Chapter 218 The first lesson on the sinister nature of the human heart

Another hour passed.

The ship successfully docked again.

Looking from the direction of the ship, we discovered that the entrance was just a small island in the center of the river.

The boss of the ship was right when he said that if he didn't get on the ship, he would probably starve to death on the island.

"We're here." The ship's boss notified Han Zhan through the loudspeaker after mooring the ship but not showing up again.

Upon hearing the notice from the ship's boss, Han Zhan jumped onto the dock quickly.

After he stood firm on the dock, the ship ended its mooring and, like a tireless bird without legs, sailed towards the river again.

"Work, this is work...hiss, hiss...I love work..."

Continuous and unclear sounds came from the speakers on the top of the ship, with a unique and strange tone.

"Wanderers who have come from afar... please remember that the human heart is dangerous... This is the first lesson I give you..."

He seems to be singing?
Han Zhan listened to the sound of the ship's horn and continued walking from the port towards the city.

He saw another sign standing tall with white letters on a blue background.

It clearly says: "The sun never sets in the harbor."

Han Zhan: "???"

on the ship.

The ship's boss was singing in a strange voice and tune while steering the ship, and the hatch behind him was opened.

A "ship boss" who looked exactly like him, had the same height, and was dressed the same as him, walked in.

He stepped forward, raised his hand and grabbed the shoulder of the other ship boss, then opened the hatch and threw it outward with force.

An adult weighing [-] to [-] kilograms was thrown far away like this.

With a "pop", he fell into the river, sank and disappeared.

"The energy is about to be exhausted, there are so many faults, and they are actually singing."

"Let me see the work log."

"Tsk, it's actually been ten years since the last work log update."

"There have been two boarding records recently. One was a month ago for the Anti-Xia Alliance, and the other was today, eh?"

The new ship boss looked through the records and let out a sigh of relief.

"Failed to enter port information for the first time? The reason for the failure is that the boarder lied and made up a completely non-existent 'Returning Port'."

"The port information was entered successfully for the second time. The port entered was Anti-Xia Port. However, due to a malfunction, it was sent to the port of the Anti-Xia Alliance's archenemy, the Knights on which the Sun Never Sets."

The ship boss read these two records in silence. He skillfully took out a pen and scrawled on the work log.

Soon, the two pieces of information in the work log were completely smeared into two pure black lines.

"Problem solved." The ship's boss' tone rose slightly, with a hint of happiness, "I hope the unlucky guy who was sent to the wrong port can live happily."


The ship's whistle sounded again, this time more briskly, like a new battery, speeding away into the distance.

The sun never sets on the port.

The "unlucky guy" took a few deep breaths to adjust his complicated mentality at this time.

In his heart, the ship boss had been cursed at least ten thousand times.

"I curse you to sink into the river immediately. Note, you sink into the river immediately!" Han Zhan said almost through gritted teeth.

He didn't have much dealings with the Imperial Knights.

The only time I interacted with him was when I saw the leader of the Imperial Knights, Louis XVII, towards the end of the Deep Blue Calamity.

The Imperial Knights gave Han Zhan the impression that they were a proud, confident, and very arrogant group of people.They advocate faith, pursue faith, and are willing to sacrifice their lives for their faith.

"This is just a normal knight, and this is a city of extreme evil." Han Zhan muttered to himself, interrupting the memories of knights in his mind.

Just now, he was taught his first lesson about the evil nature of the human heart.

In the city of extreme evil, you can never judge by normal people's way of thinking.Han Zhan reminded himself again in his heart.

Sun Never Sets Harbor is much more prosperous than imagined.

Walking from the landing port towards the inland, there were gradually more and more people along the way.

Small wooden fishing boats docked on the shore one after another, and people on the pier were carrying goods to the boats one after another.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar scene, Han Zhan was in a daze.

Most of the people responsible for transporting the goods are white-skinned people, and there are a few dark-skinned people who are more like supervisors.

When Han Zhan was sizing them up, they also noticed Han Zhan walking out of the Sun Bu Luo Port pier and cast their gazes at them.

"Hey, new friend."

Not far away, a man wearing a brown plaid jacket, solid gray loose trousers, and a gray-brown beret on his head ran over in a hurry.

"I think you must be lacking direction in life right now."

The man in front of him, who looked to be in his late 40s or [-]s, took off his beret as he spoke, straightened his somewhat sparse golden-brown curly hair, put the hat back on, and straightened it up.

"Introduce yourself, Andrew."

"Bob." Han Zhan replied truthfully.

"Very good, Bob. In this way, we have established a preliminary understanding and become half friends. So, as your half friend, do you want to go somewhere with me?"

As the middle-aged man Andrew spoke, he clenched his left hand into a fist, stretched out his index finger on his right hand, and made a "poke" gesture to the empty space in the middle of the fist.

An ambiguous smile appeared on his face at the same time.

Han Zhan leaned back slightly in surprise.

The middle-aged man named Andrew is a pimp.

It is true that no matter where you go, human reproduction is an industry that will always last. This is true for the City of Titans, and it is also true for the City of Evil.

"No, no, no, I'm not that kind of person." Han Zhan shook his head without hesitation.

Seeing that Han Zhan wanted to refuse, Andrew took another step forward, stretched out two fingers of his right hand, and made a "two" gesture.

"Twenty gold coins. One time."

"Oh, you just arrived in the City of Evil. I forgot to tell you. Gold coins are the hard currency of the City of Evil. One gold coin is equivalent to one dollar outside."

So twenty gold coins are equivalent to 20 yuan?

The current economic situation is so bad that even the most evil city has been affected?

20 yuan per trip, a price that was unthinkable before the Korean War.

"where is it?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious and want to take a look." Han Zhan added.

When Andrew heard what Han Zhan said, he gave him a look that made every man understand. Then he took out a small bag of gold coins from his pocket and put it in Han Zhan's hand.

"No, wait a minute, why did you give me money?" Han Zhan was confused.

"Twenty gold coins per time? Aren't you 'curious and want to see it'?"

"Don't be shy. New people outside are worth this price because they have a sense of freshness. If you stay for a long time, they will only be worth ten gold coins."

"But if you agree to have sex with a man, I can add another twenty gold coins." Andrew's smile gradually became obscene.

Han Zhan was shocked and pushed Andrew back. "Hurry up and get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)
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