Soul-Slaying Girl: All the contracts I contracted are ancient divine weapons.

Chapter 211 Thousands of formations unite into one, appearing holy in front of people

Chapter 211: Thousands of formations unite into one, appearing holy in front of people

How many ancient magic formations are there in Beijun?

If someone had to answer this question, it would be 11, two hundred and six.

This is the foundation of Li Shutong's stay in Beijun, and it is also the result of Shen Zheqi's running around in the fourth theater for so many days.

a family.

A family of three is having a meal, two dishes and one soup.

For them, this is considered a blessing in today's North County.

"Sumptuous" dinners like this will only become more and more common in the future, and each of their faces was filled with a long-lost smile.

They are full of confidence in Daxia's future.

At this moment, under their feet, golden rays of light gathered in mid-air, and finally condensed into a complex and mysterious text, floating into the air.

A school ground.

Daxia's combat spirit masters are training and simulating combat.

The return of the Korean War gave them a great boost, and everyone was very motivated.

The person in charge is Shen Zheqi.

He was recalled from other cities and was no longer required to maintain the ancient magic circle for the time being.

Below the school grounds, dots of golden light gradually rose, making these combat spirit masters look wary.

Someone wanted to reach out and touch those golden light spots, but Shen Zheqi stopped him.

"Don't touch."

"These are the foundational text of the ancient magic array."

Seeing these golden light spots condensed into a small golden mysterious text, Shen Zheqi suddenly understood why he was recalled.

Scenes like this appear in more and more places.

Above all the ancient magic formations, golden mysterious text emerged like bubbles.

Each golden mysterious text gathered in the sky of Beijun. These words were densely packed, like a book from heaven, illuminating the entire sky above Beijun.

From the southernmost Juilao Pass, a dazzling golden light turned into a straight line and fell to the extreme northern shore at the end of Bei County.

Then countless golden threads poured out.

A golden scroll was outlined in the sky. The scroll slowly spread out and rose in the wind, including all the 11 two hundred and six golden profound texts.

The golden dome covers the surrounding areas.

On the ground, the criss-crossing golden lines turned into a huge square chessboard, covering the entire North County.

The sky is round and the earth is measured.

Lin Jingxuan stepped out of the house.

Hetu Luoshu emerged behind him and split into two again.

Luoshu, which looks like a black tortoise, blends into the sky.

The scroll-like river map is integrated into the chess formation on the ground.

The moment the two merged into heaven and earth, golden light rippled across the entire North County, dispersing the haze in every corner.

Every strand of Lin Jingxuan's hair exudes divine light.

Wearing a simple white windbreaker, he stood tall in the air. His originally short hair had grown into long hair, flowing freely behind him.

The white feather fan in his hand was also blooming with dazzling white light.

"Second Senior Brother, is he really that strong?"

At Han Zhan's residence, Xia Youwei and others also felt the strange movement between heaven and earth and walked out.

Seeing this scene, Xia Youwei couldn't help but ask, as if talking to herself.

"Every ninth level is a unique strong person." Shang Siting said from the side.

The sixth level peak is the pinnacle of life for many ordinary people.

Then the eighth level peak is the pinnacle of life for most geniuses.

Only a rare genius can find his own path and take the last step before transcendence.

"But not everyone can make such a big fuss like Second Senior Brother." Shang Siting added.

Because of the existence of Hetu Luoshu.

No one has ever been able to merge into a complete and extremely powerful origin at the peak of the eighth level and break through to the ninth level.

Lin Jingxuan is the first such arrogant person. "I felt that the air around me started to become fresher and warmer after the golden light filtered through it."

"Does this cover the entire North County?"

"All ancient magic circles have disappeared?"

"No, they didn't disappear, but they all turned into a great formation of heaven and earth!"

In the sky.

Lin Jingxuan opened his eyes.

At this time, his eyes were filled with golden light. When Hetu Luoshu and the Heaven and Earth Formation merged into one, the entire North County's haze disappeared.

But that's not enough!
Lin Jingxuan was seen waving the white feather fan in his hand.

With the wave of the white feather fan.

In the south of the great formation of heaven and earth, a large golden character comparable to a giant mountain fell, which was the character "Qian".

Every time Lin Jingxuan waved, a word would appear in different directions.

He swung eight times in total.

In the great formation of heaven and earth, eight giant golden characters appeared in eight directions.

When they fell at the same time, the entire floating formation was instantly stable and impregnable!
The sky and the earth are positioned, the mountains and rivers are ventilated, the thunder and wind are thin, and the water and fire are not in contact with each other.

This is innate gossip!

The Eight Trigrams form one body, and one body contains Yin and Yang. Ten thousand formations are integrated into one, and the Hetu and Luoshu transform heaven and earth.

Guard Beijun, guard Daxia, and guard the people!
It was only then that Lin Jingxuan's aura gradually subsided and he fell from the sky.

He has broken through the ninth level.

Lin Jingxuan became the first ninth level in the new Daxia.

With top-notch combat power, they have the capital to continue competing with other forces, as well as the future.

Wen Suya returned to her female form and held his arm.

"Suya, I did it."

"Yes, you did."

"The mountains and rivers are stable and the mountains and rivers are intact. Teacher, parents, I did it."

"As long as I am here and the formation is there, Beijun will not be broken."

Lin Jingxuan's loud voice floated to various places with the blowing wind.


"What a big breath."

"But he does have the confidence to say this. He is worthy of Daxia Lin Jingxuan."

"Can you stop shaking your legs when you talk?" The companion next to him crawled out of the sewer and gasped.

"Fortunately, my distorted form is that of a strange rat. I realized something was wrong in advance and ran fast enough."

"Otherwise, we would have been swept away by that golden light and would have died for the organization by now."

"The infiltration failed, please return to the organization."

"The other teams of Aberration Walkers should also have failed."

"I just don't know if that person succeeded."

When they heard the words "that person", several of the Aberration Walkers fell silent at the same time, and their eyes showed fear invariably.

They are aberration walkers. They have a variety of powerful alien cells integrated into their bodies. Violence and cruelty are their nature.

What kind of existence can make violent and cruel people fearful?

"The new No. 001, the guy named Shen Tao. He is an out-and-out monster."

"Our mission this time was to provide cover for him. As long as he succeeds, this mission will not be considered a failure."

"Tell me, why did the leader let Shen Tao make this trip?"

"I heard that there is something that I couldn't bring out from the City of Evil, and I need to go in again."

"Is there anything so important?"

The speaker glanced at his fellow Aberration Walker next to him.

"Don't inquire about social matters."

(End of this chapter)
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