Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 85 Conversations and Clues

Chapter 85 Conversations and Clues

"So Ritsuka, are you here to buy a car?"

"It seems that we are quite destined to meet you here."

Mao Lilan happily came to Fujimaru Ritsuka and chatted with her.

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled reluctantly when he heard this:
"Yeah, it seems like we are really destined."

If Conan wasn't here, she would probably be really happy.

Then, Mao Lilan introduced Suzuki Sonoko next to her:

"This is the Ritsuka I told you about before. She is very skilled. This is my good friend Suzuki Sonoko."

She looked at Suzuki Sonoko and smiled:

"Hi, my name is Fujimaru Ritsuka. If you don't mind, just call me Ritsuka."

Suzuki Sonoko is also an old unlucky guy.

Speaking of which, she didn't seem to see Mouri Kogoro this time.

Put it this way, the person who will be persecuted by Conan today is most likely Suzuki Sonoko, right?
Facing Fujimaru Ritsuka's greeting, Suzuki Sonoko smiled and responded politely:
"Hello Ritsuka, nice to meet you."

Although she said that, Mao Lilan beside her was keenly aware that her friend's attitude towards Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to be inexplicably cold, which made her feel a little confused.

She didn't say anything on the surface, but she changed her mind about continuing to chat with Fujimaru Ritsuka and smiled:

"In that case, we won't bother you anymore. I hope you can buy a car you like."

"I'd like to lend you some good advice. Let's talk later."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and nodded, turned around and left with Moriarty, and began to choose his favorite vehicle.

After seeing the two people leaving, Mao Lilan turned to Suzuki Sonoko and asked:

"Sonoko, I think your attitude towards Ritsuka seems to be colder than towards others. Is there something wrong?"

"Emmmmmm, it's not a problem, what should I say?"

Suzuki Sonoko touched her neck, and after thinking for a while, she said to her friend:

"Xiaolan, did you see the old man following her?"

"Yeah, I saw it,"

Mao Lilan nodded and smiled with interest:

"He seems to be a very gentlemanly old man, and he is a foreigner, right? I originally wanted to get to know him."

Suzuki Sonoko said:

"If nothing else, the old man should be the housekeeper of the other party's family, and he is also a British-style housekeeper. It seems that the other party's family background is not simple."

Mao Lilan said in surprise:

"Is that so? Hey, he feels like a character that only appears in TV dramas."

"That's it, that's the crux of the matter."

Saying this, Suzuki Sonoko folded her arms and said:

"Although I have a housekeeper like this in my family, I personally don't like a guy like her who likes to show off with her housekeeper everywhere."

"So this is ah."

Mao Lilan said clearly.

As the second young lady of the Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki Sonoko is actually quite a powerful person.

But her character has always been carefree, and she never shows off her status as a eldest lady in front of others. She is kind, values ​​her friends, and has a very sincere heart.

Because of this, the two of them became good friends.

It's normal for Suzuki Sonoko to dislike those guys who show off their wealth.


"There may be some misunderstanding, because I don't think Ritsuka is that kind of person."

Mao Lilan explained while guessing:

"I have seen her twice before, but this is the first time I have seen her housekeeper. Maybe there is some other reason this time?"

Suzuki Sonoko was noncommittal about this. In fact, she was not very interested in Fujimaru Ritsuka as a stranger.So she quickly changed the topic and happily pulled Mao Lilan to the other side.

"Let's take a look at the car, Xiaolan. Speaking of which, I saw a very beautiful car over there!"

"Wait, don't pull me, I know I'm leaving!"

After greeting Fujimaru Ritsuka, Haibara Ai met Conan again.

But before they could even exchange a few words, the other three members of the Young Detective Team swarmed up and surrounded Haibara Ai.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya said in surprise:
"I didn't expect Xiao Ai to come here too, what a coincidence!"

Yoshida Ayumi actively explained:
"Originally, we planned to ask you to come together, but Conan-kun said that you had other things to do. Unexpectedly, we ended up meeting each other anyway!"

Kojima Motota said happily:
"Now the Young Detective Team has assembled again!"

"Hush! Don't make any noise in public!"

Seeing the unkind eyes of the people around him being attracted to their noise again, Conan quickly motioned for them to keep their voices down.

"But speaking of which, who was the beautiful sister next to Xiao Ai just now? It seems that I have never seen her before."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka in the distance and asked curiously.

Ayumi Yoshida and Genta Kojima also looked at Ai Haihara curiously after hearing this. To this, she just replied lightly:
"It's just a sister I know, it's no big deal."

On the other side, Conan suddenly had a thought and said to the three of them:

"By the way, don't you want to see the car? Sister Xiaolan and Sister Yuanzi are almost gone. If you go late, you may not be able to get there?"


"Oops, catch up!"

"Wait for us!"

The three of them were successfully diverted, and regardless of the previous problem, they hurried towards the direction where Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were, causing a flurry of excitement there.

Sorry, Sonoko, I can only ask you to contain these little guys.

Conan mentally mourned for Suzuki Sonoko for a second, and then finally got to the point.

He asked Haiyuan Ai:

"Haibara, who is that gentleman-looking foreign grandfather who suddenly appeared next to Ritsuka?"

Moriarty, who suddenly appeared behind Fujimaru Ritsuka today, immediately caught his attention the moment he appeared.

And for some reason, the existence of the other party made him inexplicably concerned.

Hui Yuan Ai replied:
"That old man's name is James, and he is sister Ritsuka's housekeeper."

Conan was surprised when he heard this and said:
"James? Butler?"

After she briefly described what she had just witnessed to Conan, Conan held his chin and looked at the back of Fujimaru Ritsuka in the distance and sighed:
"In other words, she is really a young lady who ran away from home."

"I thought you could only see settings like this in TV dramas."

Then, he turned his eyes to Moriarty, who was following Fujimaru Ritsuka. Although he was inexplicably concerned, he really couldn't see anything now, so he had to give up in the end.

"Conan-kun, don't stay too far away from us, be careful if you get lost! And Xiao Ai too!"

"Okay Sister Xiaolan, I'll be right over!"

Hearing Mao Lilan's call in the distance, Conan quickly responded, turned to Haibara and lamented:
"Then let's do this for now. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

"I understand, go to your sister Xiaolan's place quickly."

Hui Yuan Ai waved her hand casually, dropped a teasing word, and turned around to leave, leaving only Conan with a black hair.

Are you mocking me?You are mocking me!
Damn evil woman!

So, Conan turned and ran towards Mao Lilan and the others, but on the way, he suddenly noticed that there were a few people next to him who seemed to be acting a little strangely.

He frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, urgent coding is in progress today!

  Hope you all support!

(End of this chapter)

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