Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 97 1 Is it really okay to start with a decisive battle?

Is it really okay for Chapter 97 to start with a decisive battle?
19:20, in the school gymnasium.

After waiting for a while, everyone arrived and were divided into two parties on the basketball court of the stadium.

On one side were Fujimaru Ritsuka, and on the other side were the original Amidai Shinpei, plus their companions who came one after another. There were a total of eight people, which was a quite spectacular team.

In the confrontation between the two parties, Fujimaru Ritsuka's three-person team, complete with young and old, seemed somewhat thin. At first glance, it seemed as if they were being bullied by the other party.

“I didn’t expect there to be such a big team.”

Looking at the large group of people in front of him, Moriarty raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then said with a smile:
"But from a writing point of view, it's not very good to have so many new characters appear at once. It's easy for readers to lose their memory or to confuse the characters."

"The current situation has nothing to do with writing, right?"

Amishiro Shinpei's hair was small, and the man with short brown hair had a rhombus shape and couldn't help but complain, and then asked Amishiro Shinpei:
"Shenping, who are they?"

Netdai Shenping shook his head and said:

"I don't know either, but they shouldn't be enemies, so we decided to wait until everyone is here before we start real communication."

"However, there seem to be observers among them."

"Another Observer!?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and the eyes they looked at the three people immediately changed.

However, seeing the other party's reaction, Hui Yuan Ai also felt a little confused.

Judging from her personal experience, the three of them seem to have retained memories of time retrieval, which means that all three of them are time observers.

However, although she will not belittle herself and think that she is just an ordinary person, she will never think that she is special enough to become a time observer.

Not to mention that the three of them are all observers, this possibility is really low.

She prefers that someone protected her when she went back in time and preserved her memory.

Thinking of this, she unconsciously glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka from the corner of her eye.

If she remembered correctly, Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly grabbed her and Moriarty's hands a moment before the time went back.

Sure enough, it's Ritsuka-san, right?

At the same time, Amidai Shinpei and others were shocked. Soon, one of them, the black-haired beauty Minami Hizuru with sharp eyes, frowned and asked Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others:
"If there are observers among you, you should already know what will happen on this island in the next 24 days, right?"

"In that case, why did you choose to show up now?"


Xiaozhou Mio also suddenly said:
"After all, we've been through it four times now, or five times."

Netdai Shenping kindly reminded:

"This is the seventh time backtracking."

"Hey, is this the seventh time already?!"

On the other side, after hearing the conversation between Amishiro Shinpei and Xiaofune Mio, the three of them looked at each other and could see the surprise on their faces.

"Seventh time?"

As he murmured this number, more questions came to Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind.

However, she put these doubts in her heart for the time being and answered without any concealment:

"Sorry, we don't know what will happen on the island on the 24th."

"In fact, we just landed on Ridu Island today, and we didn't experience the first time backtracking until 19:55 just now, and we found this place immediately after that."

Fujimaru Ritsuka's speech shocked everyone even more than when netizen Shinpei announced that there was another time observer.

Amishiro Shinpei frowned and fell into deep thought, while Minami Hizuru murmured in disbelief:
"But how is it possible? This is unreasonable." Among the crowd, only Diamond Window looked confused and asked:

"What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Hearing this, his sister, a diamond-shaped ibis with long pink braids, sighed helplessly and explained to him in a low voice:

"Think about it carefully. We are all on the same island, but our side has experienced a total of seven time regressions, but the other party has only experienced the one just now. Don't you think it's strange?"

The diamond-shaped window said with hindsight:

"That's true,"

On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka is also thinking about this issue.

Is it related to her physique?
Maybe she accidentally carried out another transfer?
No, no, if that was the case, Moriarty and Haibara Ai probably wouldn't have come here with her.
At this moment, Shadow Chao suddenly spoke:
"Shenping, now is not the time to think about these issues, right?"

Amidai Shinpei was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then suddenly came to his senses.

What she said was right, because the enemy was also coming here at the moment, and maybe he would arrive soon.

Regarding the current situation, the first question that needs to be clarified now is——

"What is your purpose? Are you friends or enemies?"

After hearing the question raised by Amidai Shinpei, Fujimaru Ritsuka answered without any concealment:

"Our purpose is to figure out the reason and solution for the shadow's existence, and to explore why time regression occurs."

"If there is no conflict between our purposes, then we should be friends."


After hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's answer, Amishiro Shinpei and Shadow Ushio looked at their companions.

After getting everyone's consent, the two looked at each other, and then Shinpei Amidai said to Ritsuka Fujimaru:
"Then, let's exchange information."

The so-called exchange of information is not just a verbal exchange of information. That kind of efficiency is too slow.

Shadow Tide explained to them one of her abilities, that is, she can share the memory information in her mind with the contactee through direct or indirect physical contact with the other party, achieving instantaneous information transmission.

Therefore, through the sharing of each other's memories, the three of them instantly understood the current situation.

The other party, to be precise, is Shinpei Amidai. He has experienced seven times of time regression, including the one that Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others experienced this time, which was actually initiated by him.

This is the ability of his right eye, its abilities are:
Look down at the flow of time from a high-dimensional perspective, observe many parallel worlds, and be able to transform the observed world into reality.

To be precise, this was not his eye. This unusual right eye seemed to have the same origin as the enemy leader, but he did not know why it appeared on his body.

In addition, he himself cannot actively use this ability, but every time he dies, he will return to the previous point in time, which is equivalent to death retrospective.

In other words, he has experienced death seven times so far.

And every time he retraces his death, his retrace time will move forward. When the retrace time coincides with the current time, he can no longer retrace his time.

And now, they have reached this critical point.

However, in these seven backtrackings, they have also detected a considerable amount of information.

For example, the existence of shadows, their abilities and weaknesses, the true faces of the shadow leaders, the enemy's plan to massacre the entire island on the 24th, one of the enemy leaders also has the ability to travel through time, etc.
But for the current situation, the most important information is:

After the sixth retracement, they came to the gym to prepare for a head-on confrontation with the opponent, but due to a mistake in decision-making, he was shot by the opponent. The seventh retracement was also the last retracement so far.

But now, they changed their original strategy and came to the stadium again.

At the same time, the other party is probably gathering here, and it is expected to arrive in a few ten minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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