Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 89 The last one, lottery, travel?

Chapter 89 The last one, lottery, travel?
Since this is a serious armed robbery case, our old friend Officer Megure is still here.

After he led the police team in, he scanned around and found no sign of Mouri Kogoro, but found Mao Lilan, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others next to the group of so-called robbers.

So he walked over and said hello:

"It's you, Ritsuka, and Xiaolan is here too."


Hearing this sentence, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes widened in disbelief, and he immediately shouted aggrievedly:
"It's really not me this time!!"

Mumu Shisan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and explained:
"I'm just saying hello to you, nothing else."

"Ah, uh, oh"

She reacted belatedly, and then touched her neck with some embarrassment, feeling that she seemed a little stressed.

Except for a few people who knew Fujimaru Ritsuka's deeds, they all looked curious after hearing the strange conversation between them, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Is such that."

Seeing Moriarty's inquiring eyes, Haibara Ai, who had left Fujimaru Ritsuka's arms at some point, told him the general story of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

After listening, Moriarty smiled emotionally and said:
"As expected of Ms. Ritsuka, she attracts attention as always no matter where she goes."

as always?

Moriarty's emotion attracted the attention of Haibara Ai and Conan again, and his reaction to Fujimaru Ritsuka when he was in danger just now was also a bit strange. He seemed to be relieved of her, and it seemed to be commonplace.

Could it be that Fujimaru Ritsuka has always been like this?
That's too bad, right?

The two of them had complicated thoughts. At the same time, Mu Mu Shisan began to formally handle the case, starting with the seizure of the gangster's pistol.


After getting the pistol, Megure Thirteen showed a slightly surprised look and asked Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"After you took the gun from the gangster, did you do anything else with the gun?"

She replied:

"To prevent the gun from going off, I had all the safeties on it open."

"That's it, no wonder."

Mumu Shisan nodded, then smiled somewhat unexpectedly:
"I didn't expect Tachibana to know something about firearms. It's really amazing."

She smiled sheepishly:

"Because I learned shooting in Cali before and was taught some knowledge about firearms. It's not a big deal."

Learning to shoot at home?Want to learn more about firearms?

Conan and Haihara Ai looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Then, Conan approached Suzuki Sonoko and asked her:
"Sister Yuanzi, is it now popular for girls from wealthy families to learn to shoot?"


Suzuki Sonoko said speechlessly:
"What kind of idiotic question is this? It's impossible for this kind of thing to become popular no matter how you think about it? Even as a personal hobby, it's quite unpopular."

"Ahaha, that's right."

Conan smiled and scratched his head, then seemed to remember something and asked again:
"By the way, Sister Sonoko, Sister Ritsuka is also the eldest lady of a wealthy family. Haven't you seen her before?"

As the second young lady of the Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki Sonoko is not interested in those so-called upper-class social occasions, but she occasionally participates in them, so she should know many upper-class families.

"No, there are so many rich people in Japan, how can I possibly know them all?"

Suzuki Sonoko shook her head, and then said somewhat suspiciously:
"You brat, why are you so keen on asking for news about Ritsuka? What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious."

Conan immediately pretended to be a child, scratched his head and laughed.

At the same time, he became more and more confused.From the series of information obtained so far about Fujimaru Ritsuka, it can be basically determined that she is a runaway eldest lady from a certain big family.

Judging from the information provided by Suzuki Sonoko, this family should not be a relatively well-known family.

However, this did not make the identity of Fujimaru Ritsuka clearer. On the contrary, the various intelligence revealed during the investigation made the other party's specific situation more confusing.

The first is the housekeeper James. The attitude he showed towards Fujimaru Ritsuka in this incident was as if Fujimaru Ritsuka had often experienced such dangerous situations, was used to it, and was quite relieved about her.

Then there is the skill displayed by Fujimaru Ritsuka, which shows that she should be training in fighting for a long time like Ran.

And just now, the other party stated that she had also studied shooting and firearms knowledge.

The combination of this new series of information gave him an absurd and incredible feeling.

What kind of family would allow its eldest daughter to undergo long-term combat training, learn shooting and firearms knowledge, and seem to be often in danger? !

This was Conan's first reaction, but the series of words and deeds shown by Fujimaru Ritsuka made him feel like he did not come from a mafia background.

It's weird anyway.

Here Conan is still entangled, but over there Megure Thirteen has taken away all the robbers, collected evidence, said goodbye to Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, and left in a hurry.

However, due to an armed robbery, all the customers in the car store except their group had left.

It can be said to be extremely unlucky that something like this happened right after the store opened. All the store employees were crying and felt like they had seen the future of this store closing down.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka said to one of the staff:

"Can I continue to look at the car?"

The purpose of her coming here was to buy a car. Even if a case happened, it wouldn't make her change her mind.


The staff member she asked was stunned for a moment, but soon his eyes sparkled again, and he raised his iconic business smile and said:
"Of course, please come this way!"

Although it was said that they were looking at cars, the decision was almost made just now, including an armored off-road vehicle that she was interested in, and a retro sedan that Moriarty was interested in.

Originally, she wanted to buy two cars together, but suddenly she remembered that her current home only had space for one car, and there was no way to park two cars.

In the end, she had no choice but to give up her luxurious plan to buy two cars and chose the retro car Moriarty liked.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After successfully completing a transaction, the employees fired a small salute with smiles on their faces, feeling that this store might still have some future.

At this time, another staff member came to Fujimaru Ritsuka with a box in his arms and explained with a smile:
"Guest, this is a lottery event we conduct after purchasing a car. You can draw a prize for free. The rewards are very generous."

"Then let me try."

There is always an irresistible temptation for something like a lottery, so she enthusiastically reached into the box and drew out her prize——

"Three-day trip family (three people) package?"

The staff on the side explained to her that the contents of this travel package are: all transportation, accommodation and meal expenses incurred during the trip and play of the three people will be borne by the car shop.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that Leonardo da Vinci seemed to have suggested that she go on a trip.

Three people, three days.
"Xiao Ai, do you want to go?"

She asked Haiyuan Ai.

In response, Haiyuan Ai nodded slightly and said:
"If it takes three days, I'll be fine."

"Then go!"

So she happily made the decision, but the staff told her that the location of the trip had already been determined.

"Ridu Island?"

(End of this chapter)

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