Chapter 73 Confession and Party

In a cubicle of an izakaya in Shinjuku, Tokyo, a gathering place for teachers and students of Tokyo High School, everyone sat in a circle, and the table was filled with all kinds of delicacies.

But at this time, everyone did not care about the delicious food in front of them. All eyes were fixed on Fujimaru Ritsuka, transforming into a curious baby and a shocked baby.

"Different world?!"



It was originally a high school party, but now it has turned into a personal information conference for Fujimaru Ritsuka.

But this is also an expected reaction, because the true identity and origins revealed by Fujimaru Ritsuka are so unbelievable, like a plot that only appears in comics.

Of course, things like spell power and spellcasters actually sound quite comical.

Fujimaru Ritsuka already had very rich experience in self-reporting, and she explained the situation of Chaldea and herself in detail. However, because the information was too shocking, there was still a brief moment of confusion in the room. silence.

"It's just as I expected, it's really unbelievable, isn't it?!"

"Even I was surprised for a long time at first!"

Seeing everyone's reactions, Gojo Satoru showed a satisfied smile, and then talked about his mental journey with great interest.

It seems that he almost choked himself in order to help Fujimaru Ritsuka keep the secret.

Finally, everyone slowly came back to their senses from the information bomb thrown by Fujimaru Ritsuka, and Kugisaki Wild Rose still asked her in disbelief:
"Are you sure those words just now were not a joke?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled apologetically:
"It's really not the case. I'm sorry I kept it secret from you for so long."

"We can all understand the idea of ​​concealing one's identity, but it still sounds a bit unbelievable."

Kugizaki's words made everyone nod in agreement.

In fact, after getting along with each other for such a period of time, they more or less understood that Fujimaru Ritsuka's identity should not be simple, at least not the so-called newcomer spell master who had just awakened his magic skills.

Performances like Junpei Yoshino and Hisahito Kizune's initial ignorance and then gradual growth are normal phenomena.

Even Otoko Yuta, who is now also a special-level magician, came here like this at the beginning.

Now, the answer is finally clear, but it's far more exaggerated than any of them expected.

"Is it the most unlikely option that was eliminated first?"

Fushiguro Megumi murmured in a daze.

At first, he had speculated on Fujimaru Ritsuka's identity and came to the conclusion that 'the power used by the other party may not be magical power', but because the conclusion was too outrageous, he was the first to rule it out.

Unexpectedly, the correct conclusion was directly eliminated.

On the side, Noctua Masamichi finally understood why Gojo Satoru had concealed Fujimaru Ritsuka's information so closely.

If those high-level officials had noticed some clues about her true identity, they would have been in trouble.

It's just that this trouble is not only Fujimaru Ritsuka's trouble, but it may also become a trouble for their world.

"No wonder you are so strong, Ritsuka. Didn't you expect that you are from another world?!"

At this time, Hishito Polygonatum sighed, and then asked excitedly:
"In other words, Ritsuka, you and the Chaldean organization are specifically responsible for saving the world?! He's so handsome, just like the protagonist of a comic!"

Hearing this, she scratched her head in embarrassment and said:

"The purpose of Chaldea's mission is to ensure the survival of humanity, but in reality it's more or less the same."

"But forget about being the protagonist of a comic book or something like that. I'm just an ordinary person with mediocre abilities, not that powerful."

ordinary people?

Everyone looked at each other in shock at Fujimaru Ritsuka's statement.

Finally, the panda couldn't help complaining to her:
"I'm talking about Ritsuka. Let's not mention the issue of ability. Just being able to travel through the world is already beyond the scope of ordinary people, right?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned for a moment and was speechless.

After all, even Da Vinci didn't understand what was going on with [Spiritual Transfer] constitution, let alone herself.So, she could only say harshly:

"Even ordinary people, everyone has their own specialties. I think this is normal."

Is the ability to travel across the world considered a specialty?

Is this specialty too long?

Everyone hesitated to speak, but seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to be very resistant to facing the facts, they could only give up on the topic and ask about other interesting things.

Then, the topic at the party gradually spread from Fujimaru Ritsuka to other people.

Others also started talking to each other, and the atmosphere of the party gradually became normal and became more lively and cheerful.

Knotweed Hisahito raised the glass filled with orange juice soda in his hand, grinned and shouted loudly:
"Anyway, first of all, congratulations to Teacher Gojo and Principal Noctua on their promotions, cheers!"

"This is nothing to celebrate."

Everyone cheered in unison, clinking glasses and making crackling sounds, drowning Noctua Zhengdao's helpless sigh.

"Accept your fate, Principal Noctua, no, Lord Noctua."


Gojo Satoru patted him on the shoulder, let out an unscrupulous laugh, and successfully obtained the chokehold correction from Noctua Masami.

"Wrong, wrong...!"

The companions were chatting happily, and from time to time there was the sound of chewing and the crisp sound of tableware clashing, like a different kind of symphony.

The dim light in the izakaya made everyone's faces sometimes clear and sometimes blurry, like a dream.

In this lively and cheerful party, even though no one was drinking, everyone felt a bit drunk but not drunk.

The dinner party between teachers and students of Tokyo High School came to a successful conclusion, and everyone returned home happily.

Returning to his dormitory room, Fujimaru Ritsuka jumped onto his comfortable little bed, turned around and looked at the slightly old wooden ceiling above his head, and was stunned.

She thinks that she is not the sentimental type, but the ending after every happy gathering does make people feel a little melancholy.

Although she has experienced this scene countless times so far, she still can't get used to it completely.

Joan of Arc Alter and the two rituals have been summoned by her and returned to Chaldea to report her current situation to Leonardo da Vinci and others to find a solution to the problem.

Recalling her experience during this period, she couldn't help but sigh:

"It's over."


Along with the sigh, the fatigue in her body also came, causing her to let out a long yawn.

Speaking of which, after coming to this world, she seemed to be basically busy and didn't seem to have much free time to rest.

But she didn't mean to complain, after all, everything she did in this world was her own wish.

It’s just that, more or less, I’m still a little bit dissatisfied——

Am I really a toiler?

No way? !

As soon as this idea came to her mind, she was startled by herself and quickly gave up the terrible idea, as if she was afraid that it would come true.

Forget it, go to sleep and wait until tomorrow
"Knock knock."


At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Fujimaru Ritsuka came to the door in confusion. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Gojo Satoru's smiling face as always.

"Hey, Ritsuka, do you want to go out for a walk?"

(End of this chapter)

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