Chapter 250 Everything in the bag, one limit for another
After passing two levels in a row, the consumption of the Korean War was within an acceptable range.

In the first level, alcoholic Sun Yun gave up the war of attrition and exchanged injuries with himself. As a result, due to the immunity characteristics of the body of the Heavenly Serpent, he was counterattacked by the instant burst of the four urgent conditions. The consumption was ignored after a short period of breath adjustment.

In the second level, the chopstick gunner Si Kongkong faced off with his own sword and chopsticks. With the sword skill characteristics of the Yuehua Long Sword and the powerful defense of the Demon Crossing Cloak, with the blessing of these two props, he also won easily.

Now comes the third level.

The guardian of the third level is Ouyang Jin, the Qiankun in the bag, and he is also the weakest among the five guardians.

There is no doubt that the Korean War can defeat him.

Ouyang Jin also knew it in his heart.

But the more this happens, the less burden and pressure he feels, and he just needs to be himself.

"bring it on."

There were no unnecessary pleasantries. Before and after Han Zhan arrived at the third camp, Ouyang Jin took action.

In the sky, a huge white plastic bag condenses and forms.

It opened the mouth of the bag, and a strong suction force burst out, sucking the entire Han Zhan off the ground and into the bag.

Han Zhan plunged his Yuehua sword deeply into the ground, standing still like a rock.

Ouyang Jin's bond spirit is a white plastic bag. An extremely ordinary bond spirit, coupled with the F-level talent that enhances its own suction, it can be called a loser among losers.

Even after entering the extremely evil city, after a long period of accumulation, he successfully reached the seventh level of strength, but he was still at the bottom.

The white plastic bag can create suction and suck everything into the bag, which is why it is called the universe in the bag.

But in real actual combat, unless there are some special scenes, such as a slippery ground soaked by wine, or there is no other support.

Otherwise, the opponent will always have a way to resist the suction of the white plastic bag.

After losing the advantage of suction, the damage it can cause is extremely limited.

Therefore, although Ouyang Jin, as a seventh-level spiritual contract master, was quite effective at cleaning up those low-level soldiers on the battlefield, the effect would be greatly reduced if he really wanted to go one-on-one.

On the battlefield, Han Zhan, wearing a demon-crossing cloak, has gradually adapted to the suction power of the white plastic bag.

While resisting the suction force, he began to use the Yuehua sword as a support point and began to approach Ouyang Jin.

The familiar scene made many people in Fulong City shake their heads in disappointment.

Ouyang Jin is going to lose.

The one we can really place our hope on is Lord Fan Chaohui, the eater.

Just when this thought crossed many people's minds, Ouyang Jin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly laughed.

"I know that in terms of strength, I am far from your opponent. Just like my talent and spirit, they are useless among the useless, even in the extremely evil city."

"But, who says that a loser must be useless?"

"Today I want you to take a look at its true strength!"

After Ouyang Jin finished speaking, the suction force generated by the entire white plastic bag suddenly changed.

Han Zhan only felt that the suction force that had some impact on his figure suddenly disappeared, but he was even more surprised to find that the two props, the Yuehua Long Sword and the Demon Crossing Cloak, had received an unprecedented strong suction force!
The white plastic bag gave up its suppression of the Korean War. It absorbed the target and completely transferred it to the props of the Korean War.

"Everything is in the bag!"

As soon as Ouyang Jin finished speaking, Han Zhan's demon-crossing cloak was forcibly peeled off, and together with the Yuehua sword in his hand, it was sucked into a white plastic bag.

Forced seal!

After doing this, the white plastic bag fell from the sky very simply.

Forcibly exchanged two props for one.

Without the suppression effect of the white plastic bag, Han Zhan's body was completely free again. With his speed and close combat ability, he could knock Ouyang Jin down with one punch.

Ouyang Jin didn't care anymore.

He accomplished his mission.Both of Han Zhan's props are extremely powerful. With their support, Han Zhan's combat power has been greatly improved.

The ultimate skill of the white plastic bag, Qiankun in the bag, can forcibly seal items sucked into the bag for an hour.

At least in the knocking battle after the Korean War, he will no longer be able to use these two props.

This is Ouyang Jin's purpose.

"My mission is accomplished." Ouyang Jin turned his head and glanced at the fourth tent not far behind him.

What answered him was an iron fist from Han Zhan.

The third level is broken!

The sun never sets in the harbor, the central Holy See.

"Two adults, Han Zhan has successfully defeated three seventh-level spiritual contract masters from the Anti-Xia Alliance and passed three levels in a row!"

Listening to the latest reports from his men, Zhan Ning felt like he was in another world.

"Tell me, this is not true." Zhan Ning looked at Yu Lian aside with dull eyes.

Yu Lian rolled her eyes at him.

"Do you want it to be true or false?"

Zhan Ning is very torn in his heart now. He hopes that Han Zhan can complete the feat of knocking through five in one, but he does not hope that he can really pass five in one.

To describe this feeling in layman's terms, it is probably that I am afraid that my brothers will suffer, but I am also afraid that my brothers will drive Land Rover.

Zhanning didn't know what a Land Rover was, and he couldn't describe his feeling.

But in his intuition, if Han Zhan really succeeded in piercing the five-knock barrier, then his two props, the Demon Crossing Cloak and the Moonlight Long Sword, would really probably never return to Japan again. Arrive at the port.

He scratched his head in distress.

Half a day has passed. Except for waiting for news from the front line in the Central Holy See, Zhan Ning has not gone anywhere for the first time, let alone looking for today's true love.

"Who is guarding the fourth camp next?"

"Eater, Fan Chaohui."

Yu Lian glanced at Zhan Ning and said, "If you want to laugh, just laugh. Don't hold it in. It's not good for your health if you hold it in."

"Eater Fan Zhaohui is a veteran of the Anti-Xia Alliance. His strength ranks at the forefront of the entire Anti-Xia Alliance. He also integrates offense and defense without any obvious shortcomings. He is an extremely difficult opponent."

When Zhan Ning said this, his tone suddenly became lighter.

"Even if we join forces, I'm afraid we won't be able to take advantage of Eater Fan Zhaohui, let alone defeat him."

"The Korean War is going to be defeated."

Although, Zhan Ning is indeed right.

Yu Lian sighed. As a rational person, he also believed that the Korean War would fail at the fourth level.

"Ouyang Jin, the Qiankun in the bag, sealed the Demon Crossing Cloak and the Moonlight Sword in a one-for-one exchange."

"And you haven't discovered a more desperate thing."

Zhan Ning looked at him doubtfully and asked subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

"Even the powerful eater Fan Zhaohui can only sit in the fourth camp."

"Then who do you think can stabilize one end, appear after Fan Zhaohui, and take charge of the fifth Chinese military tent?"

Zhan Ning's pupils gradually dilated, and in Yu Lian's affirmative eyes, he said the person's name.

"Leader of the Anti-Xia Alliance, Gong Yangjin!"

The Korean War is definitely lost!

(End of this chapter)
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