Chapter 207 Dirty World

"The only thing good about mechanical intelligence is that it can't lie."

"As long as I can hack into the ginseng company's Skynet, I can know most of its secrets."

"For example, the Skynet 2.0 version that was secretly disposed of, the story of a senior businessman and the wife of another senior executive, or the plan to kill Li Shutong."

There is no need for Shang Jianyue to deceive himself with such things.

But there is no way he means well.

"What do you want?" Han Zhan asked.

Shang Jianyue shook his head. "I do not want anything."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"Believe it or not."

Shang Jianyue stopped continuing in this meaningless conversation and began to talk about the super secrets he had dug out from Skynet.

"Looking at the entire human race, Li Shutong is also one of the top beings."

"Back then, he was too strong and had no opponent in his lifetime. That's why they designed a drama where the three insect emperors besieged Daxia."

Is it a deliberate design for the three insect emperors to besiege Daxia? !
"Who are they? Why can they order the Insect Emperor to do things?" Han Zhan asked very quickly.

Shang Jianyue snorted coldly.

"Isn't it obvious who they are?"

"As for why you can command the Insect Emperor, have you ever thought about another question?"

Shang Jianyue looked at Han Zhan across from him, and the gaze in his mechanical pupils became dark.

"Humans, must they all be human?"

Humans, must they all be human?

What does it mean.

"You know the promotion direction of Changsheng Company?"

"Extract special abilities from aliens, and then inject them into carefully selected warriors to complete the mutation and become aberration walkers."

I know a little bit about the Korean War.

Not only that, the Changsheng Company will also refine the spiritual energy in the exotic beast materials and use it to make potions that enhance strength.

"If all the cells in a person's body are alien beast cells, is this person still a human being?"

Shang Jianyue asked a rather dialectical topic.

Han Zhan could not give an answer.

But he already understood what Shang Jianyue wanted to express.

Changsheng Company, or the senior management of Changsheng Company, the more powerful the distortion walkers, they may no longer be human!
"This is really shocking news."

"If there is such a large force and its upper echelons are controlled by aliens, this is simply a horror story."

Shang Jianyue shook his head.

"Did you think that was all?"

"The Old Testament and the Twelve Apostles are outside the major forces. They have great strength, but whether they take action or not depends on their own will."

"The empire and the aliens have been fighting for many years, and both sides are helpless. However, the strength of the empire has been steadily increasing every year, which is in sharp contrast to the continuous casualties of the spiritual contract master Qi Ling in Daxia."

"As a level 6 civilization, the Guangshang Company is not low in strength, but the number of times it takes action against foreign races is limited. Under the weighing of the pros and cons of digitalization, they will only make judgments and choices that are in their immediate interests."

Even though he had some guesses in his mind, Han Zhan was still a little shocked when he heard these words from Shang Jianyue.

"So, Daxia..."

Daxia has never had any allies, all it has is a group of tigers and wolves surrounded by evil spirits.

"In the dark jungle, everyone is a hunter and everyone is prey."

"Da Xia is too unsociable. In other words, the existence of Li Shutong makes Da Xia too unsociable." "If you give him some more time, he may be able to cross that threshold and become the first person to transcend. People. By that time, all forces will not be willing to see this scene happen."

So they devised a conspiracy to overthrow Daxia by the three insect emperors.

Therefore, the ninth-level Ixieqi Heavenly Snake, which should have been stopped by the empire, actually appeared on Daxia's side unimpeded.

That's why Daxia was unprepared and was pushed aside by the three insect emperors, almost destroying the country.

We know the outcome of the Korean War.

The three insect emperors died, and the other half of Li Shutong's spirit also died in this disaster.

Li Shutong lost the possibility of transcendence, temporarily lost it.

"But Li Shutong is indeed a genius. He and the Li family quarreled on the surface to confuse the major forces. He also created eight war zones to forcefully renew Daxia's life. Then he started over with a secret martial arts and returned to the Nine. Peak level."

"That's why they took the second shot."

"This time, they used you as bait. Li Shutong had to make a choice between keeping you and keeping him."

"Ultimately, he made his choice."

When Shang Jianyue said this, Han Zhan's fists were already clenched and turned white.

Dirty world.

"It's the end of the insect plague, and they still want to fight among themselves..."

Shang Jianyue shook his head and interrupted Han Zhan's words. "The Great Xia represented by Li Shutong wants to completely wipe out the foreign races, but why do they want to completely wipe out the foreign races?"

"Is it because of the devastation of life? Because of the mass deaths of ordinary people? Or because of the plundering of less important territories and living environments?"

"For the Changsheng Company, the aliens represent endless samples of aberrant cells. For the Ginseng Company, the aliens represent abundant and rich purified spiritual energy. For the Empire and the Old Testament, the aliens represent mobile wealth and The key to finding your own breakthrough. Banish them completely? No kidding."

"So what in the end of the world. As long as those at the top of power can break through the realm of transcendence, even if the world is destroyed, what does it have to do with them."

Only then did Han Zhan understand the meaning of what Shang Jianyue just said.

"In the dark jungle, everyone is a hunter and everyone is prey."

Aliens can also be human prey.

Maintaining a certain balance is the consensus reached by the empire, the Changsheng Company, the Trading Company, and the Old Testament.

But they failed to reach a consensus with Daxia, and they failed to reach a consensus with Li Shutong.

So they found another way to reach consensus.

"You said that the teacher forcibly traded lives with them to break the situation for me. But is it worth such a big bet for me?"

The Korean War is still a little hard to accept.

"I don't know that."

"In Skynet's top secret, it is recorded like this."

"As for Li Shutong's thoughts at the time, only he himself knows."

"Okay, I've told you everything I want to tell you, and it's time for me to leave here."

After Shang Jianyue exposed the activities behind the five major forces to Han Han, he held a silver cane in his left hand, raised his right hand, and gently pressed down on the brim of the black top hat.

The next second, his figure once again turned into a stream of nanorobots, quickly leaving in the distance.

Han Zhan was left alone, still standing there, slowly digesting the information he just knew.

Alien races take pleasure in killing humans, and human forces profit from feeding alien races.

Daxia, represented by the teacher, wanted to break this cold-blooded cannibalism rule and completely eliminate the alien race. This touched the cake of those people and was calculated twice.

"Han Zhan, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Han Zhan asked himself.

(End of this chapter)
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