Chapter 49 New plan

Fujimaru Ritsuka murmured this word thoughtfully.

However, Ultimate Mechamaru thought she was just confused, so he continued:
"While cooperating with the other party, I also obtained some important intelligence."

"The other party will never allow me to live with this information."

"If nothing else, they should have planned to kill me after the deal was completed. I originally had some backup plans for this. It's just that your appearance broke our plans."

"After realizing the real person's death, I immediately began to transfer my body to avoid the other party's pursuit."

"Therefore, I hope that you and Gojo Satoru can come to pick me up and ensure my safety. Accordingly, I will provide all the information I know."

"I promise, this piece of information is very important."
"Are you kidding us?"

Luo Hu stood in front of 'Xia Youjie' and asked in a low tone.

The crater above his head is already billowing with smoke, symbolizing the anger that is about to erupt in its owner's heart.

In fact, even without observing through these appearances, people standing by could feel the murderous aura overflowing from Luo Hu at this time, let alone 'Xia Youjie' who was the first to bear the brunt.

"First the real person, and now Hana Yuzhen is not just asking us to die, right?"

Losing two important companions one after another made Luohu's mood extremely bad.

In front of him, 'Xia Youjie' still said with a smile:
"Calm down, you should understand that doing this will not benefit me or our plan."

"It's just that I really didn't expect that Gojo Satoru would react so quickly and hide it among the students."

As he said that, 'Xia Youjie' looked at the photo of Fujimaru Ritsuka on the coffee table. Judging from the scene and angle above, it should have been secretly taken during the group battle.

This is not the first time they have dealt with each other. If nothing else, the real person was also the other party's handiwork that time.

Investigating the incident were a first-level conjurer and two high school students, one of whom was Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It's just that they didn't pay attention to it at first, nor did they notice that she was the secret chess laid by Gojo Satoru.

But this time it was true that they were one step away from each other. The opponent should have been during the exchange meeting. Furthermore, it should be said that he became a high school student after Rakko met Gojo Satoru.

Precisely because the opponent's entry time was so short, they were unable to discover the opponent's existence in time, and spent two important combat forces on this.

"Rather than saying it was premeditated, wouldn't it be better to say it was just the right time?"

He didn't think that Gojo Satoru could hide such a young super-level magician until now. He preferred that the other party, like Otoko Yuta last year, was a newcomer discovered by Gojo Satoru.

Moreover, the other party, like Yigu Youta, has extremely high talents.

But no matter what, at least they have now successfully pulled the other party out from the darkness, and then they only need to take the other party into account.

For him, the most terrifying thing is the unknown uncertainty, not how much combat power the opponent has.

The only combat power that he needed to be careful about was Satoru Gojo.

"Due to the occurrence of this series of events, our original plan can no longer be implemented, but fortunately, I have determined a new plan."

'Xia Youjie' chuckled.

However, when the other party mentioned the plan, Luohu's face turned even darker.

He said angrily:

"What's the point of talking about plans now? Without Masato and Kagome, there's no way I can delay Gojo Satoru for 10 minutes by myself!"

"You also let the conjurer run away. As long as he tells Gojo Satoru the information, our plan will be in vain in an instant!" "Everything is over!!"

However, 'Xia Youjie' still said calmly:

"So I said, I have determined a new plan. Letting go of the conjurer is part of my new plan."

"For this plan, you don't need to delay Gojo Satoru. Gojo Satoru is left to me. All you need to do is grab the two-faced Su Nuo container and let the other party eat all the fingers we saved."

"Besides, she is also left to you,"

He threw the photo of Fujimaru Ritsuka in front of Okoko and said with a smile:

"You must also want to avenge Huayu and the others, right? How about this, a super-level spellcaster who was just discovered not long ago, can you deal with it?"

Rokuro lowered his head and stared at Fujimaru Ritsuka in the photo. After a moment of silence, the photo was suddenly submerged in flames. He gritted his teeth and said:
"I will burn her to ashes!"

It seemed that because he had set a new goal, Luohu's mood finally stabilized.

At this time, he seemed to remember something, raised his head and asked 'Xia Youjie':

"Since you have a way to deal with Gojo Satoru alone, why did you let us hold Gojo Satoru for 10 minutes before?"

'Xia Youjie' replied:

"Because it's risky. I wouldn't be willing to gamble if I could, but that's all I can do now."


After hearing this, Luohu stopped talking, considered to have approved his answer, and silently turned around and left.

After Luo Hu left, the smile on 'Xia Youjie''s face gradually faded away, and he looked at the photo that Luo Hu had burned to ashes with an expressionless expression, and murmured:

"It's really a trick. And I don't like gambling."

In reality, his plan was simple, with some trade-offs on the details of the original plan.

The special curse [Prison Gate Border] is a living barrier that can seal any existence no matter how powerful it is.

The conditions for its use are that the sealed person needs to stay in the effective seal range with a radius of about 4 meters for 1 minute. This is not a harsh condition, but if the sealed person is Gojo Satoru, it will be very harsh.

Fortunately, this 1 minute is the time in the opponent's mind and does not require 1 minute in reality.

His original plan was to use the body he now occupied - the information that Gojo Satoru's friend Xia Youjie suddenly came back from the dead and appeared in front of him - to obtain this one minute.

This is why he avoids Gojo Satoru.

Because this information can only be used once, if it appears in front of the opponent in advance, then this information will be wasted, and his plan will be ruined.

In addition, Gojo Satoru's [Six Eyes] may also be able to see through him as a fake in an instant.

It was in order to deal with this that he asked Riko and others to hold Gojo Satoru for 10 minutes, thereby increasing the probability of success by consuming Gojo Satoru's physical energy.

But now, Rokuro alone can no longer complete the task of holding back Gojo Satoru, and he has no choice but to change his plan.

The key to the change of plan lies in the high school student he let go and Kokichi.

"Kokichi-kun, you must tell Gojo Satoru everything about my identity and plans without reservation."

'Xia Youjie', or in other words, the curse spirit that occupied Xia Youjie's body, Kang Suo, murmured this.

(End of this chapter)

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