Chapter 242 Zhan Ning said

Han Zhan was having a sweet dream in the Nightingale Hotel.

A loud sound in his ears woke him up from his sleep.

A rough man with a beard broke in from the balcony with a big hole.

"Can't you change your attack route? You always blast the balcony. Have you ever considered the feeling of the balcony?"

When Han Zhan said this, the big man seemed stunned for a moment.

But soon, he realized the role he was playing now.

"Stop talking nonsense! You are a traitor to the Knights on which the Sun Never Sets. You actually colluded with the Anti-Xia Alliance and took action against your immediate boss. We will capture you today!"

He speaks loudly.

Almost the entire Nightingale Inn heard what he said, and many people were so frightened that they rolled out of their beds and put on their clothes in a hurry.

Han Zhan knew that he was detaining himself.

Just deduct it, after all, you have taken so many benefits from others.

"You are idle all day long. As a sixth-level backbone knight, you earn a high salary and eat, drink and have fun instead of doing your job."

"You also collaborated with people from hostile forces to assassinate Knight Janning."

"You also tried to molest the holy Knight Yulian!"

Han Zhan: "???"

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is.

Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this line?Could it be that Zhan Ning changed it for me temporarily?

After recounting the crimes of the Korean War and making them public, the rough man finally shouted: "Accept the justice of justice!"

A giant blade was raised and slashed straight at Han Zhan.

Another bang.

The place where Han Zhan originally slept was smashed to pieces.

The demon-breaking sword was pulled out from the ruins of the collapsed bed, and then struck the wall on the right with a horizontal slash.

The wall collapsed in large swaths. Fortunately, no one lived next door today.

Han Zhan stood there, watching a big man smashing things in front of him, making a huge noise like crazy, and he let out a light tut.

"You're a cunning boy, you do have some tricks up your sleeve, don't run away!"

The big man stared at Han Zhan with angry eyes.

Han Zhan immediately woke up and told himself to stop standing there and run away!
He immediately turned around and jumped down from the balcony that had a big hole in it.

Soon it blended into the vast night and disappeared.

Nightingale Inn.

Lin Ke, a traveling businessman, was holding the proprietress in his arms, crying and saying something that was heartbreaking and painful.

Andrew walked out of another room in a daze, thinking he was hearing hallucinations.

What did he hear!
Bob molested Moon Knight Yu Lian and assassinated Slutty Knight Zhan Ning?

Although idleness is true, are the other two really things Bob can do?

Could there be a mistake somewhere?

Andrew was still in shock, and the door to the room next to him was violently pushed open.

Another acquaintance walked out angrily.

"Dillon?" Andrew called him.

"Too much!" Dillon's tone was full of anger.

Andrew knew he was going to be spoiled, so he quickly comforted him and said, "Yeah, it's too much. Calm down first. I didn't expect Bob to betray the Knights of the Sun Never Sets."

"Zhan Ning is a thief, this is too much!"

Dillon's next words choked Andrew's next words in his throat.

"Dillon, you."

"Didn't Bob say hundreds of bad things about Zhan Ning behind his back? To be framed like this, he even dispatched seventh-level disciplinary knights to hunt him down!"

"I can't take it anymore!"

Andrew looked at Dillon who was walking proudly outside the Nightingale Inn. He quickly shouted: "Dillon, where are you going?!"

"Go to Zhan Ning and seek justice for Bob!"

"I, Dillon, am a knight of justice! I can't tolerate sand in my eyes!"

...Zhan Ning was sitting at home at this time, holding a glass of wine in his hand, shaking it gently and savoring it carefully.

Hearing the noise coming from the direction of Nightingale Hotel, the smile gradually spread on his face.

"Everything is going according to plan."

"Bob, are you satisfied with the charges I prepared for you?"

Zhan Ning touched his deflated wallet and his smile widened a little.

At this moment, only a bang was heard.

The door to his residence was kicked open, and Dillon walked in boldly.

"Dillon? What are you doing? Why are you kicking my door?"

Zhan Ning looked at Dillon walking in with some confusion.

His eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

Did I offend him?

Zhan Ning hasn't figured out the situation yet.

“Not only am I going to kick down your door, I’m going to kick you out!”

"Zhan Ning, you are such a bad official, you dare to frame Bob, just because he said bad things about you behind your back! I will do justice for God today!"

As he spoke, a large ball of flame condensed into a huge fireball above Dillon's head.

"Full of rage!"


The sun never sets on the outskirts of the harbor.

All guards have been removed here in advance to ensure that Han Zhan can escape safely.

In charge of chasing Han Zhan, in addition to a rough man who likes to smash things with a demon-breaking sword, there is also a handsome man with clear eyes, Yu Lian!

"You're a scoundrel, you took advantage of my trust in you to steal my Moonlight Sword, and you still want to escape like this?"

This is the reason that was prepared before.

Yu Lian jumped up high as she spoke, her whole body seemed to be one with the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

The moonlight in the sky turned into a huge moon blade and fell to the ground.

The entire suburban forest was smashed into craters and swayed here and there.

The momentum is huge, but the accuracy is not good.

Just as Han Zhan was about to turn around and continue to escape, another huge explosion suddenly sounded in the distant Sunset Harbor.

"It's been bombing for days and days. Zhan Ning has really spent a lot of money on this plan!"

Han Zhan clicked his tongue twice, quickened his pace and fled towards the Anti-Xia Alliance.

There was no water route in this plan because there was no one in the water to take care of us.

Han Zhan had the wind at his feet, followed closely by two seventh-level disciplinary knights from the Knights of the Sun Never Sets.

The distance between the two sides is gradually getting closer.

The border between the Knights of the Sun Never Sets and the Anti-Xia Alliance is guarded all year round.

After the Knights of the Sun Never Sets made a commotion, they responded quickly.


There was a shout, and a bumpy figure appeared at the boundary line.

"The area ahead is the area of ​​influence of the Anti-Xia Alliance. If you dare to break in again, I will suppress you!"

The speaker was a woman in her early thirties, and when her momentum spread, she also had seventh-level strength.

Han Zhan's brain was spinning rapidly and he quickly completed the matching in his mind.

Without thinking, he took out a pair of cool blue and white floral shorts and threw them towards the woman opposite.

"Zhan Ning said that he has never forgotten his vow to go see the sea with you. This is the token of his agreement with you!"

The woman opposite caught the tight-fitting floral shorts and was stunned for a moment.

But soon, her seventh-level aura erupted again, even more than before.

"Go away, they, I'll stop them!"

Ning is really fierce!

Han Zhan couldn't help but sigh in his heart again, and then quickly entered the sphere of influence of the Anti-Xia Alliance.

(End of this chapter)
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