Soul-Slaying Girl: All the contracts I contracted are ancient divine weapons.

Chapter 214: Seal the Origin, Gongyang Jin Disappears

Chapter 214: Seal the Origin, Gongyang Jin Disappears
The void source possesses will.

This was something Han Zhan never expected.

Not to mention him, perhaps even Li Shutong had never thought of such a situation.

They all thought that after killing the void, the origin of the void would be absorbed by Han Zhan, and everything would be fine.

I never thought that one day, the source of nothingness would condense its own will, and then try to devour Han Zhan and ban him.

If Lin Jingxuan hadn't happened to possess Hetu Luoshu, which was also of the same origin, and if Hetu Luoshu hadn't been integrated into the heaven and earth formation and forced it out of hiding, I'm afraid the Korean War would have continued like before. Devouring energy bricks like crazy.

Because the devouring ability of the void source is really easy to use.

Its existence allows Han Zhan to defeat his opponents by several levels and turn defeat into victory to turn the tide of the war.

"Can the source of nothingness never be used again?" Han Zhan thought of this and asked rather reluctantly.

If the source of nothingness cannot be used, this will be a great weakening for his combat effectiveness.

"Before you deal with the will of nothingness that was born, I do not recommend that you continue to use the source of nothingness. Because you have to know that every time you use the source of nothingness, you are aiding the enemy and making it stronger."

"When it is strong enough, you will be swallowed up by the body."

Lin Jingxuan was not alarmist.

"How can we solve the will of nothingness?" Han Zhan asked again.

"I do not know."

Lin Jingxuan answered very simply.

The origin itself is an extremely rare thing, and even rare words are not enough to describe it.

Not to mention the original will born in it.

Maybe only an origin like the source of nothingness, which has existed for who knows how many years, can have a will born.

How to eliminate the influence of the original will is a dark sight for them, no one knows.

"I will use the origin of Hetuluoshu to help you temporarily seal the origin of nothingness."

"Except for a life-and-death situation, I don't recommend you to use it again. Even in a life-and-death situation, I don't recommend you to use it until the problem of the original will is solved."

"Because no one can guarantee how much power it needs to accumulate before it can outlaw you and devour you."

Facing another serious instruction from Lin Jingxuan, Han Zhan nodded.

"I understand, then please ask Second Senior Brother to use Hetu Luoshu to help me temporarily seal the source of nothingness."

Lin Jingxuan did not hesitate.

He raised his hands at the same time and drew different golden mysterious characters in mid-air.

Every time one of these golden mysterious inscriptions is drawn, it is driven into Han Zhan's body. As more and more golden mysterious inscriptions are drawn, the speed at which they are penetrated into Han Zhan's body becomes faster and faster.

Black energy continued to emerge from Han Zhan's body, but in the next second, these black energy were suppressed by the golden Xuanwen and forced into the body again.

I don't know how long has passed.

Lin Jingxuan stopped, Hetu Luoshu disappeared between heaven and earth again, and he took a breath.

It seems that for him at the ninth level, it is not that easy to seal the original will of nothingness.

Han Zhan also opened his eyes.

The sealing process was a torment for him. The source of nothingness was now temporarily sealed, and he could no longer easily use the ability of the source of nothingness.

This matter has come to an end for now.

Han Zhan remembered his second purpose for coming to Lin Jingxuan, so he asked: "Second senior brother, Gong Yangjin was sent out to perform a mission before, and there is no news yet. Can you help me use the Heaven and Earth Formation?" Feel it, where is she now?"

Lin Jingxuan nodded when he heard this. After taking a nap for a while, he closed his eyes again.

Not long after, Lin Jingxuan opened his eyes. He looked at Han Zhan and suddenly shook his head. "Gongyang Jin is not in Beijun."


Gong Yangjin is missing!

When they heard the news, Li Lingzhen, Xia Youwei and the others' first reaction was absolutely impossible.

Gong Yangjin has seventh-level strength and is in Beijun. How could he disappear like this for no reason?
Even if there is just a little bit of noise, it is impossible to disappear quietly.

"According to the investigation, the last place she was seen was Mohai City."

"The ancient magic circle in Mohai City had been activated at that time, and our investigators who rushed over to investigate found no traces of a fight."

"Do you think... is there a possibility that Gongyang Jin left on her own?"

Shang Siting looked at the frowning people and said.

Among all the people present, she was the only one who had not had any contact with Gong Yangjin. From the perspective of bystanders, it was the most likely scenario that Gong Yangjin would leave on his own.

Only in this way can we explain why there was no movement and no traces left.

"It's impossible. It's impossible for Sister Jin to leave Beijun without saying hello to us."

"Yes, although her temperament is a little colder, she is very good to us and always takes care of us as our sisters. If she really wants to leave, she won't say a word."

"What's more..." At this point, Xia Youwei glanced at Han Zhan, who was silent in thought.

What's more, Gong Yangjin also signed a contract with Han Zhan, and he is his spirit, that is, his person.

It was impossible for her to leave Han Zhan alone and leave.

"I'm going to find her." Han Zhan said after being silent.

Gong Yangjin is his bonded spirit and his other half.Although he has a little more significant others, each of them is someone he will protect seriously.

Gong Yangjin saved him once during the battle of Yixieqi, which caused his own realm to plummet.

During the Deep Blue Calamity, he used the sword skill Jade Break again and fell down again.

Gong Yangjin has paid so much for Han Zhan. No matter what, Han Zhan must find her and find out what happened.

"Actually, I have another way." Lin Jingxuan, who had been silent until now, raised his hand, and in front of everyone, a golden scroll slowly unfolded.

On the scroll, golden light spots are densely packed, corresponding to the positions of the ancient magic circles.

"There is an ancient magic circle in Mohai City. After integrating into the heaven and earth formation, I can use a special tracing method to recreate what happened in the ancient magic circle at that time."

"But this involves some ethereal things, such as cause and effect, connection, origin, etc."

"So the person closest to you must act as a medium to be able to perform it."

Hearing these words, everyone's eyes fell on Han Zhan.

Among the people present, besides Han Zhan, who else is the closest person to Gong Yangjin?

"There may be some pain in the process. If you can't bear it, you can stop at any time."

When Lin Jingxuan saw Han Zhan nod, he raised his hand and gently twisted it into the scroll, and the light spot representing the ancient magic circle in Mohai City was pinched out of the scroll.

Then he tapped Han Zhan lightly.

Golden light spots disappeared into Han Zhan's mind.

The latter's brows furrowed suddenly, severe pain shot through his head, and large beads of sweat began to ooze out.

At the same time, everyone saw that in the scroll above their heads, a blurry picture began to appear.

(End of this chapter)
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