Chapter 240 Life is like a play
On the dome of the central church, the colorful glass is reflecting the light.

The six people around the round table, including the fallen knight, were silent in unison.

"We are knights, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this."

"Yes, this kind of behavior violates the rules of the Knight Code and will be criticized."

"Everyone, we are exiles." Zhan Ning had no choice but to knock on the table and cough twice.

Everyone was exiled by the empire because they violated the code of chivalry, so why are they pretending to be messengers of justice?

Besides, in the current empire, there are also many knights who violate the knight code.

Hearing Zhan Ning's "reminder", the other two disciplinary knights looked embarrassed. The venue for the meeting was too formal. Their occupational disease was so bad that they almost forgot that this was a city of extreme evil.

Then it will be fine.

"I agree to let this Bob Knight serve as a spy for the Anti-Xia Alliance."

"I agree."

"I have no objection." Yu Lian shrugged and agreed to Zhan Ning's plan.

Fallen Knight also did not deny it and unanimously approved it.

"That's settled then."

The next step is to perfect the details of this plan to ensure its successful execution.


"What? I disagree!"

Han Zhan stood up from his seat excitedly and looked at Zhan Ning in disbelief.

"Don't get excited first, don't get excited first." Zhan Ning seemed to have expected Han Zhan to have such a reaction, and hurriedly waved.

"Asking me, a knight, to fight against the Xia Alliance? You are pushing me into a pit of fire! Zhan Ning, even though I have said dozens of bad things behind my back, you don't have to retaliate against me like this, right?"

"Dozens of bad words?!" Zhan Ning's face darkened instantly, "And you said you don't have the habit of saying bad things about leaders behind their backs?"

"That's not the point!"

The Korean War was exciting.

He was finally able to go to the Anti-Xia Alliance. As long as he arrived at the Anti-Xia Alliance, got in touch with Gong Yangjin, and then returned to Daxia through the killing battlefield to complete this time's ultimate goal of the extremely evil city.

But the Korean War cannot be shown so obviously.

Instead, he must show resistance.

Like now, life is like a play.

"Zhan Ning, I am a backbone knight. Is this how your Knights of the Sun Never Set treat a backbone knight who has just made great achievements?"

"Ahem, but strictly speaking, you are actually a spirit bonder of the Anti-Xia Alliance."

Zhan Ning tried to correct his perception.

“You’re going to burn bridges when you no longer need me?”

"How is it possible! On the contrary, precisely because we need you, after our unanimous decision, only you can complete this serious and important task!"

Zhan Ning then told Han Zhan his plan.

The more he listened, the weirder Han Zhan's expression became, until in the end, he was completely shocked.

"You want me to pretend to have a falling out with the Knights of the Sun Never Sets, and then be hunted down and flee all the way to the Anti-Xia Alliance?"


"In order to look more convincing, the only people who know about this plan are you, including you, the senior members of the Knights of the Sun Never Sets. And you, as senior leaders, will personally participate in hunting me down?"


"Actually, I can understand it up to this point, but what the hell are these things you asked me to bring later?"

Han Zhan glanced at the list Zhan Ning gave him.Cool, close-fitting floral shorts, a hand-stitched purse, a yellow paper crane with a unique body scent, and a handful of... hair? ? ?

What kind of mental state is this to compile such a list of items?

Zhan Ning said with a serious look: "You don't understand, this list is the life channel I left for you!"

"With this list, we can ensure that you can safely enter the Anti-Xia League."

As he spoke, he looked left and right again, and after confirming that there was no one around, Zhan Ning stepped forward and Fu Er talked to Han Zhan in detail.

Han Zhan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he was even more shocked than before.

He glanced down at the list in his hand, then looked at Zhan Ning, and sighed from the bottom of his heart. "Ning, you are really fierce!"

There is no need to delve into the rationality of the plan. With Zhan Ning’s list, no matter how unreasonable the plan is, it begins to look reasonable.

Then let’s talk about compensation.

"Five hundred gold coins." Zhan Ning held out five fingers.

"You are sending beggars away, that is the Anti-Xia Alliance!"

Han Zhan was unmoved by this reward.

"One thousand gold coins!"

Han Zhan still shook his head.

"No matter how much money you give, you have to spend it with life. What I need now are props to survive, not money." Han Zhan said.

"Props to survive?" Zhan Ning scratched his head. Han Zhan's request stumped him.

As a knight of the Knights of the Sun Never Sets, the aura given by the Knights' Code is the best prop, and they rarely have other props.

A sharp demon-breaking sword?This thing has nothing to do with survival.

Paladin armor?If you wear it and go around the Anti-Xia Alliance, it will be a good fortune to survive.

"I need to feedback your request to them and see if there are any good things from other knights that meet your requirements."

Zhan Ning's movements were also quick. In less than a quarter of an hour, he left and returned, bringing three props with him.

Each one exudes its own special aura.

The first prop is a jet black cloak.It looks no different from an ordinary cloak, but as sharp as Han Zhan, he fell on this cloak at first sight.

"This is the Demon Crossing Cloak, a prop treasured by the fallen knight. It can help resist external damage, and at the same time has the effect of concealment and camouflage."

The way Zhan Ning stared at the dark cloak as if it were a peerless beauty, Han Zhan knew that it was indeed an extremely precious prop.

Taking the Demon Crossing Cloak from the reluctant Zhan Ning, Han Zhan put it on himself.

Immediately, a dark mist began to be released from the inside of the Demon Crossing Cloak, and soon enveloped Han Zhan's entire body.

The next second, the image of a warrior wearing black armor appeared.

The jet black helmet covered most of Han Zhan's face, leaving only a pair of cold and solemn eyes.

The heavily armed body exudes an irresistible majestic aura, as if a simple look can scare away the enemy.Yingwu's back made people dare not approach him rashly and within the fighting range.

Zhan Ning looked at Han Zhan's appearance after putting on the Demon Crossing Cloak and couldn't help but click his tongue in envy.

"The Demon Crossing Cloak is a growth-type defensive item, currently at level seven. Attacks below level seven are basically ineffective against it. Attack damage at level seven can be reduced by 50.00%, attack damage at level eight can be reduced by 30.00%, and attack damage at level nine can be reduced by [-]%. "

"It will choose its owner. The more powerful and potential the wearer is, the more powerful the wearer will appear."

"It seems that Demon Crossing Cloak is very optimistic about you."

Zhan Ning's tone was sour, but Han Zhan was in a good mood at this time.

He had not updated his equipment for a long time, and he never thought that he would be able to harvest wool from the Knights of Never Sets. He urged:
"Where's the next prop?"

(End of this chapter)
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