Chapter 16 Drunkard, dancer, the most useless team?
Chen Pupu heard the noise outside and ran out in a hurry.

When he saw Han Zhan with his fist retracted and Wang Lumao lying unconscious on the ground, he picked up Wang Lumao without saying a word and winked at Han Zhan.

"Come quickly, classmate Wang Lumao passed out due to kidney failure. Someone send him to the infirmary!"

Chen Pupu shouted and walked quickly in the opposite direction of Han Zhan.

"Principal Chen is a good man." Han Zhan said with emotion as he watched Chen Pupu walking further and further away.

Xia Youwei nodded in deep agreement. "Hopefully he will live a long life."

After the two of them completed the graduation process of Ivy League College and received letters of recommendation,

Just leave here and report to the Deep Blue City Protector Organization.

The City Protector Organization is located in the center of Deep Blue City, a very impressive high-rise building.

When Han Zhan and Xia Youwei walked in, the reception center was empty.

There was only one young man who looked immature, hiding away and playing video games.

"Hello, I am……"

Han Zhan walked up to the young man, but before he could finish explaining his purpose, he was interrupted by the other party's impatient wave.

"Go to the door to get your number first, then queue up and wait for your number to be called."

Han Zhan was stunned for a moment, but he patiently explained: "I'm not here to ask for help, I'm here to apply for employment."


The young man playing video games stopped and looked at Han Zhan and Xia Youwei in surprise.

He groaned twice as if he suddenly realized something, and pointed at them.

"Oh, it's you. Vice Captain Zhao has named him and wants to punish him to death... Oh no, he needs special care. He is the only SSS-level talented spirit bonder in Shenlan City!"

The young man who felt that he had spilled the beans covered his mouth with his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and shook hands with Han Zhan.

"Hello, my name is Xiaobei."

"Your files have been entered and you have been assigned to Team No. 0527. You can report there directly."

Xiaobei said, and gave Han Zhan a detailed explanation of the specific location of Team No. 0527.

"Congratulations, Team Han, you are now the official captain of Team 0527."

"There are detailed introductions to the captain's accusations, powers and appointments in this booklet. You can take a look."

"We will be colleagues from now on. Please take good care of me."

The people who are responsible for reception in the reception center are all talented people. Xiaobei’s attitude instantly reversed 360°.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, Han Zhan couldn't say much.

After receiving the so-called captain's manual, Han Zhan read through it and gained a general understanding of the organizational structure of the City Protector organization.

Within the city protector organization, each city has a first team that is responsible for overseeing all other city protectors.

Other city defenders were numbered according to their jurisdiction and belonged to different teams.

Team 0527, where Han Zhan belongs, is mainly responsible for the area of ​​Xixia Road in Shenlan City.

Fortunately, it's not too far from the headquarters.

After walking for another ten minutes, Han Zhan and Xia Youwei arrived at Xixia Road.

After finally finding the office of Team 0527, as soon as I opened the door and walked in, I was hit by a strong smell of alcohol.

There were scattered wine bottles everywhere on the ground. Some were covered with dust, and some bottles still had wine stains on their mouths. They had obviously been thrown away not long ago.

The room full of wine bottles made Han Zhan and Xia Youwei feel like they had nowhere to go.

Walking in, Han Zhan saw a middle-aged man with messy hair, lying drunk on the ground with stubble on his face.He was holding a half bottle of wine in his arms, snoring drunkenly.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning outside, and there was no intention of waking up.

Han Zhan looked at the drunkard lying on the ground and frowned.

It seems that Zhao Hu had no good intentions when he arranged for him to join the team numbered 0527?
Just when he was about to wake up the drunkard, there was a sudden jingling sound from the door curtain.

A woman wearing high heels, heavy makeup and revealing clothing walked in from outside.

"Who are you?" This woman dressed as a dancer glanced at Han Zhan and Xia Youwei in surprise.

"Squad 0527, new captain, Han Zhan."

Han Zhan said as he took out the identification documents from his portfolio.

When she saw the ID, the dancer's expression was obviously stunned, and she was a little unresponsive.

At this time, the drunk man lying on the ground heard the noise, barely opened his eyes, and greeted the dancer standing there:

"Iris, money, give me the money, I don't have enough money for drinking."

The dancer also heard him.

There was something inexplicable in her eyes, and she finally took out a wad of money from her breast mask and stuffed it into the drunkard's hand.

"I danced all night yesterday, and now I'm tired. I need to catch up on my sleep."

"The new captain is here, greet yourself. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Red Iris, and I am his bonded spirit. As you can see, I am also a dancer."

After Red Iris finished speaking, she nodded with Han Zhan and Xia Youwei, stepped on her high heels, skillfully jumped over the wine bottles, opened the door to the back room and walked in.

The drunkard took the money, scratched his head with his right hand, stood up and murmured to himself: "New captain, are you kidding me? Return the new captain, blah."

He opened his eyes and met Han Zhan's eyes.

"Hello, my name is Han Zhan, the new captain of Team 0527."

Seeing the certificate, the drunkard was stunned for a moment.

The next second, he sneered and raised his hand to knock off Han Zhan's hand. His tone was full of ridicule: "A boy who doesn't even have hair, still wants to be my captain?"

"Boy, get out of here and stay where it's cool."

"Why do you talk like that?"

Xia Youwei had a very bad impression of him. Whether he drank too much or let his spirit work as a dancer to make money, this middle-aged man was disgusting.

"Hey, the little lady has a soft voice, and she looks really good when she's angry."

"How about it, are you interested in being my contract spirit? I promise..."

Before he could finish his words, his whole body was knocked out by a punch, and he suddenly fell onto the glass bottles.
The broken glass shards pierced into the skin, but the smile on the middle-aged drunkard's face did not diminish at all, and he seemed not to feel any pain at all.

He sobered up completely and looked at Han Zhan standing opposite. "Boy, this punch is really powerful. Have you practiced?"

Han Zhan did not answer.

The drunkard stood up on his own, picked up a bottle of wine that was not completely finished, drank it all, and burped with satisfaction.

"It doesn't matter if you don't speak, but I advise you to leave for your own good."

"You must have offended someone, otherwise you wouldn't have been assigned to this 'most useless team' that is famous throughout Deep Blue City."

"Leave now, just say that I, Yi Fan, drove you away because of my unruliness. At most, I will lose face, but it is better than you dying here in the future."

"Are you right, Captain Han?"

Yi Fan, an alcoholic, shook the empty bottle in his hand towards Han Zhan and asked meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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