Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 76 Conversation Tangled and Brainstorming

Chapter 76 Conversation × Confusion × Brainstorming
On the recommendation of the taxi driver, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Miyano Shiho came to a restaurant that was said to be very delicious.

Entering the store, the two found a seat to the side, sat down and prepared to order.

She smiled at Miyano Shiho:

"Because I don't know what you like to eat, so I ask you to order for yourself?"


Miyano Shiho picked up the menu, lowered his head slightly, and his voice sounded a little cold.

In fact, the erected menu blocked the slight blush on her face.

Recalling her reaction when she saw Fujimaru Ritsuka just now, she still feels a little ashamed.

It's so embarrassing. Do you really think you are a brat? !

Miyano Shiho scolded himself in his heart.

Moreover, she had clearly decided before that she would never let the other party have anything to do with her, and she would not let the other party get involved, but now she comes here again.
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly look at Fujimaru Ritsuka opposite.

At this moment, she was very confused.

On the one hand, her rationality tells her that for the sake of Fujimaru Ritsuka's safety, the best choice now is to stay away from the other party and not involve the other party;
But on the other hand, whenever she saw the other person's face, her emotions made her want to get closer and rely on him.

Because, the way the other person made me feel that night——

Just like a sister.



Fujimaru Ritsuka's sudden words made her shrink back in fright, but the other party didn't seem to notice anything unusual about her, and ordered to the waiting waiter who came over:
"Hey, I want this and this!"

"Okay. Where are you, kid?"

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, this is fine."

Facing the waiter's question, Miyano Shiho quickly scanned the menu in front of him in a panic, and made a casual decision while pretending to be calm.

"Okay, please wait a moment, two guests."

After ordering, Fujimaru Ritsuka put the menu aside and smiled apologetically at Miyano Shiho:

"I'm sorry. Due to some special reasons, I left in a hurry and didn't have time to say hello to you."

".It's ok."

Regarding the other party's apology, Miyano Shiho felt even more embarrassed.

Because after all, there is no need for the other party to apologize to her, right?

The two of them didn't know each other. She just stayed at the other person's house for one night after being rescued by the other person.

And speaking of it, the other party seemed to have never asked her for any information from beginning to end, but was willing to give her trust and help unconditionally.

She obviously looks like a child with problems
After being silent for a long time, she finally made up her mind, looked up at Fujimaru Ritsuka, and said:

"Haihara Ai. This is my name."
Sure enough, her name is still Haiyuan Ai?
This thought quickly flashed through Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind.

Then, she smiled sadly at Miyano Shiho, no, at Haibara:

"Haiyuan Ai, can I call you Xiao Ai?"

"My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka. You can also just call me Ritsuka. Because calling me Fujimaru sounds like calling a boy."

"Okay, Sister Ritsuka."

Haihara Ai changed her words very obediently and naturally added the title of sister.

But the sound of 'sister' made both of them stunned for a moment.

For Haihara Ai, these were completely unintentional words that she blurted out unconsciously, but they seemed to reflect some kind of desire in her heart.

Seeing the unexpected expression on her face, Haiyuan Ai suddenly panicked and wanted to explain:

"sorry, I."

"There is nothing to apologize for. I just thought of other things." Seeing the other party's panic, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and comforted the other party:
"I like this title very much. So, please give me some advice, Xiao Ai."

".Yes, Sister Ritsuka."

When Hui Yuan Ai heard this, his expression suddenly relaxed, and then he nodded in response, with an imperceptible smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

The reason why she was stunned for a moment just now was because the name Haihara Ai called her suddenly reminded her of a question——

Which one is bigger, her or Miyano Shiho?

Forget it.

But after thinking about it for a second, she decisively gave up investigating.

In short, judging from the setting, Miyano Shiho is definitely older than her.

But Miyano Shiho is Miyano Shiho, and Haibara Ai is Haibara Ai. There is no problem.

Then, she seemed to think of something again and sighed:
"Speaking of which, there are obviously so many children in Mingjia, but not many of them can call me sister."

There were many child servants in Chaldea, some just a little younger than her.

Some of them called her Master, some called her by name, some gave her nicknames, some called her senpai, and some even called her mother.

But if you count carefully, it seems that only Jiuwenlong Eliza occasionally calls her sister?
But most of the time I would call her Master, Leader or something like that.

It's a bit strange if you think about it carefully.

On the other side, Haibara Ai keenly grasped some information inadvertently revealed in Fujimaru Ritsuka's words.

For example, 'There are so many children at home', such as 'She is rarely called sister'.

It is necessary to use 'so many' to describe the number of children. I am afraid it is not just as simple as two or three. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the other party includes cousins.

This is in line with the origin of the other party's big family.

More importantly, she said that there are many children at home but they rarely call her sister. This is obviously not a situation that a normal family should have.

In other words, the relationship between Fujimaru Ritsuka and her family may not be harmonious.

On the night when the two first met, she speculated that Fujimaru Ritsuka might be an inexperienced eldest lady who ran away from a certain big family, and now the information that the other party inadvertently revealed was a revelation. got more information.

For example, the reason why Fujimaru Ritsuka ran away from home may be related to what she just said.

A large family that can be passed down to this day has more or less shady nastiness. Intrigues among each other are normal, and it is not surprising that even people who develop are killed and silenced.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka's character is so kind, she might seem out of tune with the people around her.

Perhaps because of this, she was ostracized in the family. Even her younger brothers and sisters looked down on her and were unwilling to call her 'sister'.

In the end, Fujimaru Ritsuka had no choice but to run away from home and move outside alone.

Well, that makes sense.

As for why she left in such a hurry before, maybe it was because there was some emergency situation in the family that forced her to go back and deal with it quickly, right?
For example, alternation of power, competition for property?
At this moment, Haihara Ai imagined a bloody drama about the overlapping power of wealthy families, and it was very reasonable.

At the same time, her gaze towards Fujimaru Ritsuka changed again.

She couldn't help but feel worried for Fujimaru Ritsuka when she thought of the other party being involved in such a silent struggle without bloodshed.

After all, judging from the neurotic character that Fujimaru Ritsuka currently displays, there is absolutely no connection with the word 'scheming'.

It's really frustrating.

"Grey Yuan?"

Suddenly, a surprised call interrupted Haihara Ai's thinking.

Hearing someone calling her name, Haihara Ai looked in the direction of the sound and saw Conan, who seemed to have just entered the restaurant not far away, looking at her in surprise.

Following him were Maori Kogoro and Maori Lan.


(End of this chapter)

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