Chapter 238 Asking the Spirit
"Sun Yun."

Gong Yangjin called out the drunkards, and Sun Yun immediately stepped forward. Qi Ling transformed into a palm-sized wine gourd and began to pour wine down the entire mine.

The theoretical loading capacity of the Qiling Wine Gourd is endless.

Soon, a layer of liquid began to accumulate at the bottom of the entire mine. As the drink level slowly rose, it reached everyone's knees.

Those deceased people shaped by virtual reality technology have been re-condensed and formed by the spiritual energy provided by the energy bricks.

Just like the resurrected seventh-level disciplinary knight before, they wanted to attack everyone.

But the next second, the smell of alcohol filled the air, and they slowly immersed themselves in it, falling into a [drunken] state, unstable physically and mentally, and staggering around.

It's not that the drunkard Sun Yun's methods are very powerful, but he just has the right time, place and people.

For example, the bottom of this mine is like an upside-down bowl. The alcohol smell cannot evaporate and becomes more and more rich, which can be called a home field advantage.

Compared with those before their death, the strength of the resurrected people is still reduced.

"Are you all under control?" Gong Yangjin asked, looking at these people with cloudy eyes and dazed expressions.

Sun Yun nodded.

"But it won't last long, we must fight quickly."

Maintaining the wine mist state requires consuming spiritual energy, especially maintaining such a range and degree is not easy even for Sun Yun.

Gong Yangjin put away the sword in his hand, put it on his back again, and walked in front of the people.

Standing in front of her was a young man in his early 20s. There was a wide wound on his chest that almost penetrated his entire body.

The grain of reality and reality presents an almost complete reproduction of his last moment of life.

"Who killed you?"

When questioned, the young man's facial expression became ferocious for a moment, then quickly became confused, and then he became confused, confused, and drunk.

"Quinti. I exchanged one with him, no loss at all."

"Where were you when you died?"

"The killing battlefield. We are so unlucky this time. The time and space we randomly arrived at was the ancient battlefield, which is more suitable for knights to fight. I don't know if the Anti-Xia Alliance can win, but if it is Master Gongyang Jin, she will do it anyway Get the final victory!”

Even in an unconscious state, the young man still believed [-]% in Gong Yangjin when he spoke.

Gong Yangjin nodded.

This is consistent with the information she knows, and also proves that the resurrected person has memory information.

As a witness to the last killing battlefield, Gongyang Jin clearly remembered how difficult it was.

They were randomly sent to an ancient battlefield, where there were powerful ancient knights, powerful ancient alien races, and powerful ancient machines.

But there is no existence that matches the Anti-Xia Alliance. It is equivalent to a group of professional players competing on the same stage with another group of cheaters.

One can imagine the difficulty.

This also greatly increased the value of Gong Yangjin's ability to break out of the siege and walk out of the killing battlefield.

Closer to home.

Gongyang Jin asked his next question.

"Where did you go after you died?"

What happened during life was only used to confirm whether the resurrected person had real memories, but what happened after death was what Gong Yangjin was most concerned about.

"Where did I go after my death..." When asked this question, the young man opposite frowned.

Even in his drunken state, his expression began to take on a pained look.

"I bamboo forest."

A bamboo forest?Gongyang Jin was a little surprised when he heard this answer.

She had imagined countless answers, such as hell, the other side of the underworld, and consciousness lingering on the killing battlefield, but she never imagined that it would be a bamboo forest.

"What's in the bamboo forest?" "In the bamboo forest, there is a master in the bamboo forest--"

The young man's words stopped abruptly, as if he was stuck. Gongyang Jin waited for a moment, but did not wait for him to say the second half of his sentence.

Not only that, she also noticed that the light in the eyes of the young man in front of her was beginning to dim.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood on his body collapsed again, and then the whole person returned to nothingness.


Gong Yangjin's whole body was filled with sword energy. Through the sword energy's keen perception of the surrounding void, she did not find any particles of reality or reality belonging to this young man.

The second death is complete dissipation.

This sudden change surprised everyone in the Anti-Xia Alliance behind Gong Yangjin.

"What's in the bamboo forest? First? What first?" The young man who had had a relationship with the Korean War before and used a white garbage bag asked subconsciously.

"Ancestor? Sir? Sage? First..." Someone said a bunch of words, but no one could decide which one it was.

Just relying on guessing.

"It's not necessary. There are still many people who can continue to ask the spirits." The calmest and most rational person was undoubtedly Gong Yangjin.

She seemed to have foreseen this scene in advance, and she was not too surprised on her face. Instead, she walked up to the second resurrected Anti-Xia Alliance member and asked the same question as before.

"Where did you go after you died?"

"A... bamboo forest..."

Still the same answer.

But this time, Gongyang Jin did not ask what was in the bamboo forest, but changed the question.

"Did you always stay in the bamboo forest after you died?"

"I...I...seemed to have been in there for a hundred years, and then I kept wandering here."

A hundred years, a hundred years later, wandering here.

Gongyang Jin simplified the other party's words.

In other words, the "spirits" after death, let's call them that for now, were taken into a bamboo forest and stayed there for a hundred years.

A hundred years later, these spirits returned to the underground depths of the Evil City, wandering here unconsciously.

Then, after they were discovered by the Mechanicus using the grains of reality and reality, they were reshaped to form their original appearance.

This made one word flash in everyone's mind - the soul returns to heaven and earth.

After that, no matter what Gong Yangjin asked, the other party couldn't answer.

It seems that these spiritual memories no longer exist after entering the underground.

But through questioning, Gongyang Jin has obtained the two most important conclusions, or clues.


"Sangria died in the last killing field. Why did he say that he had been in the so-called 'bamboo forest' for nearly a hundred years."

"How did the Mechanicus discover these spirits scattered throughout the City of Evil? Are there other places where spirits exist?"

When Han Zhan said these two points, Zhan Ning and Yu Lian were a little surprised.

"How did you grow your brain? Have you always been so smart?"

"Can you share your IQ with me?"

Ignoring these two guys, Han Zhan set his sights on the fallen knight, waiting for his final answer.

The war horse under the fallen knight seemed to be a little uneasy, tapping its hooves, and roared twice restlessly.

"I do not know."

(End of this chapter)
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