suddenly, the fallen knight spoke. As soon as he spoke, Zhan Ning and Yu Lian were like two rescued drowning people. They suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and resumed their breathing.

The two of them looked at each other, saluted the fallen knight again, then backed away, turned and left the central church.

Only the fallen knight was left, sitting quietly on his dark throne, watching the two figures gradually disappear from the door.

The war horse snorted a few times and twisted its neck.

The armor on the horse's back was shaken, and the collision made a sharp and ear-piercing sound.

Like a prelude to a night of murder.

(End of this chapter)

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