Chapter 262 The Li family of Daxia is a family with two outstanding talents!
  "Time flows at different speeds?"

In the leader's meeting hall.

When they heard the news, Fan Zhaohui and Sun Yun were obviously stunned.

Binglao and Gongyang Jin did not react much.

At this time, Shen Tao's eyes suddenly focused on Gong Yangjin.

"My dear sister, you should know this news, right?"

Shen Tao's sudden attack seemed to be an attempt to take revenge on Gong Yang Jin before proposing his impeachment.

Before Gong Yangjin could speak, he continued: "After you won the last killing battlefield, you successfully left the extremely evil city and went to the outside world."

"The flow of time in the outside world is different from that in the City of Evil. Anyone who has ever been there should know this."

"Why didn't you tell us this information?"

What Shen Tao is talking about here naturally refers to all the core members of the Anti-Xia Alliance present.

Faced with doubts, Gongyang Jin still spoke unhurriedly:

"Time flows at different speeds. I don't think there is any need to tell you about this."

"Even if you leave victoriously from the killing battlefield, it's just a quota. If you can leave the extremely evil city and go to the outside world, the flow of time will be the same and different. It can be seen at a glance. If you can't leave here, then even if you know this information, what's the point? significance?"

Gong Yangjin's words were not only an answer to Shen Tao, but also an explanation to other core members.

When Fan Zhaohui heard this, he nodded in approval.

Sun Yun did not express his position, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Shen Tao, you made the Anti-Xia Alliance pay such a heavy price, is this the only information you gained?"

"Of course not." Shen Tao shook his head and raised a second finger. "In addition to the message just now, I have a second message."

"The second message is about the killing battlefield."

"There is an ultimate solution to the Killing Fields. The ultimate solution can completely solve the existence of the Killing Fields and liberate the entire extremely evil city so that it is no longer isolated from the outside world and no longer has only one qualified person every fifty years. leave here!"

If we say that when they heard the first news, others were just a little surprised.

So when they heard the second news from Shen Tao, everyone couldn't sit still.

"What did you say?!"

"What you said is true?!"

It wasn't just one person who lost his temper.

There was a hint of worry in Mr. Bing's eyes, which was somewhat inconsistent with his peaceful persona.

I saw him slowly speaking: "How accurate is this news?"

"More than ninety percent." Shen Tao answered Bing Lao's question.

"If there really is a so-called 'ultimate solution', then what is this ultimate solution?" Sun Yun asked this time.

Shen Tao shook his head. "have no idea."

"The Apostle of Death and Life only knows and informed me of this 'question', but no one knows the 'answer' corresponding to it."

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

If the Apostle of Death and Life knew the so-called answer, he would not continue to stay here.

Shen Tao looked at everyone who was either surprised, thoughtful, or excited, with an evil smile on his lips. "My report is over."

"You are responsible for monitoring foreign races. Don't you have any other information to report?" Fan Zhaohui couldn't help but ask more.

Shen Tao pursed his lips.



Han Zhan spent a long time in Lingyan Pavilion.

On every bookshelf, there are many records related to the archives. It takes time to look through them one by one.

But he was not without gains. Through these archival records, Han Zhan gradually became familiar with the history of the Anti-Xia Alliance, and once he became familiar with the history, he also became familiar with their local customs, living customs, hobbies and weaknesses, and so on.

In particular, Han Zhan found the answer he wanted.

Regarding that speculation, possible evidence.

It was a C-file.

Very easy to find.

Because there is only one person’s file displayed on the entire C-shaped bookshelf—Old Bing!
  【C volume-Bing Lao】

[The Anti-Xia Alliance Order Elder is responsible for the order and punishment of the entire Anti-Xia Alliance. 】

[The peak of the seventh level. 】

Bing Lao, actually survived from the beginning until now, "the old man from the previous dynasty"!
  No wonder the word "老" is engraved on his identity token.

He is indeed worthy of this word.

Mr. Bing has been a core member of the Anti-Xia Alliance since its establishment, and he has been working hard to this day.

I can’t remember exactly how many years I have passed.

The files that belong to him are a thick pile. Even if there is only one copy, the content of the records is dozens of times that of others.

Han Zhan finally found Bing Lao's real name as he wished.

A name that has been forgotten in the history of the Anti-Xia League.

"Li! Way! Return!"

When he read this name, Han Zhan felt as if his soul had been hit by a violent hammer, and he was stunned on the spot.

Others have no idea what the name stands for.

They won't know either.

Because even among Daxia people and the Li family, there are not more than ten people who really know this name.

But if you want to name some of his other names, they are almost household names and are familiar!

Due to differences in ideas with Li Shutong, the brothers broke up with each other, took away the entire Li family, and alienated Li Shutong from any relationship.

The younger brother of Li Shutong, the God of War of Great Xia.

Li Tugui!

Different roads lead to the same destination!

"This is impossible. As the head of the Li family, when he broke up with the teacher and expelled the teacher from the Li family, the city of extreme evil had already existed for many years."

"If Mr. Bing is really Li Tugui, the head of the Li family, how did he do this?"

Han Zhan continued to look back at Bing Lao's files. When he saw that Bing Lao had mysteriously disappeared for a period of time after the killing battlefield a thousand years ago, he immediately had a guess in his mind.

"If the speculations are true."

"Lao Bing is Li Tugui. He once successfully left the Evil City and informed the teacher about the situation in the Evil City."

"The two brothers worked together to formulate a drama of brotherly hostility and performed it for other major forces to make them relax their vigilance."

"And after doing this, Li Tugui re-entered the extremely evil city and entered the nightmare place that everyone else was eager to escape from!"

It was Li Tugui, who had practiced the method of spiritual contract, who realized the difference in time flow rate between the extremely evil city and the outside world, and how the difference in time flow rate was of great benefit to the awakened people of Great Xia.

That's why, as the highest level of power in Daxia at that time, he made the decision to exile all the useless people in Daxia to the extremely evil city.

This infamy is carried by the Daxia Li family and the head of the Li family.

Even in the City of Extreme Evil, the name of the city was changed to "Anti-Xia Alliance" to show his "determination."

And Li Tugui, who did all this, used the pseudonym Tiangan Binglao.

If so.

Then he silently guarded the Anti-Xia Alliance for more than a thousand years.

The Li family of Daxia is a family with two outstanding talents!
  (End of this chapter)

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