Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 94 Escalating situation, unexpected situation

Chapter 94 Escalating situation, unexpected situation


Silence, long silence.

After listening to Fujimaru Ritsuka explain the current situation, Haibara Ai entered a dazed state again.

Shadow disease and shadows are not legends, but real monsters
Although it was only a very brief explanation, combined with the irrefutable facts she had just seen with her own eyes, it had a huge impact on the scientific worldview that she had been steadfast in since she was a child.

Fujimaru Ritsuka understood the fierce conflict in her heart at this time, so he stayed quietly by her side to accompany her, while Moriarty searched for some potentially useful information in the B&B.

There were other tourists in the B&B, and the violent movement just now attracted the attention of quite a few people. However, the situation was special now, so she had to use some magic to disperse all the tourists in the B&B.

Of course, she didn't use magic herself, but with the help of props——

[Druid's Staff].

This was a Valentine's Day return gift from Cu Chulainn of Caster's agency. It was the same model as the long staff he held in his hand.

Not only is it convenient for walking in the forest, but it also has some practical magic spells engraved on it, so that as a magician, she only needs to input magic power to selectively activate the corresponding magic.

For example, she just activated the magic to disperse the crowd.

"Miss Ritsuka, I think you might want to come take a look at this."

Suddenly, Moriarty's voice came from downstairs, as if he had discovered something.

She did not act immediately, but looked at Haihara Ai aside.

"Little sorrow?"

".Let's go."

After being silent for a long time, Haibara Ai finally calmed down and looked up at Fujimaru Ritsuka with a determined expression.

"At this point, there is no point in escaping from reality."

"I want to see what these monsters called shadows are made of!"

".You don't need to know the composition."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little ashamed. This speech sounded like he was going to dissect them, which was a little scary.

Is this the scientist?
So strong.

But seeing Hui Yuan Ai's menacing look, she also showed a relieved smile and took Hui Yuan Ai's hand downstairs.

"Then let's go."

Moriarty was waiting for them in the lobby on the first floor. When he saw Hui Yuan Ai, he smiled and said:

"Sure enough, children are easy to accept novel things, unlike an elderly gentleman like me."

"But I'm actually very open-minded!"

It's a pity that I am not a child and I am not so easy to accept novel things.

Also, you don’t look like you are old, do you?
Haihara Ai glanced at Moriarty silently, and couldn't help but recall the scene of the other party beating Shadow just now in her mind.

The astonishing speed and strength displayed by the opponent in the battle do not look like the performance of a normal 50-year-old man, right?
Speaking of which, although Fujimaru Ritsuka explained the existence of shadows to her, she did not explain the situation between herself and Butler James.

For example, the skill of Butler James, or the long wooden stick that Fujimaru Ritsuka took out from somewhere and put back without knowing where.

Exorcist family?Witcher?Onmyoji?Ninja?
Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't know all the strange ideas in Haibara Ai's mind. Under the leadership of Moriarty, he entered the kitchen and saw a dark figure-like mark on the floor in the kitchen.

She wondered:

"what is this?"

"do not know."

Moriarty replied:
"But I just compared it, and the shape of this figure is exactly the same as the outline of the store owner."

"Since the shadow killed the store owner, there should be the store owner's body. Even if the other party disposes of the body immediately, there will at least be traces left."

"But I checked the entire B&B and only found this suspicious trace."


Although Moriarty didn't say it explicitly, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Haibara Ai reacted very quickly.Although there is no evidence, judging from the current clues——

This dark humanoid mark is probably the body of the shop owner, right?

However, Moriarty did not give Fujimaru Ritsuka much time for silence. He asked:

"What are you going to do next?"


She pondered and thought, the most important thing at the moment was of course to investigate more about the shadow.

She checked the time on her phone. It was 19:55. It was already dark, but there were still many tourists outside. If she started investigating now——


Suddenly, a gunshot sounded in the distance, drifting from the silent night sky to their ears.

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's inner alarm suddenly sounded!


She yelled and instinctively grabbed the hands of Hui Yuan Ai and Moriarty.

Almost at the same time, the whole world suddenly began to distort, collapse and fall into pieces in the eyes of the three people.

"This is?!" ×3
However, there was no time to react. The next moment, a sudden flash occurred in front of the three people's eyes. When their vision returned again, the scenery in front of them was completely different.

But it's eerily familiar.

"Welcome back!"

They were now standing in the lobby on the first floor of the B&B. The store manager who was supposed to be dead appeared in front of them again and greeted them warmly.

No, the other party is not the store manager——

It's the shadow store manager!
But shouldn't he be dead?
Why do you still appear in front of them?

Didn't he already know that his identity was exposed?

Why do you still greet me so warmly?
The situation in front of them was so abnormal that people couldn't tell whether they were real or illusory.

No, something's wrong
Suddenly, Fujimaru Ritsuka realized something and looked back suddenly.

Outside the store, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the ground. Tourists were returning from various attractions one after another, and bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time.

But she still remembered that when she and Hui Yuan Ai went downstairs together, the sky outside had already darkened!
Could it be that.? !
She took out her phone and looked at the time again.

If she remembered correctly, the time she saw just now was 19:55, but now the time displayed on the phone screen is——

18 points.

She couldn't help but look at the other two people beside her. Moriarty and Haihara Ai also noticed the abnormality in front of them. The three of them looked at each other and could see the emotional changes in each other's eyes.

Shocked, unbelievable, surprised, solemn.
"What's wrong? You guys look weird. Are you too tired from playing?"

Seeing their strange appearance, the shadow store manager asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired from playing, but the scenery is very nice!"

After a moment of silence, Fujimaru Ritsuka pretended to be nonchalant and showed his usual lively smile.

"Then let's go up and rest first, and we'll talk about dinner and stuff later."

"No problem, just call me anytime if you need anything!"

The shadow store manager patted his chest and smiled boldly, not seeing anything unusual at all.

So they said goodbye to the shadow store manager, and the three of them went upstairs again, returned to their room, and closed the door tightly.

The moment she closed the door, Haiyuan Ai finally couldn't restrain her emotions and asked in disbelief:
"Did that just now travel through time and space?!"

"We, went back to the past?!!"

(End of this chapter)

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